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File:1725772778770.jpg (22.29 KB,400x296)


We're taking the fight to the norms.


call them normalfags you goddamn redditard


just stumbled in here from r/4chan and i gotta agree, faggots and niggers need to use the right niggerfaggot terms!


r/4chan is weird they take screencaps of some really mundane stuff and it gets thousands of upvotes somehow


lurk before posting


File:1720566127661.png (260.42 KB,1491x812)

We're taking the fight to the norms.


¥ nooo we need to heccin call them norms


taking the fight to this retard >>34124


File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (247.46 KB,1920x1080)

you might say that saying norm.... is the norm

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