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File:F8kaud4bkAIFF5H.jpg (396.41 KB,2800x2000)


When you think about it, those holding office don't really do much in the way of actually working or staking out well defined positions on anything. Their answers are vague at best with some feel goodness to them, or too specific without any care for how people feel. It seems that just like with people at any other job they're only half-assing it with luck being the primary factor that landed them where they are today.

I could go and be President. In fact, I bet I could if I laid out the proper groundwork for it.




Well they are all trying to get votes so they often have to be vague and feel goody. Looking at their polices can be useful though. They have to create and pass legislation which is a lot of work as well, though it's not the president himself that does that but other people in office. The president has a lot of other work to do though.

It doesn't seme to be that hard to be US president these days so it's worth a shot, unless you mean to be president of a more functional country then it might be harder.


no politics is actually pretty hard. Most people actually get burnt out due to not being able to do what they wanted once they get some sort of power. Most of the idealist types don't succeed in politics not because they lose to realists but actually because they see all their effort amount to nothing but a compromise with the other side. That's why politics is full of kuso people, it's all a bunch of sad fucks.

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