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File:5593103bdcff7516e869fa4fef….mp4 (34.96 MB,1920x1080)


What would Kuon think of Spanish DBZ lolidom eroanimation?
It's an important icon of cultural exchange, which I'm sure she would appreciate in her own way given her various experiences in Tuskur and Yamato.


I think Kuon would disagree with that being a loli


Pan (10歳) is here depicted as a kyojiri loli (now a tag on gel), which I feel has become a lot more common in the last couple years, though this specific sort of huge blobby ass is much more of a western rather than eastern thing. Kinda like the inverse of wasei-eigo.
Maybe if Nekone packed a few more pounds she could show Kuon how it looks, but alas. She's not shabby enough.


Nekone is pure! Pure!! Stop defiling her in your perverted thoughts! Kuon would smack you over the head, maybe with one her thick yaoi doujins!


i'll smack kuon with something thick tehe


gonna counter with a hit of comic LO
if she fights back i'm going nuclear with shonen jump


File:[SubsPlease] Dragon Ball D….jpg (191.61 KB,1920x1080)

>kyojiri loli
>Loli characters that have a huge_ass
But she also has developed breasts, wide hips, muscles and... actually maybe it would save time to list the loli traits she has, which are....uhh...

Gelbooru points out that kyojiri loli is basically the inverse of oppai loli and that makes enough sense I guess. Definitely a Western thing since Western artists like putting giant butts on everyone. Seems like the easiest way to get followers and fame so you can't blame them. I'm glad Kuon is relatively unknown in cases like this.


Her breasts are on the smaller end of the spectrum, arguably smaller than the weird cone boobers some people give their lolis. Wide hips are extremely common, and I'm not sure what you mean by muscles since they're not marked, and there do exist some muscle lolis out there, though they're rare.
Something weird that happens in western discussion here and there is the argument that "shortstack" is a codeword for loli with how the line is heavily blurred in this way, as you can see in this post and the one it's replying to:
It really is a blessing that Kuon doesn't have to deal with this shit.


Well that's because westerners are retarded and don't know dick about anything.
Kuon be praised that she'll never deal with westoids.


Kuon wouldn't like seeing you insult yourself like that.


You see, this is a really, really ironic thing to say about Kuon in particular, because she lives in what is basically a romanticized recreation of feudal Chinese and Japanese society.

[Super Major Ultra spoiler, you have been warned non-Utawarerumono players]:
Kuon lives in a post-climate disaster Earth where humanity has essentially gone extinct. The kemomimi people were lab-created to survive the new conditions as the last thing humanity did before going extinct due to a curse. The kemomimi people emerge from the labs they were created in and flourish on the surface and go on to rebuild society, but in doing so they only imitate the aesthetic forms of humanity's past, especially in Yamato. For Yamato in particular, we explicitly learn that one remaining human had been sharing knowledge of the past with the kemomimi people, and prior to this the kemomimi people were largely tribal and ignorant, but this human's knowledge allowed them to construct a great capital and state. To some extent, we also see this happen in the first game with Hakuowlo sharing knowledge like how to make fertilizer and other things which dramatically increase the strength of the small farming town he finds himself in, (which will eventually become the Japan-spanning empire of Tsukur). Hakuowlo is kind of unique though what with the whole being a human who's sorta possessed by a God, and at the same time being a re-awakened God thing he's got going on... At any rate! All that's to say... The society Kuon lives in is entirely derivative of the extinct human culture. They are quite literally weeaboos for humanity. Humans essentially only exist in myth because every cryo-preserved human Kuon and others find immediately is struck by the curse that is placed upon humanity, turning them into a large writhing mass of red flesh. Kuon herself is literally a relic hunter for human artifacts, which is how she finds Haku!!

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