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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

Everyone loves Kuon!

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File:88a6a248a76a07f084c5c3891f….jpg (40.44 KB,243x261)


i can see it


File:00018.jpg (699.53 KB,1356x1920)

Kuon is so beautiful. There are a couple images of her in a bikini, but I opted to go with only images that were less risqué


File:5bfa195cabf25ca8d3b29e578….jpeg (52.62 KB,510x363)

i can see it


File:d7e49a16f6a73eba8c0ad169bd….jpg (270.05 KB,1747x1503)

i can see it


post the bikini pics wtf don't hoard our Kuon!


File:027_AMADUYU_TATSUKI_ART_WO….jpg (2.58 MB,4854x6950)



File:018_AMADUYU_TATSUKI_ART_WO….jpg (2.38 MB,4877x6958)

Silly yet seductive, you will find no greater blep


YES!(I see no Kuon here)


File:00013.jpg (734.96 KB,1356x1920)

Oh wait I have the digital versions


File:00023.jpg (624.7 KB,1356x1920)


What's the difference?(Forgot Kuon AGAIN?!)


File:waterfox_noop757Sl0.png (1.57 MB,1041x730)

The digital version has far better detail


Hmmm, maybe it's a bit higher detail, but I see some artifacting on my screen in it that the other doesn't. Are there any lossless versions of the digital art so we can see Kuon in crisp, detailed, kuonlicious glory?


File:017_AMADUYU_TATSUKI_ART_WO….jpg (2.86 MB,4846x6958)

It does seem a bit artifact-y, yeah. I don't know why you'd make a digital artbook and use JPEGs. If there was a nice PNG version available I'd probably buy it myself.
Well, I'd prefer to have a physical book maybe


Oh yeah, didn't notice that.
Honestly, their faces and hands look pretty bad, compared to their bodies.
Kuon in biniki is very erokawaii.


File:00022.jpg (724.44 KB,1356x1920)

digital version


File:C-1665804276628.png (3.91 KB,882x19)

Incoming Kuon payload, possibly


File:[SubsPlease] Utawarerumono….jpg (92.45 KB,1280x720)

I highly suggest you don't look at that if you're not familiar with the whole story of the third one


File:explorer_XXIRp0WLxZ.png (15.32 KB,795x120)

2.48GB, though, hmm.... I'm not familiar with that one. All my stuff combined isn't that large.
Could Kuon exist in more detail? Where is that from?


File:SCAN_10.png (23.44 MB,2350x3484)


Ah, a more elaborate (and huge) scan. Nice! Individual Kuon dots!


File:[SubsPlease] Utawarerumono….jpg (99.38 KB,1280x720)


So uhh... where did you get that one? I'm not sure if you're purposely avoiding answering or if you just didn't get around to it.
Is it BakaBT or something?


Am I missing something? The name of the torrent was given in the screencap in >>8193 - it's just the Moozzi2 release from Nyaa (it shows as 2.48GiB in that image, rather than the full 19.2GiB, because they're only downloading the extras).


Oh. I was going by filesize... Yeah, I guess that could be it. Thanks.


File:[SubsPlease] Utawarerumono….jpg (162.33 KB,1280x720)

The allure of Kuon!


Should I sperm to kuon


Only if you love her with all of your heart. You do love Kuon, right?


File:28d2beb54eb4615cede19d0af….jpeg (238.51 KB,2048x1178)

Funnily enough I think official art lewds kuon more than fanart, which is odd because she's not a prude


the pissu of Kuon


Isn't Kuon from an Eroge? I thought Utawarerumono was an Eroge...


The first one is, but she's not in that one. Well, I guess technically Kuon and Fumirul are both in it, but you can't recognize it


File:Utawarerumono.S02E03.False….jpg (176.26 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm, it might be the nature of a good escapism VN with a romantic theme to it. She's not just some cute and sexy girl, you get to know her and spend lots of time with her. I think (and hope) people that only saw her in anime form also got to see enough of her in 53 episodes to get such a feeling, too. Well, it's nothing new, but I guess it goes to show that even a character with a very sensual aspect to her can still inspire strong endearment more than simple lust




File:[Moozzi2] Utawarerumono It….jpg (184.34 KB,1920x1080)

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