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File:F9PQhsvakAEm5rN.png (426.91 KB,636x800)


Please look at this image.

Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 2619 (OP)


File:Please don't bully me, Nag….png (176.99 KB,373x534)


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Yep, that's furry patchy alright.

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But why is patchy a furry?

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what a philosophical question.

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File:F9byNnLbwAAalEf.jpg (40.39 KB,599x671)

Only if you look at this one.

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Well, patchy? I opened the door for you, do you want to go in or not?

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File:kissu-spoiler.png (Spoiler Image,71.68 KB,255x255)

Why is furry patchy so cute?

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Isn't she always?

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