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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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Did you get anything for Christmas?
I didn't! Because I'm an adult now!


i didn't give or get anything
my family also didn't set up any decorations


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Nice side pout!
Well, someone on kissu bought the Utawarerumono BDs and uploaded the fan disk mini VN so yes I did get something!


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Christmas is a transactional Holiday where if you're receiving gifts you'll still be in the red overall. If not, you're not an adult yet. I got a steam deck (that I had planned ahead of time since everyone needs at least one gift) but also gave a whole bunch of gift cards and console accessories and wine such that it well covered that which I received.


At least, that's how it works in my family.


I got;
-nice hard cover book
-12 days of hot sauce
-$100 bill
-$20 bill
-5 pounds of cooked steak
-a new coat
-new boots
-a novelty lighter shaped like a M1 garand clip
-two rounds of .50BMG ammunition


That's basically free food right there.


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You can't eat a crossbow, silly.


Got some new cookware since the old ones were apparently giving me cancer or something.
Gave the right to rip open the wrapping paper and put the empty box on your head.


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Nope! It's nice to hang out on /xmas/, though


>Well, someone on kissu bought the Utawarerumono BDs and uploaded the fan disk mini VN so yes I did get something!
What, this? Where??


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It was >>612 but it seems like the link died. I guess I could throw it up in filesharing thread later.


Although I was planning to do an AI translation read-along thread by now. Stupid real life stuff...
Maybe in January.


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Got some nice Christmas sweaters


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I got a nice fluffy jacket, pajama pants, and some incense sticks.


Sigh, I thought I had caught up on every thread when I missed a monthful of threads over November/December (w-word trip and vacation)


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I got two pairs of wool socks.


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This thread (and that one) is from last year, dummy.


(imagine a small cute animal sighing with its ears drooping here...)


My mom and dad and sister still give me gifts. Not sure about my brother though


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i got an airfryer and a set of tools


I got this megubutt


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Nice, airfryers are great for cooking smaller foods.


I asked santa for a 2d imouto to replace my 3d one but he didn't give it to me


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Marry Christmas,anons!
I got a mahjong set, visa gift cards, Iron Maiden shirt, Touhou manga and bloom into you.


I got a nice 151 piece tool set (wrenches, sockets, drill bits) in a nice carrying case. Some new boots. A silver dollar. A $100 bill and lots of food.

I gave a bunch of stuff to family and friends and everyone seemed to like them. So a good year.

The best thing that happened today is I got to spend 15 or so hours with my Grandmother.


you guys should treasure your youth...


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seishun da ne


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My mom got more than me…..


Give your sister a hug, anon. There's still time.

>151 piece tool set
Are they Pokemon themed?


got a miku hoodie from my aunt, really happy because i didn't expect it.
other than that I got some money to buy my own stuff with, got moar ram and a vocaloid cd via buyee


basted aunt making mikumas real


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Got lots of Garfield for some reason, about 1600 pages
I also got a Touhou shirt and cushion, but I don't want to sit on Flandre that's nasty


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Aunt got me a $50 prepaid card and I could finally buy the charger that my laptop (that had been just sitting in storage) needed. Now I can finally play some games! It's a GTX 750m but still better than nothing...
>miku hoodie


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I was really happy, too!


How big is this cushion? You could use it as a pillow or backing for pillows.


I used it as a pillow backing it was really good Flandre's gaze is reassuring


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