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File:Abyss.Watchers.full.213715….jpg (2.15 MB,3000x2000)


I've come to realize there's a void left in my head when YouTube doesn't provide me with good results for entertainment.

I seem to have forgotten how to find things that interest me by myself without an AI feeding me results. You think this is a problem?


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It doesn't help that searching things on YT sucks ass, and that they smack on an 18+ on loads of videos just because someone said a naughty no-no word in it.


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It's certainly a problem and I face it myself because I get bored easily and don't know what to do, so having no idea what I want to even watch is troubling. Maybe I should get back into funposting in my free time instead of looking for something to lazily watch while bored.


relying entirely on others to entertain you is surely not healthy nor sustainable. Then having issues even finding entertainment made by others yourself is certainly a big bad.


Anime industry status: Destroyed


Yeah, I hate not having something to play on a second screen, even when I'm not giving it much attention. I think it's a habit I've picked up about a year ago, but it's hard to give up.

Ehh, everyone is like this apart from some hermits living isolated somewhere. We're all on the internet, aren't we?


>relying entirely on others to entertain you is surely not healthy nor sustainable
You do know what media is, right? We've been relying on others for entertainment since the dawn of civilization.


After some determination, I've determined that YouTube is more likely to give you good results if you stay logged in and let it track you to an extent, sadly. Thought you could get around tainted recs by refreshing your history and cookies but then it just recommends you dumb norm crap or weird kids crap. I have to assume the algorithm just doesn't want to give up any interesting results by default.


Been feeling this quite a lot recently where my recommendations become sort of stale and recommend me a lot of things I'm not interested in and I'm not really sure what to do or watch.


Mine are laughably horrible just from the thumbnails, and aren't related to anything I watch






I dont even know why I use this goddamn website. It just recommends me stuff I hate or am indifferent to


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How'd you manage to get them this bad?

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