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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:68d86cfaed0b36a030a1a40c42….jpg (5.1 MB,2031x2952)


Did you drink your pumpkin juice today?


Was I supposed to get Kissu™ provided pumpkin juice today?


File:flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x10….jpg (91.08 KB,750x1000)

So many dishes can be made from pumpkin...and I've had none of them. Need to rectify that.


I've never seen anyone cook with pumpkin that didn't come from a can. It just seems so messy to scrape it from the pumpkins yourself that it would need to be a LOT better freshly, uh, scraped.
Pumpkin seeds in the oven are easy enough to make, though, but the pumpkin guts gets everywhere even when you're not trying to grab it.


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I didn't know pumpkin juice was a thing. Thought you used it for cakes and pies.

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