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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:iiif-service_pnp_highsm_39….jpg (787.28 KB,2177x2197)


Does kissu like turrets on houses?


I think architecture is very /aut/


Turrets look too much like minarets to be on a house imo


Huh, that's what those are called?
Probably not. Seems tacky to me. They belong on churches and stuff.


File:gettyimages-537787518-612x….jpg (33.63 KB,402x612)

Even on churches they can be tacky


I've seen them on some older houses and wondered what it would be like to have my room in one


They look kinda cozy to live in.
It always felt like a missed opportunity to not have the imam live in >>1310 for example



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