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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:F7RfAaTaEAA5Nu0.jpg (649.89 KB,2048x1536)


Kissu /aut/umn meetup.


Not enough Asa in that room to be Kissu


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pictures like this are so comfy, makes me nostalgic for something i've never experienced...


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I wouldn't go as far as to attend dakimakura parties, but hanging out with a couple of people who love 2D just as much as I do would be fun I think -- granted that they aren't obnoxiously autistic.


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I lived with a dude I met on 4/jp/ for several years, it was a good time. First thing you saw when you entered the front door was a Vividred wallscroll, and I could just walk into the living room and watch him play some Neptunia kusoge, or spend the weekend rewatching some CGDCT show together. My only regret is that we didn't make the place even more unpresentable.


File:[AonE]_Hidamari_Sketch_x_S….jpg (186.95 KB,1280x720)

Sounds like a spectacular time to just enjoy yourself living with a friend you can talk to about anything. But what caused you guys to move out?


It was during college so we just eventually ended up in different locations after graduating. We're still good friend and chat online, and we hung out together in Japan earlier this year.


Oh damn, that's cool. Feel like it'd make college a whole lot easier to study together with someone you're comfortable being around.


The mini /jp/ mansion


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imagine if one of them suddenly turned into a l*ttle g*rl


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Of course that'd be the first thing you think.


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I went to a meetup like that once. It was just really awkward.

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