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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:EmTPtAdVoAAgY_n.jpg (51.22 KB,448x598)


I wish every person over 55 would die.
I wish boomers would all die already.


dont u have a grandpa or something. generation wars are stoopid


My grandfather abandoned my family why the fuck should I care?
Fucking hate these aging fuckers. I hate them so goddamn much it's unfuckingreal.


how mad are you bro




I wish everyone would die. Every generation sucks in the exact same way as the last and then pretends like it's the only sane one. Zoomers boomers doomers roomers loomers and broomers are all the same to me; morons.


Nukes, my friend.


File:2d28aa65876ee3b75ca5f155bc….jpg (347.68 KB,862x870)

boobers > boomers


File:1459569309480.jpg (135.64 KB,850x633)

I agree


I like boomers.


File:1448557869993.png (1.81 MB,1350x1800)

boomer boobers


it's just the norm! the norms!


File:FE Veronica 002 E.png (2.63 MB,1638x2400)

I don't care about age, race or religion. I just wish all poor people would die.


You scored neutral evil, didn't you?


File:Snowwhite_hardgorealice_la….jpg (343.68 KB,1050x729)

I don't want people to die. That rarely solves anything.
What I want is for people to consider what they're doing, why, and start seeking peace. Not only with others, but with their own selves.

Men reflecting and having an earnest change of heart is far more less likely then mass murder, but that's what makes it such a worthwhile dream.

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