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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:yande.re 343239 bikini hal….jpg (759.21 KB,2000x2000)


Are you ready to get spooked?


those are some really spooky undergarments


File:1f0a6b435f0c5ee23b799a8353….jpg (879.23 KB,1024x1024)

I guess you could say... she got tricked.


When did people start celebrating halloween for the entire month?



Are they? At least it's a cool and interesting holiday with all the costumes and stuff. It influences a lot of nice artists and in online games there's usually cool events for it.
Halloween decorations and candy has been sold here starting October 1st for as long as I can remember, so it's nothing new there


Halloween is the best holiday, so naturally it deserves a month. Still, I disagree. It's not celebrated for a month. Maybe at big box stores it is, going based on what sort of merchandise they have on show, but certainly not by regular people. In my experience, people generally set up Halloween decorations at their home maybe a week before Halloween which I think is pretty reasonable.


File:smug anime penis.jpg (25.63 KB,500x500)




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