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>At night the air is fresher, less or no noise from people,cars,dogs
This is why I want to move to the ruralish outskirts of the city I live in


It is pretty nice, but it's also less convenient. I guess it depends on the density of the city and what you're used to, though. A place with lots of trees and nature and would also allow you to get what you need within walking or bicycle distance would be ideal. Many cities expand outward, though, or people just move to different areas and it doesn't last...
My house used to have a farm near it with horses and goats, but it turned into a neighborhood. There was also a pond nearby where my brother would fish, but it's now a pharmacy. I guess you'd need to find an area with some sort of zoning thing where you can be sure that it won't be bulldozed down and turned into something economical.

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