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YouTube is once again trying to implement a policy against ad-blockers. Do you think they will really follow through with it, or will the backlash be too great and they back off quietly?


It'll be cat and mouse, most likely someone will develop a plugin to give a token that says "yeah I watched the ad' when they didn't.


Do "creators" even care about ads anymore? They all stuff kuso sponsorship segments directly into the videos plus run Patreons nowadays, not to mention people paying to have their comment that no one will read highlighted. Running ads on top of that would be overkill.


I dunno. uBlock Origin doesn't seem to work on Twitch, and from watch I can tell from my semi-annual usage on there, hasn't worked for a few years? I'm sure if Twitch can figure it out, YouTube can figure it out too.


There's plugins that block the ads (but you gotta wait a couple minutes) for Twitch.
It's called Alternative Player for Twitch.
This is assuming you use Firefox.


saw the deleted image


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Good, I forgot to spoil it so here it is again.


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I think they're still doing the thing where not everyone gets the anti-adblocker stuff at once.
I was getting it for a few days in July, but since then it's been smooth sailing. Once it does hit, I'll just use a third party site I guess or hope for ublock origin to update.
I don't think many people actually block youtube ads, though, do they? My assumption is that most smartphone people don't even know how and with walled gardens like the iphone they wouldn't even have the chance. I wouldn't know.


Every couple months whatever plugin I'm using to adblock on Twitch stops working and I have to find some random new thing that then stops working after a couple months.


I miss google text ads
not clicking on them is a lot easier than finding ways to avoid sitting through a video


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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp


That's the blocker I use and I get an ad or two a year at most. And I spend a decent amount of time on twitch.


is it only in the US?
i'm on a proxy right now and i'm having no problems.


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Was going to say that I hadn't personally experienced it yet, but just now I got one...


You know, after a while of dealing with this, I think that this is actually a net positive for me. I've gotten to the point where I created ublock filters for the anti-adblock and stopped it from appearing entirely. The only side effect is I can no longer scroll down on youtube videos, but that's good! Since I can no longer read comments and can't get angry if there's a bad one.


They're throttling invidious. Im close to boycotting Alphabet


i don't think that's particularly shocking news


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Whelp. It now replaces the video player itself. I'm not turning off my adblock so unless they change this I'm probably just going to stop watching YouTube I guess...


Have they blocked third-party players too?


I mean, besides >>2474.


No, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if in the next few weeks to months they start receiving cease and desist letters the same way that YouTube Vanced received.


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The alternative client I use on my desktop still works at least. It doesn't rely on yt-dl, I don't know if that's a factor but it makes it super fast. After this thread was posted I started getting messages like >>2421 , but I can still play the video regardless. If the messages get too annoying I will gladly stop using the site.


Funny, I don't get that. Wonder if it's because I blocked the notice that adblockers aren't allowed before it replaced the player.


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Decided to check because I thought this might be the case... Streisand effect in action lol


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gj google


Welp. Time to finally degoogle my life, should I get a dumbphone or a grapheneOS android


What is the name of the alternative client?


It's called ikatube, it was made by someone on /g/. You can download it here: https://chino-chan.gitlab.io/programs.html


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Even better... >>>/qa/111607
If people here are using it, they should talk about it in the cool software thread! (He didn't want to nominate his own software)


It's rather barebones, huh... I don't wanna be too judgemental since it's clearly made to a particular ideal (Windows 2000 support!!), but it's not exactly a 1:1 replacement with the creature comforts one has come to expect when browsing YouTube on the website itself ^^;


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developer of ikatube here

>since it's clearly made to a particular ideal
the primary objective of it is to be a lightweight, portable, and cross-platform youtube client that i can use on windows and linux on low-end hardware, store favorite channels and playlists in it, and play them on mpv which does videos better than web browsers
as a result, most of the program is written from scratch by me, including the gui toolkit and the video info extractor, so that the program can be pretty much dependency-free and works out of box even on linux distros, something which is very cumbersome to do if i used some third party toolkit instead
also having a mascot in the ui is very important

>but it's not exactly a 1:1 replacement with the creature comforts one has come to expect when browsing YouTube on the website itself ^^;
other than the slowness of the youtube website, i also don't like the modern huge padding design so my program is designed to be low padding and also omit information i don't need like comments


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Thank you for responding. It's nice to hear your reasoning. Hopefully I won't sound too ungrateful or critical ^^;;;; -- I certainly cannot compare in terms of my skill >_>

>other than the slowness of the youtube website, i also don't like the modern huge padding design so my program is designed to be low padding and also omit information i don't need like comments
Personally, I can live without comments. I was thinking more so of areas where it genuinely departs in terms of features from the website version of YouTube. The one most saddening to me is the lack of any ability to queue videos. I personally really value being able to arbitrarily queue multiple videos. This omission is made all too apparent by the artificial limitation: "video player is already running". Also, the GUI is non-selectable (save for the search box, of course). It would be perhaps acceptable to have a non-selectable GUI if, for instance, links within the description were converted to clickable hyperlinks that could open the default browser, but the inability to select any text at all makes this intolerable... There are also areas where interactivity would make sense, but there is none. For example, every video shows both the channel and the video id (?); You are unable to click the channel name to navigate to the channel (Yes, I am aware that there is a "User Videos" button), and you are unable to click the video id to copy it to your clipboard for further sharing. Finally, there is no true YouTube account integration to speak of; "subscribing" is just a way to add a channel (or playlist (I'm not sure if this was intentional?)) to a sort of favorites or bookmark list. Being able to receive, for example, notifications that a given channel I am subscribed to has released a video is a very useful feature that I appreciate on the YouTube website. Likewise, I appreciate (mostly) being able to have suggested videos that align with what I am watching, have watched, and have subscribed to. And finally, there is no "homepage" of videos. Now, lacking a homepage if you are unwilling to add account integration I can understand, but the lack of an expanded view, similar to the YouTube homepage when making new searches seems like a missed opportunity. That leads to another issue I have... The search. Namely, contrary to what "Load More" implies, it does not append additional results to the list result of your search (or viewing of playlists or channels), but rather it pages. Now, paging is fine, but I take issue with the fact that despite paging the results there is no way to go to the previous page of search results. So, suppose you search "funny cat videos" and scroll to the end 4 times, clicking "Load More" each time. Suppose after finishing a video you watched from page 4, you realize you want to watch a video that was on page 3. Instead of being able to go to the previous page, you instead have to perform the search again and go to the third page once more. This leads to another, more subtle issue... There is no page history! What I mean by this is you might click on one video, and then another, and another, and so on. Because there is no page history, you cannot do "Alt + Left Arrow" to navigate back to the video page you were previously on, and similarly you cannot do "Alt + Right Arrow" to go forward in time to the page forward in history that you navigated from.

TL;DR Issues I personally have, and/or have noticed through using ikatube:
¥Inability to queue videos
¥Artifical resitriction of "video player is already running"
¥GUI is non-selectable; Description and Title in particular
¥Description links are not made into clickable hyperlinks
¥Lacking interactivity: cannot click Channel Name to navigate to channel, and cannot click video ID to copy video URL to clipboard for pasting
¥Lack of YouTube account integration: no subscription notifications on video upload, cannot create or add videos to playlists, lack of tailored recommended videos, cannot like, comment, nor subscribe to channels
¥Lack of video homepage (As in, the YouTube homepage which normally shows suggested videos based on your viewing history)
¥Lack of viewing history
¥Searching -- "Load More" -- pages rather than appending results; inability to go back to previous result pages after click "Load More"
¥[Personal Quibble] Searching does not provide a "booru"-style view of results a la https://www.youtube.com/@[ChannelName]/videos or the aforementioned YouTube homepage
¥Lack of page history. Cannot "Alt + Left/Right Arrow" to navigate page history


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thanks for your detailed feedback! you mentioned some issues that i'm also aware of for a while so let me address them here
i'm planning to implement the features numbered below when i have time in the order from (1) to (5) below, and i will put them in the "release note" whenever a new feature is done

¥Inability to queue videos
¥Lack of page history. Cannot "Alt + Left/Right Arrow" to navigate page history
a queue seems to be a good idea, partly because it can be used to implement autoplay which i've been thinking for a while
i would add a right sidebar where queue and history will be displayed (3)

¥Artifical resitriction of "video player is already running"
i added that because of the planned autoplay feature, as allowing multiple players running at the same time doesn't play well with that

¥GUI is non-selectable; Description and Title in particular
¥Description links are not made into clickable hyperlinks
¥Lacking interactivity: cannot click Channel Name to navigate to channel, and cannot click video ID to copy video URL to clipboard for pasting
i have planned support to open the video and playlist links found in the description, but i need some code refactoring for that, so it will take some time (5)
about the video url, it's actually supported through custom key binding config detailed here: https://chino-chan.gitlab.io/ikatuberef.html#s11
bind a key to the "copy_video_url" action and the video url will be copied to the clipboard when you press the key
i can add actions to copy description or title to the clipboard for now (1)

>(or playlist (I'm not sure if this was intentional?)
youtube represents all uploaded videos in a channel as a playlist which is what i use, so channels are considered as playlists for now

¥Lack of viewing history
this is also planned as a part of subscription notifications, where you can refresh all saved channels and mark all channels with newly uploaded videos from last refresh (4)

¥Searching -- "Load More" -- pages rather than appending results; inability to go back to previous result pages after click "Load More"
unfortunately youtube doesn't provide a way to get videos by page
i will change it so that it appends to the current list (2)

¥[Personal Quibble] Searching does not provide a "booru"-style view of results a la https://www.youtube.com/@[ChannelName]/videos or the aforementioned YouTube homepage
that would take too much screen space for my preference, so not planned for now

¥Lack of YouTube account integration: no subscription notifications on video upload, cannot create or add videos to playlists, lack of tailored recommended videos, cannot like, comment, nor subscribe to channels
¥Lack of video homepage (As in, the YouTube homepage which normally shows suggested videos based on your viewing history)
accounts will never be supported, but after i implement subscription notifications they will work for saved channels as noted above
creating playlists may be possible after the queue is supported


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Cheers! Hopefully the things I mentioned that you're planning on working on aren't too hard to add.


Oh, Anonymous! I forgot one other thing: the description does not scroll if the contents are longer than the page.


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(1) and (2) have been implemented and i uploaded a new version
the rest of them will take much longer time
i also fixed that, you can now scroll the description with mouse wheel


Is it over? I have not been getting any messages today.

Or maybe my ad block managed to bypass it.


I spoke too soon...


Seems like it's over?... I haven't gotten any messages for a few days.


They'll follow up for as long as they think the financial gain is worth the cost. The sheer resources Google has as their disposal means they should likely be more than able to win this arms race. Instead it almost seems like they make a major push every now and then to make the average user turn off adblock and hope they never go back.


Since I usually use Youtube on firefox on my phone, I only twice had to update the filters for Ublock because Youtube would just not show any videos.


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You know I was wondering about this with the advent of this adblocker crackdown but why didn't google just reduce the price of red to like $3 or $5 or something that people would probably en masse be willing to pay for instead of $15 that's way too much.


Because most companies and people in charge of setting prices are so out of touch with the general population on what actually would work that it's ridiculous. That's why everything seems so dysfunctional in today's society with corporations, politicians, and societial standards compared to say 20+ years ago. Most of the people in high positions never experience "regular life" in any capacity. Before people who came from more humble environments climbed up a ladder of sorts if you will. Again, there's a lot of corrpution and agendas also at work but for the concrete aspect I'd have to say what my post is trying to convey is roughly to the exact situation going on.


Companies price things at what the market will bare, not what is a fair price. That is the difference.


Your mom has corruption and agendas


The price of a "you don't have to watch ads" subscription will be determined based on how much money they could have made on ads. There's no point in turning off ads for $5 if you could have been paid $10 to show ads. By wiping out adblockers they could make ads more profitable which would also let them raise prices.


The first thing any economist will tell you that the correct price is what the market will bare. A thing is worth exactly as much as people are willing to pay for it; no more, no less.


Once invidious quits working I think I'll just live without Youtube and Alphabet services...


economists aren't exactly known for their sense of fairness


I heard chrome is again threatening to retire manifest v2 extensions so I guess that will be their angle from now on.


It was always temporary when they delayed it. They even stated so. The browser engine is made by an ad company whose only goal is to collect as much data as possible and sell it. Only an idiot would trust a browser made by an ad company to act in good faith. If I was dictator of the world Google would be split up and cease to exist tomorrow and the assholes running the show would be made an example off by being put in prison for life for crimes against humanity.


If I were dictator of the world I would make Google give me all their data and spy on all the cute anime girls for me. I would buy the loyalty of top officials with creepshots of their cute little assholes taken from webcams and phones that were secretly recording.


why would officials want to see each other's assholes


Did they stop the rollout of this? I've been using ad+sponsorblock for years and I haven't noticed any changes to youtube lately other than
>main page no longer gives suggestions with history disabled
>thumbnails are now .webp and broken in my browser (I disable webp to force servers to send original images)

I don't understand how people using youtube without adblock. I tried watching videos on an AppleTV device and there were so many ads I gave up. They broke the main page about two years ago now. It used to show default list of suggestions if you had watch history turned off.

Most of the time I use ytdlp+mpv anyway. They will break RSS feeds soon I'm sure.


No. What's happened is just that the Adblockers are winning.


For now. Google controls the W3C and both browser engines that support modern javascript. They will break everything in the name of showings ads and data mining the user. That's the entire point.


AI has already crippled the WWW. It'll just be the social media protocol by then


they brought it back... got a screen just yesterday


Strange. I wonder if they've given up on sending such things to my accounts because there is no phone number associated with them. I asked a few people using the same ISP as me and they've all reported that they're getting them to.


Would be helpful to state which Browser/Adblocker/Filters you have that gets it detected. Most likely it's just your filters falling out of date at times, but again, avoid using a browser built by an ad company.
I have never seen this and I use Adblock on Firefox.


No I mean I don't get them at all despite letting ad blocking plug-ins go out of date. For what it's worth I'm accessing youtube from a wide variety of browsers and different computers. I mainly use Firefox+noscript+ublock though. I'm also not seeing it logged into chrome or edge from both Linux and Windows computers on my LAN. It's like my IP address or accounts are excluded from any such warnings.

They've been hitting my old accounts hard lately though. I've lost access to 5 this last year because they demand a phone number now. At one point I had 40+ gmail accounts most going all the way back to the days when it was invite only. A few more years and I doubt I'll be able to use gmail at all.

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