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Apparently a bust of Hermes' head was unearthed in Greece during sewage construction. Neat stuff. A shame there's not nearly as many historical sites of archeological significance in the New World, outside of the Aztec, Maya, and Inca.


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>A shame there's not nearly as many historical sites of archeological significance in the New World, outside of the Aztec, Maya, and Inca.
What if there are, but everyone is keeping quiet about it?

I always found it puzzling how north america is so big but the only civilizations we know about are all in central/south america.


I've heard before that some artifacts get destroyed or hidden as soon as they are found because some farmer or construction lot developer doesn't want their livelyhood interrupted for some big government mandated archeology project.


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Well, there was the Mississippian culture. To my knowledge they supposedly had villages and such that wouldn't have been out of place for medieval Europe, but their civilization collapsed about a century before Columbus even made it to the Americas.


>I always found it puzzling how north america is so big but the only civilizations we know about are all in central/south america.
I imagine there are geographical/enviromental and political reasons for this. There is the Mississippian civilization that existed along the Mississippi river valley. For whatever reason they (along) with the rest of pre-columbian american civilizations "lagged" behind in certain areas considered to be apart of "civilization"; I'm simply throwing this out there but something like a lack of a variety of pack animals or an "inland" sea like the Mediterranean could have caused the pre-columbian north american civilizations to develop more slowly.
Also by just glancing at the wikipedia entry it could be that the arrival of europeans and climate change came at a very unfortunate time for the Mississippian peoples such that by the time the west came along only mounds were left

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