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Valve made a documentary about HL1 for the 25th anniversary.


i like half life but unless they finish the saga it's just a film of disappointment and watching some people cling to their glory days


With the head writer gone it's just not going to be the same even if they were to somehow get off their butts to create a third one. I'm sure there's other people that were involved in making HL into what it was that are also gone from Valve.
I think it's best to consider it completed as-is, although it was a bit surprising to see that VR Alyx thing. I imagine any future stuff they may do with the brand will be similar side stories or maybe even lazy prequels- stuff that doesn't rely on creating anything elaborate or new.
It really was such a great and immersive experience they made, I still read a wiki about the story and world once in a while because it was so interesting to me.


I don't care about half life anymore. If they made a third I probably wouldn't play it.


They also released a big update for half life. Also
¥crowbar on the bottom of the page
¥you can click it to pick up and whack the enemies/npcs
¥can even hit the steam deck


Half Life is, at it's core, a franchise for pushing boundaries and setting new standards technologically. The stagnation of Half Life was indicative of the stagnation of gaming tech until VR came around and gave the possibility of another paradigm shift on the level of physics engines. They did kind of fuck up giving big cliff hangers for 2-2, but at least the first game and its side stories work fine without any continuation.

They also gave out a bunch of copies for the weirdos who don't already own it and integrated Steam servers in the update to make multiplayer easier. I think it hit twice the number of in-game players as Starfield did thanks to that, which is pretty funny.


>I think it hit twice the number of in-game players as Starfield did thanks to that, which is pretty funny.
That's pretty nice. Actually, it kinda makes me want to go and play some hl1:dm, anyone on kissu want to play?


I'd be down for that.


Eeeehhh maybe, I'm horrible at FPS games and I'm tired


never played hl1dm before
what's it like


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>I still read a wiki about the story and world once in a while because it was so interesting to me.
I like how Portal and Half Life both share the same canon.


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Just a deathmatch big crazy killfest type of game.

Made a server right now actually:


mm, tried to use the console to initiate a vote for a map change and accidentally crashed 404'd the server doing so
we can still continue if you want, but not sure if maybe we should try and set up a different time and maybe plugins so that all of kissu can play


Thought you might have gotten bored of killing me and shut it down. It is pretty late, so probably best to try again later this week when there are more noobs to prey on friends to play with.


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love half-life
I don't even know how much time I spent playing mods


Very interesting how some low ranked Combine soldiers—the ones who still retain some of their humanity—feel remorse upon death.


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Bleh, time stamp doesn't work.

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