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potardto frogger


frog too tarded to hop
frog too tarded to swim
someone help that poor tard frog




File:watch_v=iNU5UmIsw38_00_01_….jpg (572.58 KB,3840x2160)



Who here would kiss it?


Amphibians and reptiles are so dumb. As in, "How are they not extinct" levels of dumb. But they seem to be quite successful, so it works


It's not like they're the top of the food chain. They're just smarter than and bigger than bugs.


Yeah, I just have to stop to marvel at it once in a while. Life is fragile and yet resilient at the same time and these dumb blobs with stubby legs are good at their niche.


I'd poke it but nothing more


it looks way less tarded in its habitat


compare that to this one where it doesn't even eat the worm/larva in front of it, just sits there
maybe it's because the guy dug them up during daytime

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