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My 'tuber essayist is better then yours


good title. I'd watch this sometime


Kmart still exists


File:x2mate.com-Moe Moe Kyun!.mp4 (1.93 MB,1280x720)

I don't know what a Kmart is but check this out


File:image_01919.jpg (120.02 KB,1024x768)

What the fl*p is a Kmart?


Well if you watched the video, its was a department store that fucked itself over.
Dumb french.


A guamanian and virgin islands retailer




File:[SubsPlease] The Legend of….jpg (46.23 KB,779x720)

I clicked on one of his other videos and he said that paying more money for a product because it has a cool logo is a good thing because social media marketing campaigns by multi-million dollar companies are "soulful" and "anti-corporate."


File:20231215_014552.jpg (156.33 KB,1552x2048)

Bet you he's one of those guys that buys luxury clothing on a loan




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Liquid Death, which is apparently the idea that if you put water in an energy drink can and give it energy drink marketing, you can sell it at energy drink prices. Turns out a lot of people, including my brother, are retarded enough to do exactly that. I was expecting there to be more to it than the epic joke of calling water something edgy, but no. This guy seems to think it's everything right with capitalism, though.


I weep knowing there are people like that. Atleast i only felt the retardation by proxy through your post.


K-mart still exists, I went there on Friday to get my Nephew a Christmas present.


The worst one I've seen posted here was called the "10 stages of math" and it was just basic arithmetic


Coming across this thread made me remember all of the times during the holiday seasons I'd go to K-Mart. Was the only place in my area to get an Icee besides the movie theater. I also used to get Pokemon and Yugioh cards there. First place I got a Fossil and Jungle box set as well as Starter Deck Yugi and Kaiba when Yugioh first came out. Last time I went into a K-Mart they were getting ready to close and I was standing in the electronics while they found a bunch of original PlayStation games stuck and I ended up getting sealed copies of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, and Final Fantasy IX all for $10 a piece since they had $9.99 stickers still on them. The building has just been sitting and rotting ever since covered in graffiti and broken windows from the homeless. Probably would find some needles if I walked around it.

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