Every residence has a name rather than a number, it's pretty neat. Some of the ones I came across were:
The Desired, the Queen, Don Chito, Inferno, the Jungled, Victoria Bay, At Last, Hakuna Matata, Step by Step, the Hidden, Sunlight (in English), Ganesha, Moonlight (in Spanish), the Gaucho, 25th of May, and The Matadors of Street 12. Maybe "Killers", it's ambiguous.
Oh no strange timing with /win/ opening up in hours. Uhh... hmmm...
disgusting brown water
there was a lake too but too muddy to see the fishes well
>>3096tons of sediment
How susceptible is this place to flooding? The houses so close to the water level like
>>3073 make me nervous, although the fencing there makes me think that some simple work was done there with new dirt. At least there's trees nearby to hold onto some of the soil.
>>3112I'm not sure, frankly. You can see the foundation is at least half a meter above ground, indeed sitting on top of soil that's already higher than the lower one on the left, and it has that red part on the bottom right that might just be grating of some sort, though I'm not sure how that would work either.
A good deal of houses more humble than that one sit at a lower elevation, and they seem to be doing fine. It's hard to tell, but I think that one's safe.