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It's not a place with heavy industry, from what I'm reading the river is mostly used for transport of raw materials, the products of agriculture, livestock, and logging.
Tigre specifically was a place for commerce and contraband, and at one point rich people set it up as a resort of sorts with heavy English influence (like that of the Rowing Club, that's its name in Spanish). Here's a pic of the Club de Regatas, for racing.


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And here's a pic of the nearby museum that used to act as an ultra fancy meeting spot, the Tigre Club. Beside it used to exist the Tigre Hotel, it had flippin' cricket fields.
This site has a bunch of old photos of its "majestic decadence" from back when it existed:
It's certainly nothing crazy by international standards, though.


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professional pic of the place


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there are some shipyards and ship garages, for all the people that only come during the weekends
normal residents park theirs by the dock, since they actually need them constantly


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some ships get abandoned and left to rust


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this one's sunk, even
wonder if the people living there ever play in it


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Every residence has a name rather than a number, it's pretty neat. Some of the ones I came across were:
The Desired, the Queen, Don Chito, Inferno, the Jungled, Victoria Bay, At Last, Hakuna Matata, Step by Step, the Hidden, Sunlight (in English), Ganesha, Moonlight (in Spanish), the Gaucho, 25th of May, and The Matadors of Street 12. Maybe "Killers", it's ambiguous.


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stealth important


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cool bell thingy by the police station (also unfinished roof lol)


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normal houses aren't as flashy, and built on top of stilts so the high tide and floods won't reach them as easily
it's what you do in swampy areas and lakes too, like the louisiana bayou


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dogs are swimming


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most of the coast is lined with wooden planks, beams, poles, stones, or solid concrete, tied together with metal bars and nails


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but all of it rots away and ultimately collapses, even the concrete, so it's patched up in various ways mixing whatever's available


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hotels and the like often have sand beaches which i assume are imported, and have these buoys so that people won't go past it
if you do, you can feel the clay in your feet, it's pretty neat


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lots of hortensias all over, they fit the soil quite well


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organically lo-fi simpsons


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there's a delivery barge that comes by on a schedule to act as a mobile supermarket


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the closest thing to a sidewalk is a series of bridges and intermittent roads with bricks and stuff for a floor, bordering the river
some of the bridges are just two wooden beams, and others get patched up with new, different planks or pieces of scrap (or just don't get patched up)
for smaller gaps sometimes it's just a piece of rusty metal by itself


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there were a lot of birds, but they're very hard to take pics of
these stood out the most, i think they're cormorants


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closest i got to one


Oh no strange timing with /win/ opening up in hours. Uhh... hmmm...


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it's alright


disgusting brown water


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there was a lake too but too muddy to see the fishes well
tons of sediment


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neat overgrown radio tower


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there were a few unfinished buildings


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and unused scrap left here and there


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a super heavy storm struck on sunday and uprooted a lot of trees


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you could see all these patches of soil being lifted alongside their roots


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and sadly they hit several houses


El Homo.


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thankfully we were fine it just muddied up the place


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someone's sofa flew away and went viral


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all in all it was very pretty and had an interesting feeling from the contrast of some spots being very well kept and cared for while other were ruined and abandoned


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How susceptible is this place to flooding? The houses so close to the water level like >>3073 make me nervous, although the fencing there makes me think that some simple work was done there with new dirt. At least there's trees nearby to hold onto some of the soil.


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I'm not sure, frankly. You can see the foundation is at least half a meter above ground, indeed sitting on top of soil that's already higher than the lower one on the left, and it has that red part on the bottom right that might just be grating of some sort, though I'm not sure how that would work either.
A good deal of houses more humble than that one sit at a lower elevation, and they seem to be doing fine. It's hard to tell, but I think that one's safe.

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