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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:kanda midori.jpg (490.84 KB,900x599)


Wasn't there a cute girl thread here


File:GERO.jpg (229.83 KB,1200x900)

oh did they seriously delete it?
whats going on recently lol


It's not on /trans/, so it was not deleted by a mod. Maybe the OP deleted it.


that's what they want you to think

fuck janny


maybe the OP just didnt like the direction the thread was going in


File:New-Web-Games-Kantai-Colle….jpg (80.84 KB,750x518)

/aut/ and etc. are the only places where >2d is allowed


File:zell ching.jpg (303.63 KB,1366x2048)

removed a watermark


I deleted it because it annoyed me having to see it all the time.





Not to be that guy but... why didn't you just hide it?

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