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File:green-peas.jpg (645.1 KB,1200x879)


You ever wonder how some stuff manages to be profitable? Like peas, for instance. It takes something like 30 of the plants to fill up one frozen bag and the bag sells for a dollar. Is it just government subsidies?
And then there's specialty stores. Maybe physical specialty stores are on their way out because of online shopping, but previously a guy could have a store where he just sells paint or pool supplies and somehow it would stay in business throughout his life.
It's just so strange to me to think somehow civilization supports this kind of thing.


yeah same with propane and propane accessories


It's probably the middle-aged fantasy of living as a farmer but actually viable since the people that do it for a living actually manage it as a job and keep track of everything. Plants don't just die and need to be re-bought as seeds. They leave some seeds behind so they can continue to sprout and grow. If you were to properly manage a large farm I think you'd probably find that it's not too hard to replace harvests as it would be to start receiving them for the first time. Also probably subsidies.

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