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The comments on this video are interesting, because they exist in some sort of manufactured reality. For the last year, maybe two, Martin has been continually self-sabotaging himself by redesigning parts that do not need redesigning, creating parts that were not given enough forethought for the ways in which they will fail, and then worst of all, going beyond the scope of the project and introducing corrosive feature creep with elements of the previous two issues intermixed.

Despite this realization finally striking Martin, the response from the comments is flooded with messages saying, "Don't give up! We support you!" and "Your issues make the project unique! Without them, you're destroying it's character."

I can't help but wonder who these people are, and what their rationale might be. Was redesigning the marble gates 3-4 times in a row really productive? Was adding the additional constraint that the machine must be silent constructive? Was redesigning the rhythm machine necessary? Did the focus -- for far too long -- on trying to make the mechanism for dropping marbles look like spindly fingers actually achieve anything?


Uhh... what is it? I can't tell what this is, apart from something related to marbles? I skipped around, saw Elon Musk and stopped.


He's been trying to make a successor machine to his original marble machine, this one he's been working dubbed as the "Marble Machine X".


Oh, that's really cool. Dang, and almost 191 MILLION views. You're not supposed to get that many views if you're talented and created something new!
Sadly I can't find myself interested in hearing him talk about it for 40 minutes.

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