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File:3e3c0390177a80f17166db44be….jpg (1.15 MB,1802x1274)

 No.11011[View All]

Bring up issues for both Kissu UI.

The old HTML pages will be undergoing an update to a new templating language so I will be more receptive to resolving issues with it.
UI Feedback: https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/UI_Feedback/12
174 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I don't know what you did, but the catalog on vichan /qa/ and only /qa/ broke.
It is a mystery, they load and then some javascript somewhere just removes all of them after teasing you with a quick preview teehee


The most impressive part is that it only happens on >>>/qa/ catalog with old ui enabled, but on https://original.kissu.moe/qa/catalog it's somehow perfectly fine.
Sincerely, your friendly vichan /qa/ tester.


strange. I can't reproduce this


oh, nvm. I got it. The problem is that the Sort By: causes all the conents to get removed, after then it's unfixable


File:44c6f5ad4a.png (2.41 KB,213x71)

having anything in there breaks the catalog. I think you'll have to clear any site data you have with kissu and not touch that feature. I don't correct vichan issues anymore


Naisu digits, but slightly wrong order.
Deleting the catalog entry in localstorage fixed it, thanks.
>I don't correct vichan issues anymore
If it ever completely breaks, owari desu...


if it completely breaks...
I would like an HTMX UI instead and I'm going to remake the database at some point this month... So we would probably just do that

I didn't know you were tech literate so yes, that's the correct answer


probably caused by this thread, but you'd have to tell me the timline of the bug to understand


that's what you get for deleting the first reply to that thread


On the new UI, I wish there was an option to turn off the custom scrollbars - you can't remove them in custom CSS since if you have a single CSS rule for them they will take over the default scrollbars.

I also wish the thread watcher had a unread reply count and the thread view icon changed color if somebody quoted you.


yeah.. it should probably be in a <style> tag. I'll keep it in mind next time I need to make an important update


>you can't remove them in custom CSS since if you have a single CSS rule for them they will take over the default scrollbars.
I can't see custom scrollbars, but did you try changing every value regarding the scrollbar changes to revert? That should do the trick.


As far as I am aware, ::-webkit-scrollbar cannot be set back to the default if there's a single css rule with it.


it's on Chrome. I set the scrollbars to look like what Linux Mint gives you


Would it be possible to increase the number of characters for a shortened filename? The current length shows basically a single word before it gets cut off


doesnt work if there's an SJIS anywhere in the input, but strikethrough (the tags) works


File:Screenshot_1720521835.png (8.31 KB,286x108)

nevermind it was just on the editor


Yeah. The editor is slightly disconnected from the posts themselves. Though I've tried to make them identical for some reason I couldn't make them 1:1


File:C-1720772246793.png (6.03 KB,651x90)

Every time I try to delete a post I get "Error true". Is that a problem on my end of the websites? Also, requesting https://kissu.moe/qa/thread/129059#qa-130268 be deleted...


stop deleting.....


what do you mean...


He's not being serious.......


i AM. do NOT delete.


this seems to happen sometimes when you have a ban on another board that hasn't been seen


effectively getting banned somewhere prevents you from deleting anything


yeah, that IP has a ton of VPN bans. I guess that's a bit of a problem then, you won't be able to delete


so it was my VPN...
I will just have to live a life with no mistskes


Bitch stained that expensive chinese dress with wine.


File:Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 1….png (5.57 KB,1154x100)

I know you said you won't do anything with vichan anymore and this is technically a vichan+4chanX bug, but I'm gonna share this bug anyways because it's funny. disney.post.


the heck..



File:Screenshot 2024-11-10 2224….png (3.02 KB,167x44)

Could you add some padding between the submit button and the preview button? I use the preview a lot and I can't count the number of times I've accidentally hit submit when going back and forth checking the preview... It's quite an annoying problem, especially since you can't edit posts on Kissu...


>back and forth checking the preview
How many times are you opening/closing the preview per post... I just leave it open....


File:Screenshot 2024-11-11 0018….png (26.19 KB,740x301)

When making posts that go beyond the [Read More] limit, it's necessary to expand your post in the preview. There's no way to undo a [Read More] for a post, however, so if you want to make sure that some part isn't cut off, you have to close and re-open the preview.


I see.


can attest to this though my reason for closing the preview panel is usually to make it stop taking up space while i continue typing whatever it is i'm writing


I see, therefore, I sage.


I'm kind of going through CSS stuff, but not sure how you'd expand that space there. guess I can try to remember and look at it later


File:waterfox_KRixIgB3kQ.png (24.62 KB,881x278)


You can put this in your custom CSS:

.qr-controls {
border-right:4px dashed;
border-color: transparent;

Not sure if it's the most "efficient" way, but it will accomplish the goal of moving the quick reply icons apart. Change the "4" into the desired space in pixels. I might add some space between them as I go through the kissu CSS themes to "modernize" them and make new ones. Maybe change from right to left or add a duplicate line for border-left, I dunno.


File:Screenshot 2024-11-12 1656….png (13.43 KB,479x291)

Ah, I forgot about the custom CSS. I'll probably just use:

.qr-controls, .filename-container {

It does cause some weirdness when attaching a file, but it looks fine otherwise. When attaching a file, the tegaki button goes away and then spoiler and remove file buttons appear, but the remove file button is nested within the same "qr-controls" class as the spoiler button so the spacing gets awkward because the padding gets applied twice.


File:Screenshot 2024-11-12 1702….png (11.43 KB,471x295)

Not sure if that's a bug or not, but here's what I mean.

<span class="qr-controls">
<span class="spoiler-container qr-controls" title="Cycle Spoiler Types">S</span>
<span class="qr-controls">
<svg class="svg-icon x-icon remove-file-icon">
<title>Remove File</title>
<use href="/styles/fa/svgs/solid.svg#xmark"></use>


File:[SubsPlease] NegaPosi Angl….jpg (203.17 KB,1920x1080)

Huh. Yeah, uhhh... that's out of my knowledge range. I'm just the guy that messes with themes and occasional CSS events so I don't really know how programming stuff works. I guess vern can look into it.

>When attaching a file, the tegaki button goes away
That part is intentional, at least I'm pretty sure. It also happens when you've finished a tegaki drawing and you need to cancel the upload to open it again. I think it's just a limitation of the system, but I'm not entirely sure. Probably there to prevent someone trying to upload a regular image and tegaki image at the same time and getting some sort of massive error.


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>That part is intentional, at least I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, I agree with that. I was mostly just talking about the qr-controls stuff. Thanks anyways, though!


Ohh now I see. yeah. huh.
I don't get it. Can we say it's a cool bonus animation? It's like, uhh.. the icons are parting to make way for your post. Wow, that's a cool UI design.


is there a problem now that you're using custom CSS? I like the filenames being readable


File:Screenshot 2024-11-13 0817….png (10.39 KB,419x235)

Looks fine to me


Tried deleting this, but I got an error saying I had to wait, and then tried again, but then it said the post had already been deleted. Can't report because it says the post doesn't exist.


I don't think there's a way to un-hide replies. Accidentally hid a reply but didn't get the [+] to expand the hidden threads link, had to hide the (a?) OP too. Or is there another way for replies?


File:waterfox_aKlXlpjl2F.png (37.69 KB,857x243)

Kissu UI? Enter the thread itself and the thing is on the left panel


Oh, alright, thanks.

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