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File:hazuki-404.webp (751.37 KB,500x261)

 No.11013[View All]

If it doesn't fit into a thread, discuss it here.

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288 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i guess 500? Then if anything persists I suppose it deserves some sort of mod sticky... also the cat thread should probably get a featured slot on the homepage


since kissu is about pushing the bounds of what it means to be an imageboard why not make it so threads never expire
kick ephemerality to the kerb


I think they never do on tohno-chan either


Hmm... the software is good at it but I do worry about hitting limitations when I'm not ready for them...
Well, I'll consider it


i thought this was a joke




File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (312.5 KB,1920x1080)



this isn't the ueno thread


File:pizza cat.jpg (100.95 KB,1024x758)

I hereby place this curse upon all catposters who don't post accompanying catpictures


File:super robot wars genichiro….png (7.99 KB,715x291)

Can someone make this a banner?


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (493.13 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm that might be hard to do. It would need to be animated to fit? Two frames might look weird so you'd need to the text scrolling like a game and blahblah personally I don't know how to make animated things. Maybe someone else can...


Requesting to make the SD bot, that currently joins sageru's #qa and #chatgpt channels, to also join #uru-eru


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai de Mof….jpg (178.17 KB,1920x1080)

No thank you! There's other SD stuff online you can use, but I don't know of them myself.


what's uru-eru


>thank you
Save that for when you're spared from seeing my nasty prompts because they're in another channel.


File:[Lazy] Dungeon Meshi - 02 ….jpg (325.14 KB,1920x1080)

If you want to generate stuff so tremendously ugly and offensive you can use something else! You were honest with what you wanted to generate, which I'm thankful for, but using kissu gpu cycles to create ugly offensive stuff that is presumably targeted at other people isn't very nice. I made the merges and someone made the bot and hosted the GPU so people could make fap or fun stuff, not use it to spread further ugliness into the world.

Also this really isn't related to kissu meta, is it?


Also your generations are shared to my puush.me account and you can't register for them anymore


File:9aeb693b42.png (1.76 MB,1126x743)

I don't want to open this up to see your scat fetish


Ok, thank you for answering my implicit question about why you weren't letting me have the channel+bot.
>kissu meta
I figured it was close enough because it concerns the administration of Kissu resources.


maxed out our space on error logs




Undelete them. They did NOTHING wrong.


is coffee good for you?


We'll be making a hardware upgrade in 5 minutes. So the site will get restarted.


the site will get retarded


File:6JBQYGY.png (86.4 KB,1834x1026)

took like 5 sec to upgrade. More space and one more CPU


File:ZCi4ecC.png (6.28 KB,491x117)


File:216cdd3660adb5d04fcc712c86….png (76.85 KB,768x1022)

SSH backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma release tarballs!

>After observing a few odd symptoms around liblzma (part of the xz package) on Debian sid installations over the last weeks (logins with ssh taking a lot of CPU, valgrind errors) I figured out the answer:

>The upstream xz repository and the xz tarballs have been backdoored.

>At first I thought this was a compromise of debian's package, but it turns out to be upstream.


what's the fix


It's hard not see this vulnerability as part of some state backed effort to increase possible attack vectors against adversaries. The account that introduced it has been a regular contributor for a couple years and recently a maintainer for xz.

I've been reading rollback to 5.4.X but there is concerns that older versions could still have malicious code (unrelated to this particular exploit) in them as well due to the length of time the account has been committing to the project.


So we're on the security by obscurity stage.
I don't quite follow what the actual backdoor entails. Is it just a DDoS vector or can randoms log in with root if enabled


xz vulnerability only effects people who upgrade to the most modern versions of everything. All my servers are on 5.2


File:__tama_gintama_drawn_by_ib….jpg (460.38 KB,729x1032)

What's the best board to talk anime/manga here?


File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (358.12 KB,1920x1080)

Hello! (and welcome?)
Fast dumb threads go on /jp/ generally. Slower methodical threads of discussion are usually on /qa/. But, threads can be moved by mods if needed.


File:Screenshot_20240416_215419….jpg (162.88 KB,926x816)

I'm trying to replicate an issue someone is having where the Reds don't look correct. If anyone also has their text look like the above, let me know how you caused it


File:Screenshot_20240416_210141.jpg (209.16 KB,1080x1132)

Like this?


no, the persons headings look brighter than they should be. Something makes dark reds balance with the background into becoming a sort of pink.
I know the guy isn't trolling. I thought it was the OS or browser's dark theme but I can't replicate it.


It's more readable above so they may have some contrast accessibility setting on.


File:1033b58161.png (433.5 KB,1881x1229)

You're onto something


he's on windows10 so it might be something there. But he claims that on some browsers it displays normally and on others it's "corrected"


So is the gif autoplay something that's sticking around? I didn't see an option to disable it, so I figured it was just a temporary gag but it's still going...


do you dislike it? I though it was worth trying to add a bit more stuff to how you can use the site


Personally I really dislike it. It reminds me of 8chan spinoffs. I would prefer it be a toggle, if possible.


I'll think of turning it off, but existing threads/posts will probably have it since it's built in


Auto-gif can easily get annoying when people post gifs with a lot of action. You know, when you have something flashing at you from the corner of the eye. One of the many things I use an adblocker to avoid.
If you ad a checkbox to the file upload for the poster to verify that their gif is not "noisy" (for lack of a better term), then we can probably trust a community like kissu to not abuse it.


Yeah, it's a thing that works okay in chatrooms because it'll be out of view shortly after you see it, but here it tends to distract, either because I'm trying to read the post under it or because I leave the tab open on another monitor and have something dancing in the corner of my eye. It's fun for /secret/ shitposting, but I normally want control over movement the same way I want control over sound.


k, it's only applying on /secret/ now


I still see this thread in catalog view


well, you still see it because it exists but for whatever reason the thread didn't build properly


Sorry for the late reply yup it's my first time here! jp and qa, got it, thanks!

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