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File:397dad7fe24ac3cb8239be6610….jpg (1.71 MB,6000x4000)


It's a little late to implement this halloween but maybe next year, could there be a some sort of halloween, joke generator?
Like you say "trick or treat!" in your post and a random joke is attached to your post.


File:[SubsPlease] Migi to Dali ….jpg (216.83 KB,1920x1080)

big megu
I don't really understand. Joke generators require jokes and are you saying we should copy-paste some or come up with new ones? I'm not really good at non-reaction jokes


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either works
I was thinking about just a bank of cheesy halloween themed jokes that you can pull from any site off google but coming up with some ourselves would be cool too. Jokes like; "Where does a mummy go on vacation? The Dead Sea."
This is entirely specuolative but maybe even train one of the existing general large language models on a set of halloween jokes, then have it pre-generate say 10,000 jokes, that are then used as the pool of jokes to pull from.


Funny, the LLM idea was the first thing that came to my head with this.


Although I thought that in a year maybe we'd be at the point where we could tie together image generation and text generation such that we could have a halloween joke with an attached halloween girl


>Where does a mummy go on vacation? The Dead Sea.
fuck i laffed

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