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The future is now, anon. AI, robotics, and material science have reached a point where robowaifus are now in the realm of possibility. We need anons with skills of all kinds: artists, scientists, engineers, programmers, makers, writefags and more are all needed to bring our robotic wives into reality. Come and join our multidisciplinary team of robowaifus technicians and be a part of a better tomorrow.
Join us at julay.world/robowaifu
We would also like to invite this site's administrators to post and network in our embassy thread.


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Not bad, I award you best board advertiser of the year.


Thanks kindly. This isn't just shitposting, btw.


sure, I'll make the logo


Kek, we actually do need one ATM. :^)
>t. /robowaifu/ BO.


I'd like to inquire about the source of your quote.


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I thought julay died smothered by lolis


Well, this ad and the Chobots image is nice. Can't say I care at all for the pol9k atmosphere of the board itself, but it's an 8gag thing so I guess it's to be expected.
Projects should be created out of love instead of spite, because anger will cool down over time and you'll lose your motivation


The projects are being created out of necessity and necessity is the mother of all invention after all.
Nah it's still up the site is just getting rid of a few boards in 80 days.


Think he's referring to the current situation after /intl/ took /v/


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I wouldn't judge one of those small boards by the big ones, although you guys are at risk of anything affecting the rest of that site.
It's just a negative atmosphere and I don't think productive things come from those. The opening sentence of the welcome sticky is displeasure towards women and feminism and not a love towards robotics or a passion towards creation. You get one chance at a first impression and it was used towards something you dislike instead of something you do like.
The recruitment sticky lists "MGTOW" and "Incels" first in order of importance above the monster girl/furry/mlp fandoms who have tons of experience doing creative things and tech people that actually know technology. Maybe I got the wrong impression and this is just an r9k board? I'm kind of worried which box outside people see kissu in now...

So much hatred around these days and today's internet people are using something cool that I like and turning it into the 503,197,323rd conflict zone in the Great Internet Culture Wars.


I am the one that made the recruitment list. I listed them off with what groups came to mind first. I asked myself "who would want a robowaifu" and those are the groups that came to mind.


I guess that part is understandable. Good luck!


>although you guys are at risk of anything affecting the rest of that site.
That didn't take long...


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If what you got out of it was that there needs to be robot sex slaves I think Clamp would be dissapointed.


you're gonna get a killer robot uprising and you will like it


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