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File:5038994b1c5c4a4b5482ac9371….png (186.79 KB,396x640)


Thoughts on the increase of lewdposting in /jp/?


Like the fun lewdposting, hate the lewdposting that'd be better served on megu


didn't even realize this thread existed until I did mod things.

Such is the existence of threads on /b/




do it if you want it, I'll stop if it gets out of hand(becomes imagedump). The real question is do you want it removed from /qa/ for /jp/


File:[Judas] Ishuzoku Reviewers….jpg (288.37 KB,1920x1080)

The increase is from 0 to above 0 so it's tough to gauge.
I made a stupid doujin edit with kissu banners and then someone made a futa on trap thread, but neither thread was filled with image dumping or ERP. I don't personally care if people do image dumps, although it's polite to sage the dumping


>The real question is do you want it removed from /qa/ for /jp/
Nah, that's unnecessary.
There had been some lewd posts before that, it's the small recent explosion I find interesting. Wonder if it'll be a short trend or a long trend, and whether V will end up enforcing >>>/jp/1316.


Well, I think the idea is going to be anyways that if you want /megu/ to be extreme and /jp/ to be relaxed then /qa/ is naturally going to be a more serious board and I might move even spoilered nsfw to one of the two.


I say this because if I'm to keep the cultures this way then I have to prevent them from bleeding into one another too much or it becomes a big redundant mess.

E: though my intention has always been for the seasonal boards to be a /b/ analog so when that eventually catches on I won't care about bleed there.


heh tbh


blame the gay norms

they wont post their disgusting porn on >>>/megu/
mods wont delete posts that contain graphic nudity


not sure anyone was complaining about it, but nothing wrong with a bit of futa funposting


>have to prevent them from bleeding into one another too much
Allow me to refer back to >>3480.
As long as the mechanism for imagedumping is present, its usage is an eventuality. This is one of its possibilities. For the already present, borderline imagedumping lewdness to move to /megu/, it would need both a spark of activity in /megu/ and a reason to not continue posting on /jp/. Not that it needs to leave though, just spitballing.
I do not believe this activity is limited to the homos homo sapiens sapiens.


/jp/ is becoming extremely gay as the lewdposting increases
just my observation


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this one specific individual makes me want to support gays at full force


maybe if it was possible to hide posts within threads and hide threads from catalog gays wouldnt be that much of a problem


support gay people


die queer


Gotta admit, I wasn't on the gay train at first but that guy inspired me

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