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File:hmmm.jpg (61.25 KB,1280x720)


Want to create banners but the ideas won't come to my head...


File:[HorribleSubs] Murenase! S….jpg (151.88 KB,1280x720)

Do you have skills? I've been thinking of how to put 'kissu' in the reflection on this but I don't know how I'd go about making it look accurate


File:1591773456161.jpg (26.73 KB,300x140)

Hmm, I could think up something tomorrow for that, but for now here's what I'd use if you want to give it a shot


well uhh, that was the easy part...


File:1591773456161.jpg (26.12 KB,300x140)

how's this work for you? gonna sleep


oh yeah, if you want to make any tweaks to it here


Hmm, I guess it's easier than I thought. It needs to be backwards though since it's a reflection, which was the appeal of making it a banner to me.
I'll try it myself tomorrow, but now I must sleep


did you try it yet


File:1591773456161.jpg (33.48 KB,300x140)

how's this look. was considering how visible it should be while at the same time still appearing as a reflection


Sorry I completely forgot... yeah this is looking pretty good. I'm kind of wondering what kind of sign she'd be looking at that said kissu. Should it neon? What kind of font? etc etc


Oh, that's a neat idea. I'd been thinking of it being in the clouds this whole time, but a sign makes sense. Would make for it to be easier to see as well, especially if it were neon or similar.


I like the newest banner

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