Why do gamers keep coming up with all this reductive reasoning? Is it because games is the one medium where real problem solving is done by the developer and the customer is babied with artificial obstacle courses where the solution is baked-in with the puzzle?
>>3935>There's still no good solution for D-Pads and analog being on the same controller, though.I mean, your thumb is where it is, either move your palm or thumble at an angle, neither is difficult and there's probably no physical space possible for improvements. But frankly, I prefer digital buttons to D-pad and like to enter angles with double press of the exact buttons i move my finger on, over rocking and tilting a middleman. Analogue stick is the input method most overused and misused for what it actually does, despite being really good for what it does.
As for mouse, it's a fucking motion controller, and most KB/M games are designed from ground up to be finger pointing simulators with no other purpose than to accommodate the exact action that is the only thing a mouse is good for. Seeing what manbabies come out of gaming it's clear it's not a rewarding choice of a hobby to master, and then just be starving for a constant supply of conceptually new games that let you repeat from muscle memory all the same twitch reflexes over and over again.