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File:141218c8a3eb436c158daad5fe….jpg (55.63 KB,600x638)


The boards have been completely dead recently during early morning. Can't figure out if this is for the worse since dead hours don't look good, or for the better if everyone is awake around the same time.


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This is /qa/ /qa/-/g/ if that makes sense? Not like 4/qa/ or k/qa/ but just what I said before.


It's like a /g/-/q/


Yeah but /gq/ don't sound right.


Early morning has always had only a handful of posts. A lot of days I've woken up to find about three posts made throughout the past five hours or so. No idea what's behind it, but I don't consider it to be terrible.
General questions.


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Well, people do need sleep..
To me, a non-4chan imageboard is dead when it doesn't get a new post for weeks, not hours or minutes.


Oh I didn't mean for it to sound like I was calling the site dead in general. I meant during those specific hours activity is dead. Which I'm not sure if it's a problem or not.

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