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File:WinRAR_vEBHsl6giM.png (88.76 KB,802x662)


looks like I need a new computer


how often do you come across rar archives these days, though? just use 7z


File:1434411809424.jpg (117.79 KB,1280x720)

WinRAR is NOT free. You can't run forever, you WILL purchase WinRAR.


Please buy now.


I kind of feel sad for rarlab, they were nice and made a nice program to compress and decompress stuff and they let you use it however you like hoping someone will buy a license but no-one ever does.....


some people surely do,
and those people are what makes it worth it


Why not just use 7-Zip?


I do, but sometimes I get RARs or something and winrar defaults to open them. Some RARs only seem to open with winrar if I remember right


Yeah, but that was the internet at the time. It was the time of shareware and trust in the online community.
Boy, that didn't last long.


have you bought winrar yet?
it's only a modest 29 dollars


i'm sure they have enterprise rules right... someone is buying their licences... right?


From what I've heard, they make most of their money off of >>12236. A corporation isn't going to feel comfortable installing a permanent free trial on its workstations.


File:[Pizza] Urusei Yatsura (20….jpg (540.4 KB,1920x1080)

I think this was my OP and... no!


how do you not remember the threads you've made


I think warez still use it?


this was three and a half years ago i don't remember either


out of curiosity, was anyone here dumb enough to actually pay for winrar

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