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File:1f7a9f5aac862dbf260e200379….png (2.32 MB,1000x1816)



Why did my /qa/ bug not show right on dark-kissu theme? It's the only one where it didn't.


What's different?


nevermind, is it the eyes being off-center?


Lucida Sans Unicode has different spacings


The eyes are smaller than what they are supposed to be and the segments are bigger. Just switch to another theme to see the difference.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (228.59 KB,1920x1080)

Ultimately it's something you have to take up with the creator of the CSS, who is around here somewhere. If the CSS is changed, then it's not his creation any more. He can elect to change it or someone can make a version that handles the font differently.


File:f068ec6a10813c3d5638921612….jpg (221.99 KB,1500x1093)

Given this, I think the standard dark theme is objectively the best one, but there's a small problem with it; the sages aren't very visible, can barely read "Anonymous" or whatever name it is there when there's a sage. If it was a changed to a better color it would be perfect.


Which one is the standard dark theme? The exact name.
I'll go look at that now, I couldn't figure it out at the time


File:dark.jpg (171.43 KB,1205x844)


The name is just "Dark" by the way.


.intro a.email span.name {
color: #000000;

Looks like we need to add this to a whole lot of themes because that default dark sage is on a lot of them


converted to lucida sans


font on dark-kissu looks worse than before now...


inconsistent spacings or ugly font...
Verdana is closer to Lucida Sans Unicode without unique spacing


In a few days no one will remember the bug (no offense) so I think it's probably to revert it. How often are people posting ASCII?


I was planning on making a thread dedicated to posting ASCII now that you said that. Just researching some places where to get it from first.

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