>>9167Well, it was before the /qa/ /jp/ split, so it makes sense. I still do wonder if posting would be faster were there just /qa/ and not a secondary or tertiary board. Oh well.
Daily Kissu /qa/ Post Counts:
Date | Last - First | Total
12/16/19 | 20710 - 20404 | 307
12/17/19 | 20971 - 20711 | 261
12/18/19 | 21235 - 20972 | 264
12/19/19 | 21363 - 21236 | 128
12/20/19 | 21503 - 21364 | 140
12/21/19 | 21631 - 21504 | 128
12/22/19 | 21763 - 21632 | 132
Week Total | 21763 - 20404 | 1360
12/23/19 | 21856 - 21764 | 93
Got lazy and stopped after a week... but it stayed that way until New Year's, I believe.