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Self driving cars look like a university grad's philosophical thesis on ethics and not a practical application of real world technology.

In this video the car regularly drives or stays in wrong lanes for longer than a second. Reports have been that people using automated steering have been pulled over for looking like a drunk driver. This is the result after a 2 years from peak funding in 2019.


Some of those near misses are pretty frightening, and it doesn't seem to have that good a grip on left turns or "no turn on red". I wonder if it may try to turn onto a no left turn.


can't really see that work properly unless the whole city and all the cars around were feeding each other data, which is scarier than a car crash


File:concrete hell.jpg (140.21 KB,1024x680)

America has already been ruined by catering to motor vehicles/long haul trucks for a very long time now; not sure we should be adding to the problem but working to change the doomed direction we've set ourselves on.


"fun" hacking mischief comes to mind.


Fun as in like that setup where those guys used tape turn a 30 mph speed limit sign into an 80 one, and the car AI took it no questions asked?


File:Tesla Self-Driving is Work….mp4 (7.43 MB,1280x720)



File:FmQmHeU.png (42.91 KB,736x480)


File:Detective_Kotoko.jpg (132.26 KB,1280x720)

Interestingly obvious point that I had always overlooked when thinking about self-driving in cars.


are insurance rates public information? I'd like to know that


another reason why worrying about the coming "ai revolution" or whatever is a pretty infeasible idea at least within our lifetimes. constructing an ai that was somehow superior to a human brain and could go on evolving by itself presupposes a programmer who has such an intimate knowledge of the human brain/intelligence the likes of which we've never seen before


Noticed I can't even find a hazardous environment test for these anywhere. Worrying sign.


Computer vision problems tend to be alright. But the stats about saftey are misleading because it's a luxury vehicle and people drive these more cautiously.

And participants to this program have to make a down payment of 10,000 dollars to get into the beta(and most people who have given money haven't even gotten it!)


unrelated, but bursting AI dreams is like candy


I thought it was common knowledge that forced 60 fps looks like ass.


But don't you want to know why?

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