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File:StatCounter-os_combined-JP….png (119.08 KB,1280x720)


What OS are the Niponjin's using that's more popular than iOS?


I assume 'unknown' just means 'data not available', not that they're using some weird operating system.


was thinking that countries will start realizing that their over reliance on Microsoft is causing them more harm than good so there will be a few countries that are showing signs of using domestic operating systems designed for their county. Japan, India or China would be amoung the first, though I wouldn't be surprised if some North European countries already have abandoned it for Linux


Linux and its whole ecosystem are very much international already. I don't see the need for new nation specific OSes when you already have that.

That aside, I can't see japan doing that. Japanese people fairly consistently like technology that western techies hate, and while they hate plenty of things about the US, their overall opinion of it is neutral to positive.


China has already began the transition to Linux for all of government computers. They have an official distro for government usage. They also bought off a Taiwanese company so that they can also make their own (outdated) x86 processors.


I'm surprised China of all countries wouldn't just make their own OS from scratch so as to have complete control over it. It's not like they shouldn't have the expertise to be capable of it at any rate.


China can violate the GPL as much as it wants because it's china, so there's really no need.


Having an official government distro gives them complete control over it. Making the whole OS from scratch would just be needlessly repeating work.


>They also bought off a Taiwanese company so that they can also make their own (outdated) x86 processors.
That just about sums up the Chinese mentality


File:Red_Star_1.0_Boot_Screen.png (409.41 KB,656x493)

Even Best Korea uses Linux!


File:Windowing_in_Red_Star_Linu….png (512.6 KB,640x480)

Wow! Great! As expected of Supreme Leader it is amazing and has game!!


The world's most advance Operating system...


Moved to >>>/qa/72805.

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