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File:98272ae6e4e1eb334b78821d3d….jpg (191.67 KB,1200x1400)


How much does it cost to run the site?


are we talking about the cost of my time as a developer or the costs of renting things such as the domain and servers?


I'll give you both.
Kissu has 2 VPS servers that come out to $96 per year, a domain name for kissu.moe and also 4taba.net are something like $20 per year. lets just say $120/yr for me to just keep things as they are. Mind you there are times when I think we could be spending more on servers and I've had to do a lot of tests to verify that the site can sustain high post rates typical in spam or other malicious attacks.. which leads me to the next point.

Being a software developer costs 27$/hr and if you don't consider this as an overhead then stop reading, but if we were to evaluate the price of my time in developing and maintaining software, probably we could say $30,000? At this point dev work has stabilized and I'm not working on much so I don't think you could say that the cost of me working on the site is increasing, if you believe this sort of thing is a cost.

so 120$/yr and a flat cost of development of 30,000$


about tree fiddy per month

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