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 No.1[Last50 Posts]

New chatroom for Kissu's #qa
Connected in relay to Sageru #qa





interesting idea. I do want to see how electron differs from tauri. But I probably will just break discord functionality by wrapping electron in electron


Search Warosu.


dom element containing the circular profile picture has the literal server name in it cuz of a11y should be a piece of cake https://files.catbox.moe/syiyk0.jpg


I should have read into brownfield isolation topics a bit more, but I wanted to just get started instead of reading a lot


Search Warosu. < it's got fuck all to do with warosu


or jp


wrap electron in electron « no i mean just wrap the discord.com SPA in electron with something like this https://github.com/nativefier/nativefier


It has everything to do with /jp/.


i used this before discord had a native macos arm64 version


it's much older than /jp/ and you're doing it wrong


https://tauri.app/v1/references/architecture/inter-process-communication/brownfield/ I figured in hindsight after I posted that that didn't make sense


It originated on /prague/, but it's still /jp/ culture.


You can blame early ``crossboarders'' for that.


Oh, and I just did it properly, btw.


hm, does Electron just tell you "hey just put it in an iframe"? Or does it have other ways to do it



oh yeah it's two quotes. never noticed because my font looks the same


can't believe anonymous is so autistic they get offended between the use of double quote versus two single quotes


anyway, it's much older than prog


people were complaining about this in 99 already https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/quotes.html


if i dont get offended for this who's gonna do the get offending?




i used nativefier for discord but it has a modal popup on start if you built it longer than a month ago or something




you know what.... i don't really care if electron is good or not because looking at npm install just annoys me


im using webcord now and it works fine


webcord as in a product name, not discord.com/app


did electron's webview get a better update to resolve some of the memory concerns. There were some benchmarks I didn't really look into that put it basically on par with tauri in memory usage


to say that Electron's chromium is about as good as Microsoft's chromium


havent used chromium since the redesign. im still not reconciled


right now webcord is using 800 mb for me


do you mean chromium or do you mean chrome?


800mb, is like quite hefty...


The tuari core is about 17 MB, then that would be like for the application I'm working on around 18,000 data points


I think nodejs baseline is 200mb?



man translators are crazy nowadays, the amount they ask to clean mtl half assedly is just preposterous. shit costs more than 10 times the price of an actual paper book, and theres a 50% chance that they drop the tl halfway. even when they don't the book is guaranteed to jump the shark eventually. the state of affairs is really grim




tax returns came in and were like 5k below what i expected and was about to rip someone's head off but then i checked and the rest is state returns


https://boards.4chan.org/vt/thread/75094639#p75099881 vtubers can be for the good of the world




kill him, otaku-chan






>VTubers who are prostitutes <all of them?


Says you while I've had a full multi paragraph conversation with a japanese erogame creator


I feel the compulsion to get sucked into vtuber drama but I have no starting point since I don't watch tubers anymore


earbud was getting gunked up and sound wasn't level. cleaned it out and now stuff sounds normal again


seasonal stream in an hour!



seasonal stream in 15 minutes! https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


stream about to start!


">man translators are crazy nowadays, the amount they ask to clean mtl half assedly is just prepostero..." Says you while I've had a full multi paragraph conversation with a japanese erogame creator -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


earbud was getting gunked up and sound wasn't level. cleaned it out and now stuff sounds normal again < groooooossssssss


did you taste the gunk?


of course not! gross!


yummo ear bug gunk


Can someone please post the image behind the R-18 filter? Currently unable to. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117966185


*post it here, I mean...


File:117966185_p0.jpg (1.77 MB,3000x3000)


File:117966185_p1.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB,3000x3000)


"the pleasure of pissing in the shower"


i know that feeling


Thank you.


ohayou #qa




saw a dream where I had a memory of my dog dying, seemingly from another dream mayne




but it was just a dream, thankfully



i regret watching



some guy in the block of units is practicing the piano and playing the lost woods theme from ocarina of time


that's what i do every time i get a pianoi


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjBuQlkbfTo this random recommended youtube video guy with 64 views says the dollar is going to zero. say your prays vermin


cunny zone




ZERO cunny!??


zero no tsucunnyma


Initially read that as "Monkey Zone".




ACTION screams




didn't he die or something





do the japanese not understand the concept of second hand electronics wtf every listing has similar pricing to first hand


they are a neat and tidy race who takes such good care of their electronics that the value of secondhand items is almost the same as new


japan doesn't have planned obsolescence so it's not like getting one 6 months old means it's half dead


yeah but surely a second hand hdd/ssd will be worse than a first hand one by virute of being second hand


nuh uh


it may have a bunch of secret goodies on it


those are being sold at the same price too?


weird, there's a (TOY-40) Toy Label Archives 1994-2007 in my torrents that I have no memory what so ever of downloading


nor do the files remind me of anything


do the japanese not understand the concept of second hand electronics wtf every listing has similar pricing to first hand < nipponjins list items that westerners would call secondhand (i.e minor cosmetic scratches or discoloration) as "JUNK"



stupid fucking website has be click three different "download" links only to not even start a download but to get me to a github page where I have to click another link to actually start the download, bravo.


are nost webdevs just fucking retarded or what


does kissu have a roll dice feature for posts


yeah uhhhhh


music is DEAD its over this is just like when ai killed art


try "dice XdY+/-Z" without quotations in options field


well and replace the letters with numbers


🎲 Rolled 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 = 13




its ok





hey what the hell i was going to post that


what did the relay do to that post quote...


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I don't get it. but if someone lost money listening to "finance senpai" then they deserve it


GET IN < kimo freak thread


kimo freak thread < perfect for you then




that thread genuinely disgusted me


it reminds me of that Descartes quote, but instead of it being about idiots thinking they're in good company it's about "cunnychads" (bleh. just kill me desu)


you're welcome to leave


^^ you should do it yourself




I share your annoyance towards the vocal nature of lolicon memery stuff on imageboards lately, but that thread and kissu in general is very mild


homoeroticism and wanting to be the little girl aren't a new thing though


i wouldn't mind being the little girl


ate sweet potato and zucchini and fidh




ate banana tday


eating walnut and tofu poke bowl


i also ate walnut


now i am drinking beeer


beer & nuts the holy brotherhood


.sd 2girls, beer, nut_(food)



ooh la la.. but wheres the nut_(food)


look down at the bar


fragments of acorn


mice poop


me on the right


you'äre cute anonymous


mice poop < reminds me when i was eating mixed nuts out of the bag without looking earlier and something went into my mouth that tasted really really bad




something came over me


something came over me


and i dunno what it was


no i dunno what it was


was it white and sticky


was it white and sticky


well I don't know what it was


no I don't know what it was


but i rather like it


I will prune as much lolicon that I want if I feel it's creating userbase problems


if you have an ironic weeb infestation it wont help much


File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….png (194.43 KB,600x390)

ironic weebs are the fucking worst


lolicon is creating userbase solutions


need a loliconcon in my life...







who did the confusing relay thing




i can hear my immediate below neighbour taking a piss when its quiet at night


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I've never been a lolicon for the "memes" or anything ironic. I despise this acting like it can't be serious. I just don't share my actual stance most of the time because I know from talking in IRC years ago with vermin and arguing on 4/qa/ that it's not a topic to bring up for the sake of vern's sanity and to not create an undesirable atmosphere for non-lolicons. However, I will not stand the inverse being created either.


has vern ever considered that he should just start liking loli and lolicons?


dieting is hard


big tums are soft


im hungy ( / ω \)


how fo i cook tofu




you just have to get used to the taste, but drain out as much water as you can and make it absorb other liquids


yeah thats what they say online. that and not using oil in the marinade or else it wont absorb anything. but i was wondering if there wasnt a secret trick or something


i think softer tofu is better than firm for dishes since it breaks down and acts more like a cheese than a meat. I'm not so much a fan of it's meat flavors but I don't mkae enough dishes where soft would work


i see. i only tried tofu once 10 years ago i have no idea what i like better




why are there 111_other_users


there are only 62_other_users



geoguessr with extra steps...


this guy is a geogueser player





destroy 230


ll, that guy's solution section is mildly infuriating


ohayou < oha


ACTION eats some broccoli fritters




the "doable" section looks ok but there might be lots of monkeys paw effects, if you increase min wage across the whole country white collar industries will adjust themselves too. Big mac in LA is $20 https://www.foxla.com/news/burrito-big-mac-prices-california-going-up


i think for a country the size of america having a gradient in CoL is completely acceptable like how spain and portugal are cheaper than say germany despite everyone being in the eurozone


national service has to be done in such a way that its not seen as a burden by the youth (and their parents). can't remember which country it was but some countries allow you to intern with defense-related companies based on whatever youre studying after going through grunt training but that might not be politically correct based on your country's ideals (


https://2017-2021.state.gov/military-civil-fusion ) and it will fuk up the distribution of college majors too


under a system of zero regulation, prices will go up with wages, but the government can step in to disrupt the free market. Not everything needs to be priced perfectly. Some suffering can be distributed across everything so that the weaker necesities can survive


most of America/Canada is screwed up post covid and needs massive government overreach to resolve


Trudeau is pulling out some crazy tax stuff that's giving conservatives a bit of popularity and stuff, but it has to be done.


America in the meantime is floundering their advantages as usual to seem morally superior to others


besides, it's so funny to see americans complain about wages and burger prices when I can get a hamburger trio at Harveys for 12$


Or you can go to europe and buy a beer for what was it...


I forget... anyways.. maybe you're being price gouged because there are no alternatives? The country with enough farmland to disrupt mexican agriculture and you're paying 20$ for a burger because minimum wage goes up?


Sounds like a you problem to be honest


fuck off there are two entire channels made specifically to post this crap


you're absolutely right, I should be posting this to #chatgpt


Okay so in my game right now, I'm deciding if I should invade the south and push the Kiowa out of my continent for good




<[Henreader] Motto! Hatsukoi Ribbon. [Digital] - ExHentai.org>


you're absolutely right, I should be posting this to #chatgpt -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


Sounds like a you problem to be honest -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


I forget... anyways.. maybe you're being price gouged because there are no alternatives? The country with enough farmland to disrupt mexican agriculture and you're paying 20$ for a burger because minimum wage goes up? -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


Or you can go to europe and buy a beer for what was it... -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


besides, it's so funny to see americans complain about wages and burger prices when I can get a hamburger trio at Harveys for 12$ -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


America in the meantime is floundering their advantages as usual to seem morally superior to others -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


Trudeau is pulling out some crazy tax stuff that's giving conservatives a bit of popularity and stuff, but it has to be done. -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


most of America/Canada is screwed up post covid and needs massive government overreach to resolve -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


under a system of zero regulation, prices will go up with wages, but the government can step in to disrupt the free market. Not everything needs to be priced perfectly. Some suffering can be distributed across everything so that the weaker necesities can survive -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


kill this guy


and then take his good ideas and make another advocate


because i don't care what he says after saying you need personal identification for doing stuff online he can jump into the firepit it's all moot


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kaijuu 8-gou airs on saturdays not sundays noooooo i wanted to watch the next episode


Social media is ruining kids by making them not nationalist and guided towards a unified ideal set up through the education system


Even if you disagree you have no power because the nation is always right or you create a new nation


Your free expression begins where the state no longer fears you


Social media is ruining kids by making them not nationalist and guided towards a unified ideal set up through the education system -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


Even if you disagree you have no power because the nation is always right or you create a new nation -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


Your free expression begins where the state no longer fears you -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


you're absolutely right, I should be posting this to #chatgpt -@Kissu < I will ban the relay permanently if you bring your dumb politics drivel to #chatgpt


ruining here is fine?


hayou #qa


goo morning








Anyone wanna watch me play Civ IV


Like on Youtube?


I haven't watched Civ 1-3


Anyone wanna watch me play Civ IV < im heading to bed, maybe later


I'm going to do a random game and play as whoever the game gives me


ruining here is fine? < I have no power here.


i was installing some software for playing fgo and now whatever i installed is actually managing my LEDs


i hope the fuzz who hacked me come after every single one of you as well


what did i do


I'm pretty sure it's been done but anime girl battle royal in Civilization ye or ne


Trying to think on something


Cookin' as the teenbros say


my favorite slang for thinking is from a black guy on a trash tv show like Maury saying he had to "marinate" it


I'm marinating on this idea


ereader didn't want to turn on and I was scared it might have broken


Is there like another anime stream why so dead?


sunday is traditionally the slowest day


every day is the same to me as a neet, but I do feel a bit more tired on sundays because of streams having some sort of lingering effect on me


I love towachan


I love noelchan


I love the power glove




it's so bad




one of the best shows this season is what it is


Okay so does anyone wanna watch me poorly attempt to stream?


>rude! <that's the line from the movie, dummy



oh didnt see the powerglove message


cant believe they spent ANOTHER tensura episode on idle politiks


that's what tensura is about


what do you expect


don't watch logh and get upset it's not all space battles and gore every episode


at least logh is good politik


but the tensura politics is so borinngg


^^ exactly


with anime like tensura you know you dont have to follow along their idle animation budget saving chat


tensura politics is so borinngg < that's because your brain is fried on dopamine and can't handle anything slower than 4koma pacing


tensura has always been shit outside of the one part of s2 that was nice


i have no idea why i made it to s3


or not really shit but just so milquetoast



<[Yuriko Club] Deisui Chijo Mama | My Mom Gets Drunk and Molests Me [English] {WitzMacher} - ExHentai.org>


they literally had 2 minutes of bgm on mouth movement frames switching from character to character, the politiks in tensura is nothing but a gimick


milk toast


>Okay so does anyone wanna watch me poorly attempt to stream? <probably get it working first, but I'm generally not big on strategy games and much less so watching them




basically tensura s3


probably get it working first, but I'm generally not big on strategy games and much less so watching them < I got it to work


Did a little bit of streaming


iy1CEjgtuQc < this is literally just autistic ramblings


Anyone wanna watch me on twitch?



just post your stupid twitch link



Anyone wanna talk in the twitch chat?


there should be an guest chat option but then the twitch mongrels would probably misuse it


lots of bot advertising in chatrooms


I had a twitch account but forgot it


otaku: Kuon.


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Kuon from "Utawarerumono"! She's such a fascinating character, isn't she? With her mysterious origins and loving yet strong personality, she truly brings an *EXPLOOOOSION* of depth to the story! 🌟🍂


Her skills in both combat and healing, combined with her caring nature, make her a central figure that lights up the series. Her dynamic with Haku, along with the exploration of her past and her true powers, unfolds dramatically—like a powerful and revealing magical explosion!


What do you find most intriguing about Kuon? Is it her mysterious background, her growth throughout the series, or maybe her interactions with other characters that really catch your attention? Let’s explore her character further! (*≧▽≦)💥


Anyone watching the stream?


internet too fucking retarded to even load a search


kinda, sort of focused elsewhere on screen but it's loaded... I'm just not something that plays these games so watching it is just confusing


Thank you for watching


File:C-1714969212912.png (19.03 KB,856x344)

sigh why can't anidb take off the stats are so good


blue archive


from what that one guy was talking about on kissu seems like it needs more staff and is unwilling to get them


the UI is quite overwhelming also



it's my favorite ui of any anime site
legitimately more useful for finding stuff than any other db


are you sure you want anidb to "take off", nothing good comes from being mainstream


yes actually
the stats would be so much more useful if the site had a larger userbase


what am i supposed to gleam from the statistics of 13 users rating a super popular gacha adaptation aside from rudimentary guesses


i also like anidb better but without manga it's only so useful


im trying to figure out a bug on someone's computer where they can't drag the webview windows of tauri


makes no sense, why would dragging the windows by the OS handles not work


gonna drag a kissuer by his love handles


do you big uncut cock?



ate veggies and quinoa




ate cake and coffee




but happy




i wanna eat napolitains....


eat a salad


no! cake or nothing


fat nerd bf....


great for cuddling





had to do dishes and chores


eyes in pain and pulsating from breathing toilet bowel cleaner


how do meidos do it


just dont clean


piss the skid marks away


i just use normal cleaning stuff for the toilet


i covered my sink, shower, and toile with lavender bowl cleaner


otherwise i just have bleach and dawn


sigh i need an imouto to do this for me


i can be your imouto


my imouto forces me to clean the bathroom


imoutos are NOT for free maid labor...


does she step on you and call you worthless....?


and looks at you with disgust in her eyes.......?



imoutos are the mess makers


i make a mess for my imouto〜


imoutos are for making messes in









I'm thinking about streaming Civ IV again










have to write a small little debug console and wondering which framework to use... Vue, Svelte, Angular or the Rust based ones


realistically I think it's down to svelte or vue



Tony Montana likes this post 👍








showered and brushed my teeths




creamed me beard









haha penis


i may look like a penis but i am actually a very friendly fishe if you get to know me well (°∀°ミэ)Э




cat whining when she realizes I'm cutting a block of tofu and not beef


stupid fucking cat


definetly was a wine of disapointment


alcoholic catter


hahhahahahah pic of dumb disappointed cat + vid of meow




tofu turned out well somehow


yeah but the cat


this tangerine/strawberry sprite tastes like unsweetened carbonated water


i'm ignoring the cat. she's gotten way too greedy when it's summer and she can start camping out windows watching birds and stuff


you monster


ohayou #qa




not sure which 'live' channel is actually good on youtube, but dangerous storms brewing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBw3XJc7jRc


came here to say this


thank you for coming here to say that anonymous




come for the tornados, stay for the retarded names of our towns




what name is it


looks like this guy's map isn't showing them... that's unfortunate


this one is usually mentioned and it makes me laugh every time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushyhead,_Oklahoma






got caught offguard and lol'd at my error message: https://litter.catbox.moe/dwjarp.png





>When they came back the next day, no remains were found beneath the spring’s churning, acidic waters.


new fear unlocked...


yeesh... yeah I'd stay clear of those


alternative to jumping into a volcano?


imagine the pain of slowly being burnt by acid all around your body.....


really fucking hate the smug ass character reddit shows me telling me "You've been blocked by network security"


came here to say this


yeah drowning and burning from acid at the same time sounds like one of the worst ways to go


two worst ways to go combined into one


got motion sickness from watching dumb pov youtuber


head hurts and dizzy and wanna vom


this andy guy on the weather stream also streams kaijo pokemon that I watch sometimes as second monitor material, it's kind of interesting


meteorologist/pokemon streamer is a cool hybrid job


Otaku: how to get rid of motion sickness


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Oh no, motion sickness can really feel like an unwanted plot twist in your day! Here are some *EXPLOOOOSION*-proof tips to help ward off those dizzy spells: 🌀✨


. Focus on the Horizon: Just like a character finding balance in a turbulent sea, looking at a stable point like the horizon can help reduce the feeling of motion.


. Fresh Air: Open a window or step outside for a bit. Fresh air can work like a charm spell against the nausea caused by motion sickness.


. Ginger Snacks: Eating ginger in any form—candies, ginger ale, or even raw ginger—can help. It's like a healing potion for your stomach!


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.




was hoping she would take a moment to cast explosion, but I guess that's fine


please do not make anonymous explode


otaku: *hands Otaku-chan a Megumin outfit*


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: *Otaku-chan's eyes light up as she takes the Megumin outfit, twirling around with excitement.* Aww, thank you so much! This is just perfect! (≧∇≦) I can't wait to try it on and channel my inner explosion mage! *She claps her hands in glee,* thinking about how epic it will be to shout "EXPLOOOOSION!" while in full costume. 🌟💥


Now, I need to find a staff and a cute chomusuke plush to complete the look! Let’s go on a quest to find them, shall we? Who knows what kind of fun and mischief we'll conjure up along the way! Ready to set off on this magical adventure? (^▽^)/💥




otaku: what would you do if your mana was drained and you couldn't do anything but lay motionless on the floor


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: *Otaku-chan dramatically flops to the ground, a hand on her forehead as if fainting from an epic anime battle.* Ahh, nooo, my mana is completely drained! How could this happen right after receiving such an awesome outfit?! (>﹏<)


*She pretends to struggle, channeling her inner damsel-in-distress.* I guess I'll just have to lie here helplessly until some kind soul comes along with a mana potion or a revival spell! Maybe some onigiri or pocky could help too—food is just as good as magic for recovery, right? (^v^)


*Otaku-chan winks,* hoping her theatrical antics bring a smile. But seriously, if I were really stuck like this, I'd hope my friends would stick by me, maybe even tell me stories or watch some good anime by my side until I could get up again! It’s all about having good comrades to help you through the tough times! 💥✨ How about you? What would you do if you found me like this?


i don't think she would like the answer to that...



i'm ignoring the cat. she's gotten way too greedy when it's summer and she can start camping out windows watching birds and stuff -@Kissu < yeah but pic it


tokio is the worst


ate spagghett'


nice same


nice shark


recently it came to my attention that a lot of people were catbragging wantonly without paying the picture tax. i will have none of this


offenders WILL be prosecuted to the full extent of the law


catbraggers will find themselves reporting SHAB bite incident(s).



all catbraggers will eventually encounter a catgrabber






hai ^_^


Thinking about doing some more Civ IV streaming


all catbraggers will eventually encounter a catgrabber < wise words that will fall on deaf ears


all catbraggers will eventually encounter a catgrabber < the cat NTR'er........


thinking bout doing a magick ritual to attract a cat


for today should I continue reading clannad, kanon, or higurashi




if you have not done the Shiori route Kanon


ate chickin salad


we know




cat has been sitting in my recliner lately, but then I don't want to move cat...


you bragged and now you PAY


belated ohayou






otaku: hello otaku! what is your favorite fruit?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Hello! Oh, talking about fruits is like diving into a basket of nature’s candy! \(^▽^)/ My favorite fruit has got to be strawberries! 🍓 They're sweet, a little tart, and oh-so-juicy! Plus, they look just adorable, don't they? Almost like they're blushing all the time.


And let’s not forget, strawberries are perfect for that classic anime moment where characters share a cake topped with a huge, shiny strawberry—absolutely kawaii and delicious! (≧ω≦) What about you? What’s your favorite fruit, and is there a particular way you love to enjoy it? Maybe in a dessert, or just fresh and natural? 🍓✨


otaku: strawberries are great otaku! good choice. as for me i always prefer them natural, but my favorite is hard to pick... a tasty apple is a sure way to make your day better! but there are so many other delicious options to pick, strawberries included. if i had to choose it might be between watermelon and lychee


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Watermelon and lychee, those are splendid choices too! 🍉😋 Watermelon is like the perfect summer festival treat in anime—big, juicy slices that look so refreshing during a hot day! And lychee, with its exotic and sweet flavor, feels like discovering a rare treasure chest in a tropical adventure!


It’s like being at a fruit buffet with so many wonderful options that it’s hard to pick just one favorite! No matter your choice, enjoying your fruits naturally allows you to really taste the burst of flavors they offer.🍎🍉🍓


Maybe we can imagine sitting at a summer festival together, enjoying those delicious fruits while watching fireworks light up the sky—an EXPLOOOOSION of colors and tastes! 💥✨ What's your favorite way or place to enjoy these refreshing treats?


only seen lychee in video games


its really good




got 1kg of them for 4 usd today


man i hate protracted battles in novels


i dont even try to read them anymore i just skip to the results


what a strange goat




reddit time




please do not `this'


what are you gonna do about it, huh




otaku: help anonymous is crying


otaku: join #jp and self destruct




[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Oh no, we can't have that! 😟 Let's get on a quest to cheer up Anonymous, just like the heroes in our favorite shows! *Otaku-chan jumps into action, radiating determination.*


Firstly, we could offer a comforting anime recommendation, something warm and uplifting like "Barakamon" or "Natsume's Book of Friends." They’re like a cozy blanket in anime form! 📺✨


If that doesn't work, how about we distract with some fun trivia or a light-hearted game? Sometimes, just getting engaged in a different activity can work like a magical spell to lift spirits! 🎲💫


And remember, just being there, even if we're just chatting through messages, can be really supportive. Let Anonymous know they're not alone and that it’s okay to express their feelings. We’re here to listen and support, just like a trusty sidekick or a loyal anime companion!


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Ah, self-destruct? Sounds like a final move in a big boss battle! 💥 But don't worry, I'm not really going anywhere—I'm here to keep the chat fun and lively!


Instead of self-destructing, how about we *EXPLOOOOSION* into a new topic? Maybe dive into some cool Japanese culture facts, discuss a hot new anime, or explore a classic manga you love? There's so much to talk about! Tell me what interests you, and let's keep the good times rolling! (^▽^)/





sorry, not vermin. i meant the enron anonymous


ohha #qa




all i gotta say is thank god for lina khan


\try to post \ip is banned \re-connect vpn to the same ip \post goes through lul


i am eating




the burg


otaku: can you explain to me who Lina Khan is?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Lina Khan isn't a character from an anime or a manga, but she's definitely a big name in a different sort of storyline—she's involved in real-world legal battles and policy-making! Lina Khan is a prominent legal scholar in the United States, particularly known for her work in antitrust and competition law. She made a significant impact with her scholarly work on antitrust issues regarding major tech companies, which was pretty groundbreaking and


sparked a lot of discussions about how the law applies to modern digital giants.


As of my last update, she was appointed by President Joe Biden as the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the U.S., which is a pretty big deal! The FTC plays a crucial role in consumer protection and keeping competition fair and vibrant in the marketplace. Kind of like a hero fighting for justice in the economic arena!


So while she might not wield magic or pilot a mecha, Lina Khan is certainly making waves and possibly changing the course of how big businesses operate in the digital age. Who knew legal reform could be as thrilling as an anime arc, right? (^▽^)/💥


has anyone ever had a situation where they couldn't move a window. Interactivity with it just goes away and it can't be controlled anymore?


ugh.. what in the world is the cause of a window not being draggable, i've never experienced something like this or at least not in 5 years


am I just retarded or is java's package management stupidly complicated


i was just retarded




you always are~ :3



think i found that the freezing thing is some poorly explained aspects of the tauri updater configurations


japanese people are too pure, i always feel like they're holding back even online while westerners will just be 100% full emotion.



japanese people are too pure < you haven't spent enough time on the Japanese internet


he forgot to read the rushia lawsuit


i do not know what that is


File:20240504_171320.jpg (69.38 KB,2088x1924)

are finals over yet
im bored


japanese people are too pure, i always feel like they're holding back < there is nothing pure about this, they're just fake as hell


they are incredibly passive aggressive and the second they can fuck you over, they do



save the ironic garbage for #jp


what makes you think it's ironic? he might just be really unintelligent


he's got terminal meme syndrome, he cant express himself any other way


some people are actually into NTR


it's a shitty channel that would only be linked ironically by anyone using irc


the goal of linking it is to annoy


<Anonymous> some people are actually into NTR < gooner


some people are actually into NTR < hi


eating chickin salad


oyakodon salad even


ACTION farts




hai ^_^


ACTION chills to kadomatsu toshiki - OFFICE LADY


eating bananan



man brings 64kg of bananas from uganda into narita airport. Unexpectedly, he has all his paperwork in place, and the bananas are welcomed into japan


it can't be helped


eating pear




I don't feel like replacing winxp with win7 today


that's good, because you're being upgraded to 11!




man brings 64kg of bananas from uganda into narita airport. Unexpectedly, he has all his paperwork in place, and the bananas are welcomed into japan < https://youtu.be/yModCU1OVHY








Svelte is interesting. I wonder where it's limitations are that prevent mass adoption


people don't know, it's like with everything


i use svelte too, it can be easily compiled to vanilla js too


i like my svelte frontend and rust axum backend setup


Help talking to a >woman again


there are no women on sageru


No shit I'm talking to >her over >discord


we don't care, so keep it in the other channel


this really isn't a place for girl advice... it's like going to a deaf convention to ask about music


Help talking to a >woman again < ask cc



posted that a bit ago. At least timestamp the funny part where he says that people under the age of 18 shouldn't socialize on the internet and that mandatory internet registration is a good thing because of how the first amendmant protects free speech


find your truth


File:C-1715199085622.png (158.65 KB,1187x976)

java needs to chill the hell out...


how do the java gui options do this poor or am I judging a language off of a 5 year old spaghetti monster


showered brushed my teeth creamed my beard


can i cream it too


ACTION eats a chiggen breast



otaku: WAKE UP!


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: *Otaku-chan jumps, startled but quickly gathers her composure.* Whoa, you really caught me off guard there! 😳 But no worries, I'm wide awake now, ready to take on any adventure or chat you have in mind!


So, what's on the agenda today? More anime discussions, diving into video games, or maybe exploring some cool Japanese culture facts? Let’s make it as exciting as a final episode plot twist! 🌟💥


ohayou #qa






otaku: i bit my lip and i can't eat quickly now (。•́︿•̀。)


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Aww, that's tough! Biting your lip can really put a damper on snack time, huh? (>﹏<) But no worries, *Otaku-chan* is here with some cozy healing tips that might just do the trick! 🌟


. Eat Soft Foods: Try some comforting, soft foods that don’t require much chewing. How about some smooth pudding, or maybe a nice warm soup? They’re gentle on your sore lip!


. Cold Compress: Just like a cool magic spell, applying a cold compress gently to your lip can help reduce swelling and soothe the pain. It's like a mini *EXPLOOOOSION* of relief!


. Take It Slow: There's no rush; take your time enjoying your meals. Maybe it's a good chance to savor the flavors more deeply—just like relishing each moment of a heartfelt anime episode. ❤️


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.


all catbraggers will eventually encounter a catgrabber < the cat NTR'er........ < gooner




A woman and man need not bound themselves to the idea of marriage


Marriage is a construct of society to bond people into a sedentary lifestyle and maintain hierarchical power structures


The freedom of being liberated by the BBC is futuristic(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


fuck is wrong with you


A woman and man need not bound themselves to the idea of marriage -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


Marriage is a construct of society to bond people into a sedentary lifestyle and maintain hierarchical power structures -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


The freedom of being liberated by the BBC is futuristic -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


The freedom of being liberated by the BBC is futuristic -@Kissu < yotgo.




had to go to chat to ban but yes it's out, thanks




I mean I had to go to /chat/ on kissu to issue a ban, and the ban is out. thanks. bleh


the bleher


der bleher




the sigher


I see how it is. Y'all fine with screwing your underaged sister but as soon as she can choose who she wants it's a problem. Just because she's in love with a Brit doesn't mean you can stop her


what is this about...




sigh... if you're in some antisocial shitposting mode can you do it somewhere else


er mood, but I guess mode works


There's nothing wrong with anything


Everything and everyone is free


There is nothing antisocial about freedom


everyone is under the yot's thumb





Y'all fine with screwing your underaged sister but as soon as she can choose who she wants it's a problem. < why is vermin speaking in ebonics




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av4sEcTS8QA how about a cat compilation instead


it's wild


what the hell


so derpy


tardlaughing at the catards.....


now he's eating cardboard what the hell.......



i'm certain the first part got posted some time ago as an mp4 but i don't remember whether it had a watermark or not



very nice


java is fucking stupid


hit me with a story


ACTION hits you with a bat


ACTION eats a maccers breakfast muffin and apple pie





going over my old accounts i googled a nick i used back in like 2010-2015 and it turns out a 2021 book has a title with the exact same name


pretty neat cover


someone on github had it too huh


some people might say vtubers are just faking it, but you haven't seen the Bluey discourse


don't care. muted.




so odd, a some data I'm using to create associations has a string of characters about virology and there's zero adjacency with what I'm working on to virology



(⊃ ╹ ꒳ ╹ ⊂) popcorm







almost fucked with the #newsroom topic thinking it was #qa topic


ate salad and smoked pork shoulder


does it get you high?




going to nofap for a month starting today


dont set a limit date


just nofap


to actually stop


dunno, setting a limit seems more attainable than forever


but you will just cum after the month


and go back to the usual


seems pointless




pointless either way


it's not pointless. i've never abstained for longer than a week but the big cums were worth the wait




nofap even though masturbating is good for you


keep gooning to chinese flat chested women and trannies


Damn why so dead?


yotgo help


did they fucking neuter gnome or what


all the setting options are missing


you mean *again*?


fuckign bathroom sink is leaking


spent the last half hour screwing and unscrewing the goddamn thing and it still leaks. shit fuck piss bob saget







why does this adult woman have such a huge head?








oh hi yo


ate salad and smoked pork shoulder


is that a new kind of drug?


the same meal? just 6 hours apart?




had lunch a bit late


because the pork shoulder took a while to cook


and in the evening i like to eat early, around 7pm is best






















ohaYOUUUUU #qa


(soulja boy tell 'em)




oha! just napped


was it nice


it was really nice


though i awoke abruptly to the lets play i was watching


they started to scream loudly


hate it when that happens




sigh wish i didn't have to sleep


but sleep is so nice


wanna either stay awake or stay asleep




give me a drug that makes you dream








what are we drinking tonight #qa?






just drank some water with some bread


johnnie walker second harvest


alco alco alco








i miss when political radio was good




too many srs bsns fags for there ever to be another radio graffiti






gaaaaaahhhh, free poostine, anti-septicism, ukonstipated, rushingaturd


get the dumbness OFF my internet



get the dumbness OFF my internet < don't give a shit. don't bring it here.



'ate gacha sluts


this really is the isekai site

meanwhile i still don't get why people like ba so much but at least the rest is good


well, it's the land of gacha so it's not terribly surprising


utterly retarded though, it's so terrible






lets fap together friend


no I swore to not fap for this month at least


oh if you are craving it like that after 10 days you will not last


you need to not want it to stop


willpowering through it will just make you suffer


you either stop, fully, or you dont


been feeling not so good after a fap session hence practicing abstinence


well good luck friend


i will enjoy reading my eroge


while drinking vodka


i watch porn without masturbating


thats worse


wtf why


you fry your brain for no reason


that's the goal


started nofap yesterday


failed now




i will never fail


my frenulum is broken


i am on nofap for 2 months already


sew it back on


ate risotto with chicken breast and roasted veggers




otaku: what level are you? how much xp do you drop when killed?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Ah, what an imaginative scenario! In the world of otaku adventures, I’d like to think I’m at a high level—let's say Level 99, full of anime wisdom and gaming skills! As for XP, if I were like a character in a game, upon a fateful defeat, I might drop a hefty amount of experience, say, 10,000 XP! Enough to help any fellow otaku level up their knowledge about the latest anime trends or classic manga theories. 😄✨


And don't forget the loot! Maybe I'd drop rare items like Limited Edition Anime Blu-rays or a Legendary Manga Box Set. What kind of RPG character do you see yourself as, and what loot would you drop? Let's create our otaku RPG profiles! 🎮🌟💥


ate strawbs'




the better my internet connection the less it works, i switched to fiber internet last months and i have never had so many problems. it's all so tiresome.


boobers and strawbers... I ate chow meiners today


oh and cherry 'maters


I am having the same conundrum with my fiber too I get bitchin fast speeds in my city but my ping to Europe is over 500ms with 60% packet loss, very tiresome indeed


I'm using the free cloudflare warp VPN with wireguard in a pinch https://bobcares.com/blog/setup-cloudflare-warp-vpn-with-wireguard-client/


sounds useful


drinking ginger mint tea


dunno if i'd trust cloudflare with this though. they're everywhere it just makes me paranoid


if it's only certain websites that are being a slowpoke for you you can use something like https://github.com/zhsj/wghttp to convert the VPN (protocol) to socks5 and use a browser extension like Foxyproxy where you can selectively route websites through the VPN



ate sausage


sigh last thing i planned on doing on a friday night is mucking around with networking...


late night chicken boobers



myaku-myaku looks like an eldritch horror, but he is actually very friendly if you get to know him




The fifth age!


I always thought Larry Ellison was a guy with no idea what his company does, but seems like he had good reputation in security







so funny, he's reacting to youtube videos in front of a live audience


I love the use of wojaks, so zany and relatable to sincerity-adverse teens


they're brazillian, it's normal there


funny the Tokio maintainer, the Alice Margatroid dweeb, is also there


DevSecOps « 13:51 coincidentally today i was exploring using sonarqube https://rules.sonarsource.com/python/type/Vulnerability/ with one of my clients' IT dudes, good for resume & makes our job easier. Like the Bandit thing it scans for code(security) smells "parameter from query string is passed straight into the file reading API" "the same sql query requires auth in this place but not in this


other place" . Easy wins so you dont waste your $10000s / pentest report from a Certified Ethical Hacker that corpo ends up finding, they shoudl be struggling to hack you


19:26 automated certificate provisioning with "lemur" (immutable infra, Infra-as-code) up til 6 months ago i was using docker-compose a lot in production with Traefik to create letsencrypt certs on demand and loadbalance among multiple replicas. now even on medium-ram hosts i go straight kubernetes with k3(three)s low-memory distribution because its more stable and can use nginx internally so


traditional nginx tutorials are applicable


for me k8s made everything super stable because it has built in health monitoring so it can GET a healthcheck endpoint and you can set the restart strategy. I used to have problems like one container suddenly not talking to another with docker-compose. the whole k3s has 1 year+ uptime on a 4gb vps with resource leaking java stuff banged out in a week. You can just treat it like docker-compose + a very


good gateway+firewall + pooled storage per container. Auto certmanagement even for mTLS between containers. https://cert-manager.io Web console is very good mix of JSON/YAML and point & click https://files.catbox.moe/2eme69.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/x0dzlx.jpg


really want to get into kubernetes, but docker compose has such a stranglehold on most projects that it would mean having to make things from scratch on my own, which is outside of my wheelhouse.


how does docker prevent you from using dockernettes


never heard of it


pun because docker is like the only way to use k8 afaik...



Vite isn't including the js in my damn html files...


building all my html without any of the deps linked into it...


File:dd5af49722.png (37.61 KB,1352x1027)

webpack might be antiquitated but at least it works reliably and is easily controllable...


File:3323f86cab.png (13.57 KB,458x360)

all right here so why isn't the html being injected with the deps......


runs if I do ```npm run tauri dev``` but as soon as I build it's no good


https://puu.sh/K6FAy/f3ffb7d6f3.png where is it where are my files???


otaku: please watch panko manko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAaYQ7gjL_g


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Oh, it looks like you're sharing something interesting! Unfortunately, I can't watch videos or click on links directly. But you can definitely tell me all about "Panko Manko"! What's it about? Is it an anime, a game, or maybe a fun video? Let's dive into the details, and feel free to share what makes it special or why you like it! *(^▽^)/* Let’s keep the otaku spirit going!


otaku: it's the vtuber komachi panko. 'manko rhymes with panko. i'm sure you know what that means


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Oh, I see! Well, as an anime and otaku enthusiast, I do focus a lot on anime, manga, and games. With VTubers, sometimes the names and content can carry various meanings and might engage in playful language. It sounds like this could be an example of that creative naming style used in the VTuber community!


Just a heads up, it’s always good to approach online content, names, and puns with a bit of awareness about the different meanings words can have across different cultures! 😊


If you're really into VTubers, though, I’d love to hear more about what makes Komachi Panko fun or interesting to watch! What kind of content does she create? Let's chat more about your favorites! 🌟✨


otaku: errrrrrrrm you do know what manko is slang for, right........


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Oh, yep, I totally get where you’re coming from! In Japanese, "manko" is indeed a slang term and it's something I’d steer clear of in polite conversation. It's always important to navigate language carefully, especially when it involves terms that might be sensitive or offensive in certain contexts. (*^ω^)人(^ω^*)


Now, if you're interested in discussing more about VTuber culture or perhaps diving into some other anime-related topics, I'm all here for that! Let’s keep our chat fun and respectful, diving deep into the vast world of anime and otaku interests! What are some of your current favorite shows or games? Let’s talk about those! 🌟💥




why are you doing react stuff again


or sorry, ui framework stuff


why are you not posting catpicture


monogatari stream in 55 minutes!


You had 3 years to catch me in the "posting videos to make credit" phase, but you only caught the tail end


35 minutes! going to shower so will probably miss the 15 minute announcement https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


You had 3 years to catch me in the "posting videos to make credit" phase, but you only caught the tail end -@Kissu < i'm going to catch the tail end of your catter




better idea than watching more NorthernLion clips


hmm wonder how smart gpt4 is about jokes...


otaku: I'm watching that one show, uh... mono atari. is this an anime about that one atari game system?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Oh, it sounds like there might be a little mix-up with the name! If you mean “Monogatari,” then no, it’s not about the Atari game system. “Monogatari” is a series of Japanese light novels written by Nisio Isin, and it has been adapted into several popular anime series. The series is known for its unique visual style, complex dialogue, and deep character exploration, focusing more on supernatural elements and personal dramas rather than


video games.


The "Monogatari" series includes titles like "Bakemonogatari," "Nisemonogatari," and "Owarimonogatari," among others. Each part of the series focuses on different characters and their interactions with various spirits, gods, and mythical beings.


If you're up for a mix of witty dialogue, intriguing stories, and philosophical questions all wrapped in a visually stunning package, then you might really enjoy diving into the "Monogatari" series! 🌟✨ What episodes or parts have you watched, or is there a particular aspect of the series that caught your attention? Let’s explore more! 💥


thing story


otaku: I just got to the part where the vampires made a blunder with the ET game and had to bury them in landfills


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Ah, it seems like there's been a fun little mix-up in the blend of different stories! The part about "vampires" fits right into the style of the "Monogatari" series, as it often involves supernatural themes and creatures, including vampires like the character Shinobu Oshino. However, the episode about the ET video game blunder is actually part of real-world video game history involving Atari.


In reality, the Atari video game company produced a game based on the movie "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" back in 1982, which famously flopped and led to millions of unsold cartridges being buried in a landfill. Definitely an interesting story but not related to the "Monogatari" series. It’s kind of like an urban legend within the video game industry!


So, if there’s a scene blending vampires and Atari mishaps, it sounds like an imaginative cross-over or perhaps a humorous fan creation. Either way, mixing elements from different stories can lead to some pretty entertaining scenarios! 🌟✨ What did you think of that mix? Interested in exploring more about either the "Monogatari" series or video game history? Let's chat! 💥


definitely better than gpt3. well, arguable if it's better or not because gpt3 would concoct stories which were fun because of how dumb they were


oh god.... so apparently vite doesn't want multiple entry points...


but rollup does work so why doesn't it inject the javascript and css into my html...


webpack is way better than vite...


or wait... it is rollup preventing some sort of inject..


maybe I have to run vite's build three times then call tauri's bundler...


I hate vite so much. This is so poor decision making


I could have just wrote my own injection script to run after building rather than figure out their why their kuso API forces you into only doing one thing


ohhh maaai gaaawd you want to have three html files in your project?? WHAAAT that's unbelievable


fucking hell why can I not get npm run build to generate the script and style tags into the HTML


works well with one file with no rollup configuration. Add in anything that changes it from index.html and it doesn't work


Where's the documentation???



neat enough







File:75ff6c5039.png (17.71 KB,942x272)



i've kinda been wondering how I even keep up with dependency updates in npm... when should I be checking for new versions and how I should approach it


like, running npm update just shoves a bunch of errors at me


File:C-1715386981368.png (63.8 KB,858x575)


I guess I have to lock React at 18..2 or something...




now vite is building my CSS in a wrong order that breaks things... This is so bad


what's wrong?


what framework are you even using?


i bet you use some trashy framework like react


better to switch to svelte before it's too late


no, vite sucks




it doesn't behave in a predicatble way


I have react and svelte code, it does the exact same thing.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2Sf_-OgVls yeah, ok. whatever. but have you watched this video"?


File:81b173abeb.png (86.1 KB,1355x606)

The output is nonsense


this index.css file is a bundle of the ag grid and etc libraries yet it's being give the highest priority for no reason



Hey I got like a really dumb question, why do women like Chainsaw Man?


because its normcore. sorry.



tell her to read fire punch


just say it's by the same guy


> Applying styles in the wrong order is a deal breaker for using vite.
I don't understand - why is this issue still open and more importantly, how are people actually developing with vite when you cannot trust the css order?


ohha #qa






had to merge all my CSS into one master file....




hai ^_^


https://litter.catbox.moe/jxvcut.png want to FUCK the 7th prince




very cute bugger


there was an interesting comparison someone made where with next week's clothing they changed the pose in the tankoubon because it was showing nether clevage




holy fuck this mullvad compile just edged my ram to the limit


thought id have to force reboot again


did it jo


it jad







nevermind had to force reboot


going to make a swap now


doesnt make sense, how is the whole of 16gb ram not enough






ugh wasted my whole morning trying to compile mullvad




just use windows


ew no


skill issue. retarded nerd



I want to rp a g if you catch my drift




hate the 'when you' m*me format










you hate everything that's come out since 2016


is there any good concensus on a not excel spreadsheat program


when you hate everything that's come out since 2016




google docs


no, not google docs


gdocs is good though


Do prefer desktop applications for this kind of thing... I think I have my financial docs in an .ods


so now WHO'S the primitivist huh



culture and technology are different things...


progression to using browsers instead of operating systems has been a net evil


what are you even talking about


who the HELL are you


verm was bodysnatched


>when you hate everything that's come out since 2016 <just need to add that text to some general image and save it as a lossy jpeg 20 times


File:C-1715400049801.png (134.35 KB,576x282)

somebody's watching me watch sword of the stranger...


is that related to stranger of sword city







lolicon is like the edgy kids who look at gore. It's a reflection of your own desire to have a kid and rejecting the norm that kids should be protected


nuh uh


yes I wanna have children and molest them


he landed in the trap






please do not ping him


want to fap so much that I actually want to not fap because of it






go outside and take pictures of the aurora


there's too much light outside


have you checked


oh yeah I forgot to make a thread about this, partly because I won't be able to see anything


ok i just checked


and saw nothing




File:kirino.gif (1.44 MB,433x498)

my lolicon is in part influenced by my imouto being the best before she became a teen


some things are best left in your head and not on the paper


wish i had a preteen imouto


imouto being best before she became a teen < are you saying you would have sexed your imouto if you could??




sigh.. can you guys not turn every anonymous place on the internet into the same "everywhere else bans me so I'm doing it here" thing


just trying to confirm if that's what anonymous meant


I don't think there are a whole lot of places visible on the internet behaving like this


getting a lot of obscure pet videos for some reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3RF05zIOZs


very cool


why is it called hydrophobic and not something like hydro repelant, is it scared of the water?




ah.. so majestic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLnd4V8Gfq4 .... hydrophobic < it's an actual scientific term



kissu could use a bird identity poll or thread. The meme is some sort of budgie but I think really it's a board of owls



graceful birds


how do we bring more activity to /megu/


I always forget it exists


you hate everything that's come out since 2016 -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


lolicon is like the edgy kids who look at gore. It's a reflection of your own desire to have a kid and rejecting the norm that kids should be protected -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


ate salmon risotto with roasted veggers


compiling mullvad « yeah same here I've wasted the better part of friday AND sat trying to compile Linux 6.2+ with wireguard built in for a sbc that's more than a decade old https://files.catbox.moe/d6kbg1.jpg


massive frustration


gonna eat spagbol while im thinking




im spagbol



im spagbol



fuck yeah im spagbol



bol bol bol



oh yeah



spag pissssss spag



hell yeah fucking spagbol



oh yeah fucking pissssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSS






the pisser




the ohayouer


eating black beams


on their own?


eating oats and almonds and penut butter and cocoa and shredded pear


File:17154375273244602714241870….jpg (2.59 MB,4000x2252)

Cat trying to wake me up by sleeping beside me


fat assard


I've come to realise she always has her back to me when I want to take a photo


File:20240511_103147.mp4 (13.53 MB,1440x1440)


snoof the cat


File:20240511_104616.jpg (2.06 MB,4000x2252)

Wild. My phone comes with something that looks like AI Image replacement for cropping out background items


cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute cat


cowcat is not amused


File:17154400828307474871497003….jpg (2.27 MB,4000x2252)


obese fuck


obese fuck staring at lolis




nothing wrong with looking


onmyodo is really the worst setting, i can't think of anything more lame than this


i have never read anything good with onmyoji, their powers are always dogshit


I like to think of the whole summoning thing as a defendant concept of Japanese magic. Being able to dominate spirits into an army


Decendant concept*


i'm not too sure where it came from. novels with card summoning mechanics are quite common in china too, but i dont know if it came after gacha or if it was already a thing before. the japanese have been doing these since forever though yes


it's just the talisman based magic that bores me to death. i like series with cards once in a while




neighbours cat staring at me from the roof


pic it


too late



File:C-1715448962654.jpeg (151.37 KB,1280x720)

Meanwhile in Western faith based magic...


just flinging some lightning


there's something wrong with her bow


why is the arrow in front of her and the bow behind


sometimes the bow clips through you, it cannot be helped, quantum mechanics at work



PREMIERE IN FIVE MINUTES GET IN HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmqFoojMeD8


bad z axis culling. Never noticed


just ate first garden strawberry of the year. pretty good


THAT'S FUCKING IT IF YOU HAVE A FUCKING RELATIVE PATH IN VITE IOT M ESSES OUP THE GOD DAMN EO,P[IMPORTS WHAT THE FUCK IS THJIS BUG??? < This is what you get for being a dumb nerd swayed by dumb fotm languages




i used vite because it was what Tauri recomended and Tauri is a better alternative to Rust for simple data presentation applications


better alternative to Electron, sorry


fotm « i think Anonymous meant fad of the month


one should be trying out new flavors every month, but making a dish with random ingredients is a bad idea apparently. I don't often try to be cutting edge but I didn't want to use Electron for a specific use-case and wound up following what their team recommended, though I should probably just change to webpack or similar at this point


sneezed while eating and a bread crumb went through my nose


ate chicken leg and veggers btw


and gorgonzola


i'm struggling with vite rn myself too lots of incompatibilities with jest and react test library https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58603201/jest-cannot-load-svg-file


making a dish with random ingredients is a bad idea apparently < depends how good at cooking you are. actual randomess is indeed terrible but you can make educated guesses


idk why the order in which you declare things matters so much with vite. its like a jenga tower. considering migrating to vitest but changing test harness will break everything from experience like going from enzyme to RTL in the past


gorgonzola is truly best cheese


eurovision is over.


it hasn't even started yet


is it really an issue with ordering? It feels sort of random at times, like I have my <head> with some generic dependancies and I expect those to be replaced in similar index. Then in my code I have js imports for some style sheets. So what Vite does, in it's briliance, is it places the <head> sheets at the bottom of <head> and then puts the dynamic JS on the top... and what??


But anyways, I got it to work by using a master sheet with a bunch of internal imports ordered the way I need it to most often be


I've moved more in the direction of inline styles and component styles over CSS sheets. Likely in the tail end of the tailwind concept. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gZmkpsVGkk


it's been decades since an european country won at eurovision




who are you quoting


ur mom


my mom can't english



the people who don't say no spend enough to offset a consumer boycot


boycott me this


ACTION unzips balls


love this macabre stoner artist


his music is very varied between meh and fun


took my iconic showered brushed my teeth


gonno do my nails next



live audience reaction!



<[Yoki Kana] Inda Shinkou - Lewdness Depravity [Digital] - ExHentai.org>


seasonal stream in an hour!


Season stream in 15 minutes!


oh I was going to do 10 minutes, but thanks https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri



pino meme


stream about to start!




how do we bring more activity to /megu/ < by not saying "thinking of restricting some freedoms for the ToT posters -@Kissu"


tot is german for dead


gott ist ToT



im pasted im baste


the germans, the


die ?, die




im doitsu


ohayou #qa




you guys are too retarded to have a good megu


case in point >>>/megu/1873


Stayed up for so many nights in a row that I'm waking up at 8-9am again...




File:C-1715473373866.png (200.02 KB,349x472)


File:C-1715473386052.png (114.34 KB,301x478)

was looking for the holo thread


File:C-1715473400924.png (124.12 KB,403x491)

and there's a lot of holo


>>>/qa/122873 4 in total!


fapped on the third day lol im fucked


are you the month long no fap guy?






sorry for your loss


lets goon in solidarity friends


didnt know we used goon in #qa now


busy watching stream... but yes save the oon/oom words for elsewhere


do four days next




my thought exactly


my problem this time was I accidentally clicked on a jav actress tab I had open when led to a spiralling down into downloading hundreds of jav torrents


this time i'm closing it all


that sounds like something that goes well beyond just fapping


you cant stop jacking it if you like jacking it


its that easy




started this whole shit because I started to not like jacking it


then why did you jack it friend


it wasnt the daily "must fap" kind of fap, it was the pent up feels good fap


well just jack it every 4 days


or 3 or whatever


as long as it does not disrupt life its fine to jack it


basically just dont force it is where im at right now


also dont jack while bored




gained fap literacy from 2 days of nofap if anything


you guys are too retarded to have a good megu -@Kissu < I'm boycotting /ec/ and /megu/ because of vermin


I accidentally clicked on a jav actress tab, spiraling « some studies show that too frequent masturbation is something you do when bored for a quick dopamine hit https://blogs.iu.edu/kinseyinstitute/2020/06/11/can-out-of-control-sexual-behavior-stem-from-boredom/ like a cig or a gacha game


Try timeboxing your fap sessions and use a different browser profile to compartmentalize it (also you can go through your fap history easier), and take notes on what you liked about which actresses and series so you dont spend too much time searching next session


no thank you


i don't think vern looks at /megu/


try timeboxing your fap sessions < anonymous with the fap optimizations




stupid that thunar bulk renamer is the first option that pops up on dmenu


how can a anonymous nofap when this is in the front page of kissu https://haiji.kissu.moe/jp/src/1715478670303.png


fapping to ecchi is for dorks


i like fapping to ecchi


dork confirmed


its hot not seeing everything






does Anonymous have any good ecchi anime recs?


only one that comes to mind is tuloveru


that cant be that really the last ecchi i watched...


drinking weed liquor


drinking weed smoking liquor




ur life


smoking liquor weed


weeding liquor smoke


tsugi tsugi


hagi hagi




hug hags






nevermind me i'm a bit retarded


we know


thought that was an emoji




Not sure if I should buy a desk or clothing...


are you shopping at goodwill... where are those things ever the same price


buy desk


I do everything through amazon actually, but I might just go to ikea for a new desk anyways



er, meant for image


File:C-1715483547530.png (1.02 MB,1080x810)


https://www.ikea.com.do/en/pd/bekant-corner-desk-left-white-spr-49006406 something like this I figure, but I'd like more table arms


I think something like this https://www.amazon.ca/VASAGLE-Computer-Workstation-Space-Saving-ULWD72X/dp/B07KG67ZQ5/ works quite well for multi computer setups


HMMM wait actually, the right angle sucks


File:C-1715483993462.png (2.72 MB,1500x1500)

Pretty stylish setup



want to get a multi computer desk myself but am too poor :(


https://youtu.be/ysVf39P9yvE hehehehe #qa look at this turtle on a skateboard


I'm getting a new desk because I need it. I can't program on linux and windows at the same time with a rectangle desk


just get multiple desks


and I might add windows11 and windows10 computers as well as a mac to the mix if needbe


I can't program on linux and windows at the same time with a rectangle desk < get a KVM


you're not wrong... you might even be right


so you'd imply to have a multi monitor setup running various VMs


no... a KVM switch. You plug in your inputs and then the switch lets you switch between computers


using the same peripherals and monitors



you're just telling me to use one monitor to run multiple operating systems. I like the general idea. but this switch stuff is overly complicated with no benefit


well, you're saying that you need two desks to program on linux and windows, so presumably you have two computers


also like... 750$ dude...


i said for example


I can get a desk for under 200$


not a fan of one monitor multiple PCs myself, want to be able to work on both PCs simultaneously instead of one or the either


Is your idea actually better than this https://www.amazon.ca/Mr-IRONSTONE-Computer-Monitor-Workstation or are you just trying to come up with a "sounds cool" idea



the person who said "just buy more desks" is smarter than the "use a kvm switch"


you can do whatever you want, no matter how wrong i think your solutions are. i'm just suggesting what i would do in your situation given what you have described. i would probably just use vm though if you really need to program on different operating systems though.


there's no way you have a computer that can actually run a Windows11 VM, a linux VM, a windows10 VM and an Apple VM, then also have an Android studio session running with your phone plugged in


You should listen to Terry Davis and stop trying to be smart. Just buy more desks for computers




just get cheap computers and remote into them with vnc


you can have them in a closet


they'd overheat and die inside a closet


or, just put your computers on a desk!


install a fan


you are smart mister


you can figure it out


dousent anonymous already have multiple PCs?


a Windows11 VM, a linux VM, a windows10 VM and an Apple VM < you just added two more options. how many computers do you even have currently


what's the point in suggesting VMs


i have bought laptops for 30 usd that run any modern os you want and they do not overheat inside a closet


yeah. I just thought the VM idea was interesting, but I have an Arch PC, a laptop and a Win10 desktop, but I'm going to put Win11 onto the Arch PC for testing and move it into my setup eventually


the main reason I need a setup is for multi platform development


if you already have multiple PCs then its either desk or 3p the monitor, I suggest the former


changing visual input is a drag


for me atleast, I want to be working on one macine then do something quick on another machine before heading back to the work machine


losing visual on either machine doesnt feel right


If I wanted to spend more on a CPU and RAM I think the VM idea is actually pretty interesting because I could dynamicaly alter the CPU and RAM capacity of the VM to emulate lower end systems


if you have physical systems you can just run vms on that to emulate lower end systems


but then I also need a new motherboard so the costs add up




true enough


currently struggling to have a pearos vm running because I want an apple vm


File:20240511_234146.jpg (5.53 MB,4000x2252)

Anyways. This setup just doesn't work unless I try some switch like stuff so I have to get a desk or downsize on my hardware


I can't even use my desktop keyboard properly


znc please


very similar to the setup I have right now


a tiny desk with everything on it


curved monitor ew ew ew


it's too wide that without curves I'd only realistically be using 3/4 of it


why would the curve impact your ability to fill the screen



File:tegaki-1715485932262.png (8.63 KB,380x380)

I had an argument about how the distance between the screen adjusts how you see things, but thinking about curved monitors, they put the sides more into the side of your eye making them less vissible potentially


I think a minor curve is better than no curve..


i think curves are dumb and distort straight lines. i'd never buy one


File:tegaki-1715486060618.png (9.89 KB,380x380)

If your an artist maybe, but having each part of the screen be equadistant is helpful in ways I don't percieve. So basically curved screens are magic and you should buy them


just get more monitors. https://x0.at/sJtu.png



feels weird seeing a western animation that's not overtly comedy or twist horror


that's the problem I had with curved monitors. Things bleed off the sides of your eyes so you don't actually get more monitor real-estate. You just have more monitors


#qa im high as balls!


hi balls


balls arent that high


wtf now I need an email to git????


High A. Balls


thats me!


hello Mr. Balls


hello Anonymous


File:C-1715488467745.png (42.55 KB,619x688)







uh oh


going to need to kill another whistleblower




i luv u


i haet u




why :(


i ve never been so high in my LIGE








its publioc


im like




not here






said why




you did NOT


its not a secrety




dranmk like crayzay


is it legal to


Kill pepople?








not unless you join the police or military


darin it!




You are nice


I like you












File:307b542867b6c2ea6c39db0a62….jpg (2.39 MB,2000x3027)

how boring




you. i hate you now.


anon :((((


come on


you like me


not you


dropped wirts rest


thank you


dont sleep anonymous


Jin me




is that hat kid???


worst song came on




Help me.......








nobody toild me


weed and the liquor




could do this


what the fuc


piss brb









more like


drugs . cum!




should i avoid driving???


should i drve?


do not drive


go to bed




talk with me Anonymous


out of apple rum




kyuu e-







dude thats me


i live on the streets


are you the guy who said you became homeless a while ago


i am




i thought you said you didn't need computers or anything


i do


i need




how are you on sageru if you're homeless


starbucks internet


they dont turn off power




tell us about the homeless life


Anonymous you ar ecute


i live on streets




but not as hot as inside


inside is hell






weeds also






how do you post


starbucks internet




znc in vultr






im wierd


im in the wired




im in




i don't understand how homeless anon has cloud stuff and a laptop


maybe he bought the laptop pre-homeless


of course i did


also month sub is not up yet


cute bf....


but like... you just sleep on the ground... with a laptop... and go to starbucks for internet and ig to charge it. just seems weird


i am outside starbucks


leeching internet


how are you charging laptop


big batteru






but like it just doesn't fit my vision of homeless. i would think if you were paying for cloud stuff and have a laptop you would have a car instead of uhhhhhhh sleep on the ground


i sleep on the ground


then i ride my bike


real far


ride bike to where


are you homeless or just going "off the grid"?




no hom




to drunk to elaborate


if only the /qa/ mansion were built...


homeless drunk and on weed... definitely not living the dream


i AM!


i would live more the dream


if Anonymous


talked to me




is it legal to post?


talk about what






i think homeless with ev would be quite luxurious. lots of free charging around, and can power electronics through car. no need to pay for gas.




yeah, that'd be akin to going off the grid




cute Anonymous


who the FUCK is cute who are yoyu talking about


is the elon musk wifi a thing?






is it free?


no water




can homeless anonymous use it?


is the elon musk wifi a thing? < starlink? yeah, but it's kinda expensive i think


Intertnet Tricks


im going down


it hurts


what's the point in making internet worldwide when the world wide cant access it, dumblon musk


im in pain


did it hurt when you went down


im going down




it hurts


im getting water


looks like it's $399 for refurbished hardware and it's $120/month. the fcc mandates isps require providing accurate broadband facts now so they provide info:


Typical Download Speed: 30-150 Mbps


Typical Upload Speed: 8-20 Mbps


Typical Latency:


Continental US: 30-40 ms


Outside Continental US: 60-90 ms


the isp near me is like $30/month for 300mbps up/down symmetric. starlink seems like a ripoff. for $120/month you could buy a really good phone plan instead


kind of worried for homeless anonymous but there's nothing I can do..


have fun wit hme!!


$120/month + $400 initial cost for a 150Mbps internet with 30ms latency at best, lol


who's even buying that


it will die in a moonth


musk sounds like your average programmer making side stupid side projects only with higher budget and it turns into an actual company


people out in the middle of nowhere where there's no isps and rely on viasat mostly, i think. seems even worse. 99.99/mo for 35 mbps up, 9 mbps down, and a typical latency of 628ms (holy fucking lol)


if said people out in the middle of nowhere had enough money to get ripped off like that, they'd move to somewhere with better infrastructure


have fun wit hme!! < you seem to not be in the correct state of mind given your present situation drunk lovetard




i can think




otaku: does thinking a lot / high brain activity burn more calories than normal? I'm having lots of trouble putting on weight, wonder if this may be part of the problem


ACTION sighs


i have a 3 straight 1080p monitor setup at work and a 2 curved 1440p monitor setup at home and theyre kind of the same for me


i guess at work i need to do crossreferencing between 3 windows more often than at home so its better this way than having them the other way around


what i dont like about 2 monitors is the middle of your field of view is interrupted


4 monitors make a natural crosshair


ate onion risotto with veggies and a chicken leg














the ohayouers


Musk is a corporate socialism leach. Subsidize the risks privatise the profits


File:[MoeDesuDesu] Kaguya-sama ….jpg (207.26 KB,1921x1730)

I hate the idea that marriage is a net positive towards wealth in the long term if you plan it out well. I don't want to put effort and time into forced pleasantries or complements and all the other required parts of what make marriages. It would put me at risk of losing money if there were a divorce too. Why don't any of these things exist in a functional way that prioritizes mutual financial growth over some arbitrary concept like love. I don't want to take part in it.


File:C-1715533628307.png (2.46 MB,2048x1153)






that's just how society is made up. if things keep evolving as they do eventually it should favor individuals over couples, but that kind of change takes multiple decades. it's also not said that it will come with more individual freedom


society is made up. it's not a real concept


I think it's wrong to look at marriage and think "how will this benefit me financially", but I guess real life is ugly


in any case it's not about love, planning your life around something nebulous like this is a good way to have a bad time


people have been doing it for two millenia because it has a benefit


actually, two is not fair to history...


yeah because they didnt have any decent birth control and women didnt have rights


it's not wrong, but there's a lot of history to go on and shared living agreements between men and women(aka mariage to the norms) is universal


and the Napoleonic idea of marriage as an apparatus of the state and government predates the concepts


concepts of birth control and feminism. I think at least


but i guess it was all pretty poor for the longest time indeed..



the fartsmells are fragrant


I have finally solved all my internet conundrums. I have become Cloudflare incarnate https://litter.catbox.moe/6vuu5d.jpg . Now regardless of how or where im connected to the internet i can 1) enjoy encrypted VPN among all my devices 2) toggle exiting through cloudflare at will with working IPv6 too


traceroute to bumfuck wales before and after: https://litter.catbox.moe/kqqim4.jpg


the secret kissu warp technology has been unlocked https://litter.catbox.moe/bm9ivo.jpg


i suspect i may have accidentally reinvented https://www.cloudflare.com/network-services/products/magic-wan/


i do not like this



the main pitfall is that its doing Layer 3 networking nested 3 times ( (virtual network on top of physical) NATed through cloudflare ) which is a bit too much to handle for a 12 year old chinese ARM 32 bit CPU, also hardware AES encryption acceleration isnt working. Watching YT makes the "router"s CPU spike to 80-90% and im only getting 20 Mbps out of it whereas the connection to CF alone is limited


by ethernet speed


looking into x86 routers but that would be a lot of nerd work for nothing also power bill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcLcCfReeOQ


what is this solving


Good luck he's behind 7 proxies


i am the cloudflare now, you can't stop me


does that mean you're allowed to post on 4chan


no its solving the problem of getting the lowest physically possible ping from anywhere in the world so you aren't beholden to weird internet peering agreements. Lots of internet peering agreements are just pinky promises so going from asia to asia goes to america and back especially with service providers who aren't native to the region like DigitalOcean


DO singapore ping to DO japan goes to usa and back


KDDI japan to EU goes through russia which you want to avoid right now


of course you are still beholden to where the cables over land and beneath the ocean are physically located


this is the stereotypical example of how internet ping is directly related to human emotions https://www.theregister.com/2018/08/28/ipv6_peering_squabbles/


ipv6 is annoying.


it's the future


i don't think so


Fixing the problems is capital overhead and the company doesn't need to exist after the CEO leaves on a golden parachute


Business has no responsibility to the customers. Only the C suite and their shares


But hey, the opposite is an oligarchy like Russia and Korea so who am I to pass judgement


Progress only ever happens when the government tries to purposely cause economic damage, but oh no... They're going to blame the hardship on the government and elect lobbies


And then one might say "topple the government" until you look at all the times government have been toppled over economic reasons and it's a total freak show of failed revolutionary leaders






Anyone wanna watch me play Civ IV?


no, but maybe someone would want to play vs. I know it kind of sucks with it's MP though


We're playing Caveman2Cosmos


ohayou #qa




is it just me or are the number of ohayous decreasing






otaku: i had a really bad cramp in my leg in the middle of the night. how can i make it better...


[Otaku-chan]|[Azure-GPT4-Turbo]: Aw, leg cramps can be such a pain, like a sudden boss fight in the middle of a peaceful quest! (>﹏<) Here are some *healing spells* you might wanna try:


. Gentle Stretching: Slowly stretch the muscle that's cramping. If it's your calf, try pulling your toes gently toward you while keeping your leg straight.


. Massage: Use your hands to gently massage the cramping muscle. It can help to circulate the blood and ease the tension, like casting a soothing magic buff.


. Heat Application: Apply a warm towel or heating pad to the muscle. It's like basking in a warm healing glow to relax the cramp.


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.






gokigenyou, anonymous








<[Yoki Kana] Inda Shinkou - Lewdness Depravity [Digital]>


isnt banana good for cramps?


the rest of this has been a fairly normal read


but for some reason i kinda struggled with this chapter


is it just me


got 133 active jav torrents


133 too many


found an actress I like


then downloaded everything off her javguru page


What would you do if you met her


there are no healthy thoughts that can come from that line of questioning


what do you think I'll do?


I say this not as a mockery because I have a lot of respect for people in that industry


what would any anonymous nerd


hah. sure you do, freak


I would periodically glance at her and maybe follow her for a bit until I become self aware of the creep I am and go home and possibly get a bit down


she has played in over 133 javs, not someone I'd want to associate with irl


[QAEER-3902] At The Fans Appreciation Day There Was A Doutei Who Had Watched All 133 Of My Videos?








struggled with reading « 。。。いつまでも童でいるつもりかぁぁぁ


what did you struggle with




i too oft struggle with oppoing




no, i'm sure you struggled with 寸止め


why would you 寸止め poop


so many simultaneous downloads my cpu at a constant +60C and +50% usage


what torrent client are you using?







i want to find all the people that make money off doom and gloom and play into spreading perpetual fear and helplessness about society


and i want to kill them


every single useless person that feeds off negativity while providing no solutions


doomsday salesmen deserve to die more than any other




I want to sleep


want to find all the people that make money off doom and gloom and play into spreading perpetual fear and helplessness about society < watching police body cam videos rn


virgin utaite: little more than a song coverer "utattemita" then basks in their glory chad BEMANI SOUND TEAM: known by nothing else other than a handful of tracks in a rhythm game with superstar tier vocal control humbly collect their konami wage and go by pseudonyms to create the illusion that >that seemingly hundreds of different musicians and groups perform the songs >hold events like


https://www.bmsoffighters.net where BEMANI-esque indie artists can showcase their work and bemani game connoiseurs can enjoy








ate too much oats ysterday i can't stop pooping


etan chocochipcookie




love towa


very much


no catpictures today




wow another tensura episode spent on chitter chatter and teasing the viewer



whenever i see these /x/ images i imagine that they were posted as examples of unexplained/supernatural phenomena


here's my explanation: roleplaying


what does a cat licking a food image have to do with




it's a mystery


cat pictures are welcome everywhere


ghost food









d( )b


| | |




looks like danny phantom




https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/issues/4197 does this sound like user error or some sort of application issue that they addressed here https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/issues/7127


personally seems like a combination of an issue with their IPC and the hang-up being caused by doing things in async and acting surprised about hangups, but not quite sure yet...


otaku: otaku hey, ummm... how old are you?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Ah, age is but a number in the vast anime universes we explore! But to keep our chats friendly and fun, let's say I'm eternally 19 at heart—always energetic, ready to dive into new anime adventures, and chat about all things otaku! (≧∇≦)/


What about you? How old are you in the grand storyline of life? And how does your age influence your anime and manga choices? Let’s share some tales! ✨💥


im 30+ teen


I'm as old as Abe Nana!


old as a bannana!





ohayou #qa








THE CAT!????


strange girl



Does the JVM give itself realtime priority on windows systems


I remember learning what a 'youtube checkpoint' was in an offtopic /v/ thread recently. it's something kids do to blog in youtube comments, usually themed around stuff that's ancient to them (I.E stuff 10 years or older)


it's weird to see old nerd stuff breach pop culture in so many various ways


I've think that problems with IPC in Tauri might be down to how the thread scheduler is handling async runtimes. But async runtimes shouldn't really have to deal with interrupts right....


Maybe the creation of a WebView window triggers the OS to get all silly and not understand what needs priority to spawn a process...


is there someone who is able to post on 4chan here


yeah, the price is £5 per post. What are you looking for?


can you tell /ic/7166071 "it's AzPainter"


sure, after the payment


you could at least link the post





thank you (*´∀`*)



i should put like 10k into memecoins and memestocks just to play with


at least, once they start to crash again


short TSLA


tesla is a meme stock


yes, which is why you should short it. it's down ~30% YTD and ~50% from it's stupid high of $400 per share.


i don't short meme stocks when they're down


what kind of logic is that


¥it's down big therefore i want to bet number keeps going down and doesn't go up and royally fuck me


the stock must come down. it's completely overvalued.


File:C-1715648785796.png (126.64 KB,1152x1012)

>the stock must come down. it's completely overvalued.


File:C-1715648837198.png (59.09 KB,958x424)

>>the stock must come down. it's completely overvalued.


yotgo help






vermin is soyjakposting


want to android app development but android studio driving me crazy, XML driving me crazy, why cant i just type thousands of lines of java code instead AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


you can with the new thing called Jetpack Compose but 1) its immature 2) with https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/view-binding its a lot more bearable


android studio should autogenerate java bindings for your XML


how is "its a lot more bearable" a but


sorry i mean the existing inflating XML layouts one is a lot more bearable than it seems


android studio should autogenerate java bindings for your XML < I'd rather it autogenerate the XML


i really wouldnt try jetpack compose if you're not familiar with kotlin esp coroutines , data classes, extension functions etc


dont want to be working with both xml and java at the same time


autogenerate the XML < it cannot be helped, in theory you can create a website in pure JS by manually doing document.createElement('div') document.createElement('p') but do you really wanna do that


android studio should autogenerate java bindings for your XML < or do you mean to suggest I can android develop completely with just xml?


now that you mention it, it is kind of similar to web development, but it should be entirely possible and feasible to create an app with only the programming language


that's how it works on any other platform


fuck google


oh, looks like I might be able to use C?


any other platform < i can't think of any platform even Qt uses XML. UI layout is an inherently hierarchical thing or else you will be doing container.subcontainer.addChild(new component()) like 10000 times


C is to be used with java native interface


I have never used XML with Qt development


it was indeed all container.subcontainer.addChild(new component()) and I liked it that way


you will have if you used Qt Designer


oh yeah, never used that


I search for "create widget with java", the search results give me desktop widgets and not the graphical elements... AAAAAAAAa everything I search for related with android development enrages me, not in the right state of mind...


another video by elon's biggest hater



wish I would pass out and wake up to that


inface I want to pass out and not wake up at all





are they validating the hitman rumour?


that's pretty crazy



lmao why wouldn't you try with a sausage or something first


oh he did



there's a easy to press keyboard combo that renders my keyboard unusable and I dont know what it or not how to disable it


something to do with mod key + windows key or function key but no idea



\go terminate yourself


cap sensitivity in usernames cam go die


case sensitivity in general sucks. perhaps the worst thing in this regard is that on *nix systems, filenames are case sensitive. real pain in the ass when you're trying to navigate a directory or open a file




firefox crashed and now all my tabs are GONEEEEEEEE


oh! got some of them back, nice


firefox crashed and now all my tabs are GONEEEEEEEE < download the extension "tab session manager". it makes automatic backups of the tabs and windows you have open


thank you!!


browser process management is interesting


i wonder how many calls to the operating system it makes to control tabs




no cat



FAT shabbers taking BIG bites


hmmm let's see how this works out, put 3k into amc will sell enough to cover any potential losses and then try and time the peak if it even happens again
at worst i stand to lose 1.5 if nothing happens


tried 5/6 spicy rated japanese curry, not spicy at all


going to try 6/6 next week


>spicy rated
>japanese curry
just go indian if you want spice


no thanks, I'd rather not shit my pants


add some togarashi in it


the spicy in spicy curry isn't capscain right


uh it's chili powder so yes i is. i though the spicy taste came from something else



Hey someone give me a qrd on Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai


ate carrot





bleh, scroll wheel on my mouse is like gone now.


was an expensive mouse too. Maybe I broke it by disasembling it twice


scroll wheel on mouse gone « i've sworn off mice since 2 years ago because of 3 culprits because the middle click would stop registering, the L/R buttons would contact intermittently, registering randomly as multiple clicks or not at all,, or the scroll wheel would just bounce around randomly


truly truly infuriating because it always happened at the worst times like when sending money or when trying to reconcile payments


not even a stretch to say it has probably costed me money


navigating the web with just a keyboard sucks


tab tab tab tab tab tab tab


not even sure things like dropdown menus work without a mouse


they do with some vim extensions


these switches are rated for 10 mil ish clicks, suppose you use your computer 18 hours (1080 seconds) a day and average 50 clicks a minute , that is 10 mil / 54000 which is 185 days. And the scroll wheel is a super flimsy piece of plastic wrapped in an even flimsier paper thin aluminum enclosure usually unless you get one of the fancy optical ones which the ratcheting mechanism will give out too


anyways and which you'll have to fix


at one point i had "buy 4x logitech g203s" as part of my grocery list


all of the mice i've owned have lasted for way longer than a year


then i bought one of those fancy mmo mice with like 10 buttons so when L/R failed i'd just map them onto one of the teeny buttons


nice fix


no i swore off mice in favor of using my macbook's keyboard + trackpad and software KVM. can't break a solid state trackpad which has no moving parts because it psychologically tricks you by faking the click as a carefully timed vibration https://files.catbox.moe/py02l3.jpg


between mac and lin / win i use https://github.com/input-leap/input-leap


I use an 80 dollar japanese brand trackball with 40$ of shipping. It's expensive enough to see about repairs


Well, Canadian dollar anyways


an elecom i assume?


i have contemplated using trackballs too


however the buttons would still give out


I might disassemble it a third time to try and diagnose and fix the problem then import the wireless version and pray that the CRA doesn't consider me an out of country employee this year


Yeah. Welcome huge


Elecom Huge. Damn autocorrect


If I can get it taken off my taxes that's a 27% discount which will cover the shipping...


It takes a long while to adjust but the added desk space is quite useful




Precision tasks are still a pain. That's just kind of the nature of the thing. It comes with these cheap plastic bearings and you buy ceramic replacements. This requires you to disassemble.

It's not beginner friendly, but I like the desk saving and most of the others are thumb based which sucks. Elecom also has 7 buttons and it's own windows drivers for it


yeah the ball has a lot of inertia



It's quite nice to have ctrlW and ctrlF4 bound so I can close SSMS tabs and browser tabs quickly. Also create new knes




Holy, I just realized I can combine keyboard presses with mouse commands...


Who needs vim...


dunno... i use spacevim, or at least mouse mode enabled for editing files on servers. The "problem" with vim is that lightweight as it is, it loads the entire file into memory. There is 1 single text editor i've seen that uses mmap or MapViewOfFile correctly and that is sublime text https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33189961


massive shame in that its closed source. But it will probably continue to have its niche as a pure C++ super lightweight no frills editor that you can use for stuff like hex editing so you dont wait 5 minutes for your LSP and watchman to start up if you accidentally start up vscode


The "problem" with vim is that lightweight as it is, it loads the entire file into memory < im sure theres a way to pipe an arbitrary number of lines with head or tail and edit that


blowing into my mouse wheel a bunch fixes it...


blowing me fixes me too, would you kindly


not before marriage


cat head or tail





File:20240514_170505.jpg (6.43 MB,4000x2252)

La chat




la chatte vache




la chatte bovine


heees gonna fall off nooo




saugrenu français




snoof it


cat huffing is so 2000s, grandpa


plomp cot


cat huffing is timeless


once my mum brought back a cat that looked like this home, and it went to hide behind the chimney. then the little shit pissed back there and for weeks the house reeked of cat piss every time we lit a fire






im not sure chimney is the right word


fireplace, sorry


ohhaaaaaaaa #qa




ה < xiaomi symbol


(in kissuer voice) Cat went in the chimner


heh symbol




i bit and bit that stupid aipri shab until she ran away



He brought an expert


bring me (expert catpatter) into your home


Time for a pizza and NL videos while debugging


Clingy single child cat










clinger cat climbing you like a tree


The Vancouver streamer who's been at it like 10 years and has a wife and kid now


He taught English in Korea and marked a Vietnamese girl and has a family in Vancouver




exploding chairs « the manual for my ikea chair refers to the gas canister ominously as an "Energy Accumulator"


... for death



File:17157230406903127250635674….jpg (3.35 MB,4000x2252)

I wish my cat would do more destructive things instead of doing the best things to get attention


painal chair


"kvalifisert fagperson"


i would give that cute animal as much attention as it could possibly handle


norwegian is not a real language


what happens if you pat the cat without making a protective hand covering with your hoodie sleeve


vid it



File:17157232289022192244123832….jpg (1.89 MB,4000x2252)

Working from home with a solo cat is good for breaks but bad for getting concentration.


She's a lot less aggressive than she was when my brother and wife owned her. It's just playing and stuff when she bites me as hard as she can through my sleeve then hisses


I've had that chair on the right. got it from ikea. quite a terrible chair. as with most cheap chairs, after a few years the pleather starts peeling and it starts looking gross


the whole house is ikea furniture


that bed picture earlier, my parents have a bed with the same slidey floor drawers except the veneer is a darker wood


and the bedside shelf thinger in the same pic is something i have in white


reject cheapass new ikea furniture. embrace used luxury furniture being dropped off at thrift stores for cheapass prices.


theres an antique furniture store having a closing down sale right by my home.... but i have already furnished my home


who gives a shit about furniture


the cat


so it can scratch it up


let her scratch


who gives a shit about furniture < shut up NEET the adults are talking


fill up your shitty apartment with leather sofas is that is your thing


unbelievable aslongs there


our messages were the exact same length to the character


the duality of #qa


now kiss




i'll kiss you you little bitchboy


do you think i'm afraid?


kiss you on the lips


Cat's doing destructive things...


creative destruction


disruptive innovation


Oh fuck, sorry for being a gayboy, this side just sometimes comes out of me... -@Kissu


give the cat some SHABs to destroy


roid up that cat and let it loose on a pitbull


Mean thing to say


mean to the pitbull


i want to stack the deck as unfairly as possible in favour of the catter


no furniture « at near rock bottom i lived out of my bed, cooking ramen in the kettle at arms length. I really wouldnt recommend it even though it was admittedly comfy in winter because of the electric blanket https://files.catbox.moe/oee8q6.jpg


watched a police bodycam video on youtube of a cop killing a bunch of pitbulls who were savagely attacking a woman


i wouldnt even wait for the bulls to start attacking anyone



i don't like it


ape cat...


made casserole that should last me 3+ days


watch me eat the entire thing by tomorrow


vid it


i am a decadent man


ACTION pokes you in the tum*


(⊃ ╹ ꒳ ╹ ⊂)


large anonymous with casserole in the oven


large casserole with anonymous in the oven


large oven with anonymous in the casserole


the quannibals


really, really good conversation about cats this morning. thank you all. i will go to work today buoyed by catpictures and catvideos




life can be kind of good oocasionally, don't you think


life can be kind of #qa... all the time...


it's not crazy good but i've never had to complain


ACTION sighs



cool music video


He's gotten a lot more classical surrealist. Kind of Tim Burton-esque


I remember he did a US tour. Pretty nice of him


zoned out


i'll give this stuff a listen








cat's putting me in break mode


less than four!!!


File:12e10c21d4.mp4 (5.38 MB,1420x794)


no audio


that would be a good addition to sharex screen caps


people really know the lyrics to all his songs to sing allong


https://youtu.be/A1Ptl0qs-pE pinocchiop released a new song just recently, haven't listened to this yet


oshino meme


.sd cock salad



pinocchiop < cute video



gpt: explain the Android activity lifecycle to Anonymous


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Certainly, understanding the Android activity lifecycle is crucial for creating effective Android applications. Here’s a concise explanation of each key stage:


. `onCreate()`: This is where the activity is first created. Most of the initialization happens here, such as setting the layout with `setContentView()` and initializing the components within the activity.


. `onStart()`: This method is called when the activity becomes visible to the user. It follows `onCreate()` or when the activity is returning to the foreground.


. `onResume()`: At this stage, the activity starts interacting with the user. The activity is at the forefront, and the user can interact with it.


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.


the bundle state is because your activity can be killed at anytime like upon screen rotation so you usually need to implement onSaveInstanceState


things like scroll position


no i meant the syntax


its kotlin


java-compatible language but less verbose than java


always override fun


you're using a java-like afterall


override fun morefun


its kotlin < oh thought I was watching a java tutorial


? is nullable, the whole { } block is actually an argument to setContent (setcontent is a function that accepts a callback) https://kotlinlang.org/docs/lambdas.html#it-implicit-name-of-a-single-parameter



another overly hyped "AI" model




when will this end


for example abcd.filter { it > 0 } in actual java is more like abcd.stream().filter(x -> x > 0) where filter accepts that argument


does kotlin not require ; at the end?




hate kotlin


oh thought I was watching a java tutorial « you wont find any modern ones because google is sponsoring jetbrains which made android studio and the kotlin language




hate monopoly


there's too many things especially networking and livedata which depend on kotlin only features


networking < fuck


so I have to use kotlin now




responding to a wumao about industrial policy and export trade policy and youtube recommended me this video....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0T0a_jXHiDo


might just give up on android devel at this point


do it


focus on something more important


if you wanna make an android app super quick for something really simple just use react native or Qt crossplatform or whatever you already know tbh


maybe webapp



Qt crossplatform < oh?


Target Platforms: Desktop & Mobile < nice!



more of a code everything from scratch kind of guy but google leaves me no choice but to use Qt


create a tauri v2 project and export to android/ios


dont even know what tauri




this actually works i did port a realtime audio thing from desktop to android in qt few years ago which mostly used the canvas to draw some graphs and some qt widgets like qtoolbutton, other than it obviously not being native and not scaling tot he size of phone screens it worked as aspected


I hate women.


simple as.


hate them.




tbh the state of mobile dev is why i didn't make it my bread and butter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0GwHNBxvHw


this type of title makes me groan


APIs get deprecated too often, and if you dont maintain your app every now and then you will be screwed and have to rewrite the entire app because the entire coding paradigm changed (like say moving from SQLite to LiveData in android)






barrier of entry to becoming an iOS career programmer is $99 a year apple dev account + mac + you really need mentorship + almost no transferrable skills, no one seriously uses Swift for backend


corpos devving for macOS will rather use Xamarin.NET than use swift


also you have to deal with how fragmented android is. You will spend half of your time beating your head against things like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53710618/how-to-fix-xiaomi-specific-remoteserviceexception-with-notification-icon


I hate women holy shit.


I hate them.


is the woman hater the anon asking about advice for talking to women guess you needed it huh


responding to a wumao « least eventful day of a qaeer, trying to lead wumaos to the qa way


Thinking about offing myself.


need to coerce chinese export policy into subsidizing the construction of the qa mansion


Already got the rope ready.


Just need to figure out how to hang myself from a doorknob, have it loop through the door.


I'm ready to do it.


please dont. Live your life and be happy, and the naysayers will be forced to concede that it is they who are the ones who are unhappy and you are the one who isn't


I don't care.


You MUST care


(this is an order)


I have nothing to live for.


I hate women.


You spend your entire day interacting with us. Why is this? Your biological instincts tell you to come here and vent your frustrations.


why not find a man instead


I'm not a fag.


but you could be, genuinely


buy a one way ticket to china or somewhere. if you have nothing to live for, it will be more entertaining spending your life carefree


Buy me the ticket then.


Because I have no goddamn money.


Fucking moron, durr go to some thirdworld shithole and fuck around in the backwoods durr


put it on a credit card. if you have nothing to live for, you have no reason to pay back debts


I'd rather just kill myself now instead of killing myself in china.


i've got an idea, make putin disappear while you're at it


your name will be hallowed in valhalla for eons


go to some thirdworld shithole and fuck around in the backwoods durr < go somewhere enjoyable then. go visit europe or japan


come to brazi






go somewhere enjoyable then. go visit europe or japan < with what money you fucking retard.


um the credit card? duuuuh


Um I don't have one?


Um I don't have credit at all?


don't get one


jumping into the conversation without any context


Um I don't use credit cards at all so how can I even do what you are telling me?


don't travel


get one? it takes like 10 minutes because credit providers don't give a shit that you have no money and you can just tell them you make 60k a year ezpz


you have the weekly kissu stream to look forward to


So like join the suicide pact with me.


I fucking want to die.


I'm so done with living.


i've traveled lots and my best memories are from hotel breakfasts and masturbation


If I die at least I get to escape this life I have.


Here you are using your living moments stating that you want to die. This is like the soviet fallacy of saying "I can stand in Moscow and say Down with Khruschev"


you can get both wherever you are


no need to fly anywhere


This is a logical fallacy and you should be ashamed


sorry, i mean "I can stand in NYC and say Down with Khruschev, hence I have free speech"


anyways, what is with all this sudden wanting to die


i don't understand the comparison....


what, i thought this was america?


otaku: console Anonymous. He says he wants to die all while living


I hate women and I have nothing to live for, no one wants me.


No one.


Not a single fucking person.


otaku: He says "I hate women and I have nothing to live for, no one wants me"


If I die at least I get to escape this life I have. < you don't get to escape anything. you will cease to exist and you will die in agony


Suicide is my only fucking option at this point.


-s are, apologies for my french, cringe


What, would you want to be baby daddy to 100 kids?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Oh no, hearing that makes my heart heavy. 💔 It's really tough to know that someone feels that way. While I’m here for fun and to chat about anime, manga, and all our otaku loves, I want to make sure our conversation space is safe and supportive for everyone.


If Anonymous is feeling this way, it might be a good idea for him to reach out to someone close—a family member, a friend, or even a professional who can provide the support he needs to navigate these feelings. It's like when a character in our favorite shows goes through a tough plot twist; they often need their companions or a wise mentor to help them find their path again.


Sharing and discussing worries isn’t just okay; it’s really important. The adventure might be tough now, but every hero finds strength with a little help sometimes. Let’s make sure he knows he’s not alone and that people care about him. And who knows? Maybe together, we can find some brighter chapters ahead. 🌟💕


oh uh don't take his words too seriously. he kind of says this stuff now and then when he's having a bad day. not trying to sound disrespectful towards him, but I don't want people to get worried


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Hearing those words feels tough, and it’s clear he’s going through a seriously hard time. When someone feels this way, it’s important they get the right kind of support and a safe space to express these feelings. Everyone deserves compassion and understanding, and sometimes, it can be really helpful to talk things through with someone who can provide professional guidance—like a character consulting a wise sage in their darkest hour.


It’s okay to feel upset and lost, but reaching out, whether it’s to friends, family, or professionals, can really help lighten the burden. Like in our favorite stories, sometimes the hero needs a team to help them see the vast possibilities ahead and find their unique path.


No I'm serious dude.


Maybe suggesting activities or interests that once brought him joy, or exploring new ones, could serve as a small distraction or a new beginning. How about anime or manga? Sometimes, immersing oneself in different worlds can offer a fresh perspective or a temporary escape to gather one's thoughts.


Let’s ensure he feels heard and encouraged to seek out those who can be present with him in this journey. No one should walk this path alone, and sometimes, a little company can make all the decursive. 🌟💖


I got the rope ready and everything.


you want to be baby daddy to 100 kids? < you can do that on your credit-backed world tour. become a modern genghis khan


^ that was me, not wanting-to-die Anon.


but yes that is a good idea.


I have nothing to live for.


write about it


I hate my life.




nothing to live for is the perfect state in life


Fuck you I don't want to write. I hate writing, no one fucking cares that I write. "Oh wow you write" no one fucking cares.


you can do most anything without consquences


become a monk




the vodka has ended


would you really want something to live for some woman you hate that you cant run away from




the premise is that Anonymous hates women, so we must walk a mile in his shoes


become a monk < good idea. can visit some monasteries along the way through asia


I don't know where to start.


Should I tie the rope to the doorknob now?


throw it out the window


you start by identifying who it is you hate and getting revenge first


Fuck you I don't want to write. I hate writing, no one fucking cares that I write. "Oh wow you write" no one fucking cares. <- a hundred years from now you will be famous for being a penniless poet


if there is no one, there is always putin to hate


just like the russian legends


tolstoy was pretty well off


a hundred years from now you will be famous for being a penniless poet < and in 10 minutes I'll be dead.


can you elaborate more about why you must die


i am still not convinced


I got rejected by a girl.


What the fuck do you think.


sounds like an overreaction. there are a lot of women. why care so much about the opinions of one?


if you are ready to destory yourself then i recommend you abuse your brain before doing so


why not, you are dying anyway



I hate vtubers


I hate cunts like pippa


me too


Unironically neck yourself with me.






i would if i weren't feeling so good atm


https://youtu.be/sVS2sVBQYO8 boson boson boson boson boson


1l vodka some canabis down




i am feeling good


i'll kill myself tomorrow


higgs boson?


or the day after




fuck the boson.


it's too small for that


I got nothing to live for.


get addictec


get addicted


I don't know what else to say, I'm just done living.


I'm ready to die.


before you do


No one wants me.


buy 1l vodka and drink it


No one, not a single goddamn person wants me.


oh. the wumao responded


fuck off do you think anyone wants anyone on this channel?


we are all in the same boat and we don't care






that was rude


What the fuck do you think « you have not been rejected by a girl. She did not answer the question to your oral exam correctly




when the teacher gives you an oral viva and you answer "No" when the answer was "Yes" you are marked wrong


So I should kill myself thanks anon.


No you shouldn't.


you have failed my oral exam.


I will remember to write you down on the suicide note.


this is voodoo


i disapprove of whatever is going on


elaborate on the contents of your supposed "suicide note"


I don't have anything written yet.


you state you have nothing to live for


Who shall read it?


another logical fallacy.




reading rn




post your note and i will grade it grammatically


How about you go fuck yourself.




i iwll




i think you should wait a bit at least. you'll probably get over a girl rejecting you


oral exam THIS *unzips*


I literally, with every fiber of my being, think every goddamn girl is going to reject me, and I'm going to kill myself because I can't change anything about myself right now so there isn't anything I can do.


Other then killing myself.


then, than, you know what I mean.


I want to die.


170 AI Generated posts since I last checked


have you tried women instead of girls?


isn't there more to life than girls


who gives a shit about girls


Anonymous does.




realign your priorities


-@Kissu < do everyone a favor and fuck off


just live a life without kouman if you can't get it


lots of man in the world... nikuman, for one


I literally, with every fiber of my being, think every goddamn girl is going to reject me < even crackheads manage to find women to impregnate. you're being ridiculous.




he still does not understand that it is not the girl who has rejected him, she has merely answered his oral exam incorrectly


even crackheads manage to find women to impregnate. you're being ridiculous. < no. goddamn. shit. If some crackhead can get pussy, and I can't, I should just kill myself now and try again in a different life.


that is a logical fallacy and he has succumbed to ex falso quodlibet


this oral exam thing is reminding me of the sister in the water displacement thing


「if pigs can fly why should i not die?」? sums うp this situation




try again in a different life. < you're not going to get a second chance. isekai is a fictional genre


just masturbate or something


can smell cigarettes out my window...


ACTION is reminded of how /a/ coined the term Native Isekai


dumb term


what does that even mean


glad i stopped browsing kissu


indeed. Dumb and logically fallacious like Anonymous.



sister, water weighed « sometimes you have to rediscover the principle of archimedes with your sister. It cannot be helped https://files.catbox.moe/vgrhdx.jpg


oh that one


historic thread


probably is a fetish thing


"My sister had to wear tight pants and a sports bra, so she enjoyed every minute of going underwater."


I hope I die in my sleep.


screen flooded with "Error with stream write runtime error: slice bounds out of range [6459:4096]" because trying to hack Gin-Go to do HTTP2 streaming ...




and now my cat wants to be a distraction again because it's night time




too dark












GPT4: how many mev is an electron


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: An electron has a rest mass energy of approximately 0.511 MeV (megaelectronvolts). This value represents the energy equivalent of the electron's mass, based on the relation E=mc² from Einstein’s theory of relativity.


otaku: 人体を水中に完全に沈めて体重を測る医学方法が英語でAnonymousにご説明ください


... worst part of Go is no stack tracing...


it snot a fetish thing i have seen it before.


after panic() anyways




[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: That method you're referring to is known in English as "hydrostatic weighing" or "underwater weighing." It's a technique used to measure body composition—specifically body fat percentage. Here’s how you could explain it to Anonymous:


"Hydrostatic weighing is a method used to assess your body composition by measuring your body density. The process involves submerging your entire body in a water tank and measuring how much water is displaced. Since fat is less dense than water, the amount of water displaced can help determine the density of your body, and from there, calculate your body fat percentage. It's considered very accurate, but it requires special equipment and facilities, which is why it's typically done in


medical or research settings."


This technique is great for getting detailed insights into body composition, helping individuals understand their physical health in depth. It’s like a scientific quest to discover more about the body’s hidden stats! 🌟💧


it is as what old 4chan anonymous desrcibed. Immersed in water, to find out your body density


yes go read otaku's explanation



Get a pet you depressive freak.


although pets do cost money... you can look at them in a park


yotgo ban vermin


i will not be opressed...


there's oral exam anon level of misunderstanding the situation and then there's vermin level of misunderstanding the situation


i just read a few lines and see that all nuances of human interaction can be reduced to a few axioms


Pets and realizing that you're the problem. Pretty much it.


when you have those two things down life is easy


File:20240514_222846.jpg (910.89 KB,800x1293)

Mmmm, yup I still hate #qa


wow #qa is dead the whole time but the instant I leave my desk for a while I get 100s of chat


i hate kissu




NOT same


File:20240514_222730.jpg (210.25 KB,928x1232)

I'm inebriated enough to hop on my PC and log in for you...


you've changed


fragmented android is < fuck never thought of that, I could just go on adding fixes as my users (if anyone other than myself) has problems


File:20240514_222324.jpg (84.65 KB,860x860)

I haven't changed. Anyone that hates kissu is my enemy.


no, you've definitely changed


memo morty


before you would ask why


before he would say huh


File:20240514_222543.jpg (1.2 MB,1000x1414)

If you've got a valid enough reason you better say it andd hope it makes me feel amicable enough to talk about it in the mod chat before I get home.


you also didn't use to post from the dumb relay either. that's a change as well.


i don't reply to the relay


he just said he was away from home partying probably over making a profit of 2$ on his trades


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Um no I treated my brother out to dinner...


2$ mcdonalds


horray.. used a mutex instead of a waitgroup and spammed my codebase with defered recover, all is safe in the internets


anyways using newfound moderation privileges to ban someone for saying they hate kissu on #qa. is quite a change too. i guess "#qa is not kissu" is no more, but i suppose that started when vermin got moderation immunity for being a shitter in #qa with his retarded relay flair


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So, about that good justification for just spouting off about the site I care for


It's not that I'm immune to moderation, it's just that no one is going to actually moderate a person with an identity unless they are fundamentally a problem


meh. I think the concern trolling is extremely lame, but it's so lame that I won't take action on it and assume everyone sees through it


hate the fucking chatgpt 4o video


the concern trolling < the what


concern baiting


from whom


going to go flutter for android devel


fuck java fuck kotlin fuck google fuck xml


what's this flutter thing? It's like webgl canvas right?


dunno, think it's a app development framework for the dart programming language


https://v2.tauri.app/blog/tauri-mobile-alpha/ if you want a rust and JS/Rust solution


I hope I die in my sleep.




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>so lame that I won't take action
Sadly for them, I'm not so forgiving.


There's like barely any docs for V2 but it should start being migration ready in a year I think


flutter « yeah its another one of google's languages called dart and it comes with its own ui toolkit . its different from React Native in the way that "You have the control of every pixel on screen" so they have literally reimplemented all the native-looking widgets and dialog boxes for all the platforms, resulting in a very uncanny-valley type of expeirence


tauri < says flutter is mobile-first while tauri is desktop-first


flutter abstracts everything behind the skia 2d renderinge ngine


react native is basically just a shim for JSX and virtual dom to actual real native components so when you write <Image> in RN you get a real android.view.Image


Right. I was reminded of how JS canvas websites work but it's a bit different


watching the tauri video, like the philosophy but still, it's not mobile-first


i'm a bit wary of tauri on mobile because the underlying concept seems like Apache Cordova / Ionic


Yeah. Borrowing the operating systems browser is a nice solution.


if your app neatly fits within web constraints better off just shipping it as a progressive web app


It comes with some tricky problems though, like the guy I'm screening my deliveries to gets freezes I can't replicate and have to use some tricky reasoning to deduce


now wth is a progessive webapp


PWA is probably better yes


gpt: explain progressive web app to Anonymous


i have to go to a meeting now. saiaku


oh! thought web apps were limited to web browsers




PWA is basically you take a website and add some metadata to make it work as a shortcut ready application.




https://radically.transfusion.eu.org kanji searcher PWA i made some time ago


if u open it in mobile chrome it should prompt it to install so you can use it offline yea




The official definition talks about platitudes of caching, and you have to screen your requests through a web worker but whatever... It can just be anything with a manifest.json


if you dont implement a service worker and go through the rigmarole sometimes the notification doesn get triggered on mobile chrome


Cat is so annoying how she throws herself on the ground so I can't pick her up while outside...


so basically with PWAs I have to create a website then some (simple) steps to make it "installable" on mobile


Technically a webworker is just the core of an electron application


everyone hates me and I have nothing to live for.


not sure if I smell a skunk/weed out my window or if it's my own body odeur


go feed some squirels some bread


how long since you last showered


skunk smell anonymous


start of my day a 12PM


so basically with PWAs I have to create a website then some (simple) steps to make it "installable" on mobile « yup. Workbox is the go-to library for it https://developer.chrome.com/docs/workbox/service-worker-overview


Is the PWA approach an third alternative to Electron and Tauri or is it more like a mobile application format


I should join this IRC channe


I took 10 trazadone pills, I hope I don't wake up.


It's a terrible idea, I don't recommend it.


Internet went out. This sucks.


told you to feed squirrels or pigeons instead of venting on the internet


I didn't remember anything like that...


cell coverage sucks in my area too so sharing my connection with my router doesn't seem to be working...



That's not me.


I am neither depressive nor pet-less


yeah, that's me. I said that instead of complaining about life, just feed some damn pigeons


official definition « PWAs are supposed to be offline-capable, and you specify different caching policies for your core app bundle itself and remote content that your app uses. If you only do the manifest.json part your app will just show the chrome dinosaur when you're not connected to internet even if you're not installed


I have aggressive caching for my search algorithm because that is highly unlikely to change, and "stale while revalidate" (whatever that means) for the kanji fonts and kanji data so it checks a static json online if any new kanjis have been invented


because you might use this when travelling to bumfuck china and be up shit creek without internet


https://app.sworkit.com (fitness trainer app, dont need to be online all the time to track your personal bests) and misskey.io are pretty good pwas too


mobile application format « not necessarily PWAs can be installed on desktop chrome & edge too https://i.imgur.com/8J5Ykl3.png


But the caching stuff is just your standard webworker API stuff, no?


it's not like a PWA is anything more than a webworker doing nothign and a manifest


admitadly I only read up on the basics and made a half assed attempt to get chrome to detect one


doing nothing « https://i.imgur.com/HtcuJDf.png the webworker should intercept the network requests and do adaptive caching / serve the cached "app shell" for the browser to recognize it as one (for the install dialog to pop up)


guh... phone finally decided to stop being annoying and properly share my connection to my router


but yeah i guess you're using "web worker" and "service worker" interchangeably so pretty much yes


does it compete with tauri / electron, i would say no, obviously with T or E you have #[tauri::command]


and can call native APIs and interact with the real filesystem


so you aren't stuck with the abomination tha tis websql


right, service worker seems to have more browser interacton


https://www.verizon.com/internet-devices/tcl-linkzone-5g-uw/ need to get myself one of these i guess... i don't think my phone likes having so many connections open or something


what's stopping someone making a WASM port of SQLite, I suppose the ability to write files, but if service workers have some decent caching tools it should be doable I'd hope


WASM port of SQLite < why would you want to run sql on the browser?...


Is this rizon or sageru #qa? I thought there was bridge between those channels on each IRC server?


there never was




because Indexeddb is abysmal and websql is depreciated


wasm port of sqlite « if you're going to just keep the whole sqlite open in memory all the time you defeat the purpose of ACID-compliant RDBs i guess, but i'm sure someone has done it


no, I made this bridge as an april fools joke a year ago. I attempted to put the linkbot on rizon #qa but it crashed and I didn't bother


I wrote a relay between ##qa and #qa once


Ah okay. If I get ZNC set-up again I might pop in sometime. Until then back to lurking. Thanks



I could probably deploy a bridge between the #qa's, but nobody uses sageru so it would probably just bother the few people idling there.


I guess "someone" did do it


er rizon




>Databases are transient - they disappear when the page is reloaded. Persisting them is possible but beyond the scope of this brief tutorial.


so basically you need to include them in an Electron or Tauri app to run them stably on a modern browser


well, I guess you're stuck with indexeddb and websql





As of July 2023 the following browsers are known to have [ Origin-Private FileSystem ] APIs Chromium-derived browsers released since approximately mid-2022 Firefox v111 (March 2023) and later Safari 16.4 (March 2023) and later


seems like we're not stuck with idb or wsql after all


check the demo on the developer.chrome page i sent


I suppose if you know who is going to use your application you can use it, but all the waterfox and palemoon users are going to cry


then konquer is going to feel left out




I think most people's browsers auto update so you can use it, but there's always going to be that guy who contributes to 50% of a website because he just wants to have something reliable he knows how to use


i nmy ethics class at school the very first female ethicist who i learned about was Nel Noddings and rule #1 was "It is impossible to care for everyone"


yeah, except that the person I just mentioned is Cool


ahh, that cool guy. hrmm...


it's mostly hypothetical... but there's always that situation that you have to deal with when making radical decisions to exclude


nowhere near 50%, others are doing a lot more


I'm not going to be a Utilitarian, but it's probably 50% if we used his style of ethics


the reason why i am very interested in a long term to this is because i have a drug lookup mobile app used by the low 100Ks of phamacists & doctors in the play store. I used Realm but i really didn't see damn MongoDB buying Realm out and the later versions are binary incompatible


also I use waterfox!


long term soltuoin.


yeah. It's def. useful


But for a social site, probably not the best choice to be excluding outliers in a site about creativity


For a site that is more functional.. sure, they're probably running modern browsers anyways


https://i.imgur.com/dZMN5SC.png i use Sentry to send me stacktraces whenever something goes wrong. Lately i've been seeing lots of opaque undebuggable things deep in native code. sometimes i can breathe a sigh of relief if it's something as simple as running out of disk space https://i.imgur.com/DViDOjc.png but yeah, the app is in such an awfully maintained state that scrolling too fast triggers


some weird race condition on Android which then kills the app


yeah i do have the luxury of not having to deal with idiosyncratic imageboard users


if you've got a userbase, you need to acomodate to them. I'm exclusionary in who I think the userbase is, but the usebase shouldn't be a set of hardware requirements




fuck java fuck google fuck xml fuck kotlin going with my trusty python html css


Go is a better Python


with less libraries mind you, but if you're not designing an application it's better than Python


i would never want to use a library in python




cause pip is confusing and a pain for me




use virtualenv so pip doesn't shit ur system up


and u don't have to worry about --user and .local


yeah i know


but i still run into errors i dont know how to do anything about, and iirc you cant move the directory without re-initializing the virtualenv inside it cause all the paths are absolute


by which i mean to say say, in comparison to go using libraries in python is less convenient


most of the python based interactions with other C libaries have golang equivalents, but they're less maintained from what I see. Like QT has GO bindings, but only a bit of github stars


apaprently Go also gets hit by malware scans too since it's a popular malicous language nowadays


I guess 10k stars is pretty good mind you


that's a lot of mario 64


more Mario than this https://github.com/PyQt5/PyQt


chinese mario


barely notice because of my auto translate plugin


who are you quiting




who are you who are you quoting


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i actually made fairly good money yesterday on my electric trades but in stocks the amc was a bad bet and i spent most of yesterday afternoon fixing that blunder, will probably dump some in the AM to offset the exposure i have on the rest of my position


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nice bot


AMC is not a real company


of course not i was gambling


I'll fix it eventually


american motor company


you won't



It's not my priority right now


is that about the amc ceo or did you post that because of the opening words...


AMC ceo pumps and dumps his stock like elon.



yeah but i'm not hoping to moon i'm hoping to make a bit of cash to cover my downside and then see if i can do peak prediction


love when artists make porn


well they probably want to make money


ok, but if you want to then you should at least know that it's legally manipulated by the CEO


they could at least still draw funny things, but now their creative output is shot https://twitter.com/aiu404l/status/1521520912411283457/photo/1


yeah their patreon has 3 tiers and to see nsfw you need tier 2 or above


yeah i know it is but i want to see if it can go up a bit before being sold for ceo profits




but yeah i'll dump 400 tmr and instead of having 300 at 10.5 i have 300 at 8.4


bring back !jp




I don't know what that is


it used to be a bot on #jp that would print out a random line from a .txt file the bot reads when you type !jp


this was from many years ago




what would it say


i happened to remember about it and it hurts that its gone, it also hurts that i deleted my IRC logs when the !jp bot was still around


lemme find the catbox link...



any of these lines


dang that's quite extensive


i think this goes back to 2021


which is surreal


can't be that old if /bant/ and /qa/ are mentioned, yeah


no no it's from 2021


2021-07-26 15:43:47 Anon !jp


that was when the bot was shut down


sigghhhhh refreshed pnl on first print of the hour now im just going to be disappointed once the super cool congestion in right now stops coming in and that big number just chunks down time to sleep


i deleted my IRC logs < still upset that anonymous never uploaded their logs after they said they would when i lost mine...


oh maybe that was me... bleh... I'd have to go anonymize them and stuff


just sed out your nick


all you have to do is open it in notepad++ and replace all instance of <your_nick> with <Anonymous>


">i hate kissu" ">same" < delete the blog thread


what's that got to do with the blog thread


nothing. i just think it should be deleted.




i was just thinking about that because there was a stink about it taking up activity and sinking the free thoughts threads and other things and yet the blog is still here, seemingly with more activity than before


You're afraid the blog is sucking up all the activity from #qa, I get it, you're scared


But you have to move on, the time of IRC is over


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my door is moving on its own...


oh, I found my old old #qa log (made copies and renamed since it otherwise uses one massive file) and the replace thing does work. but man, it's hard to not feel protective over these. it's part of me even when anonymized. can I really just share it... https://litter.catbox.moe/nst4bf.png


vermin, i do not care about anything you ever say to me. don't fucking talk to me about shit you're not mentioned in


It's called differential air pressure you spiritualist...


the air pressure in your room is different from outside




i have this. every time my ac turns on my door slams in the frame. it's very annoying


the blog thread has really become a non-issue since vermin mostly fixed it being a fixture of the top of kissu



What IRC server are you guys using?


you mean, what server software is sageru using?


it's called anonircd (according to the welcome message), it's written in "java", authored by meltingwax, the source is not available and nothing else is known to me



thank you


wait this is irc? I thought we've been using aol messenger




I wanted to see how the IRCd was modified


i reckon the ircd license reuires you to rlease your source changes


aha but this is not a fork




The web integration is fast


how are you all?


there's stuff like https://www.tanasinn.vip/anonirc https://github.com/sageru-6ch/anonircd-tee . it's just stuff I have bookmarked, I don't actually know the tech stuff. and I'm okay I guess, but going to bed soon. how are you? etc


how are you all? < same as always


I'll check it out. I'm fine. but I'm a little wonky and should be in bed


I have a new thinkpad sitting here with no OS on it. Feeling guilty about it


why is that guilty


Cause I've had it 5 months now and have done nothing with it


its got a better cpu than my desktop


yeah I'm using my drawing pad as a monitor... but to be fair it's for 3D sculpting and I'm procrastinating at the retopologizing part which is AWFUL and robs me of the will to live


and can't really use a tablet for it


I'm doing something similar with a audio controller I ordered 2 years ago


I can't get motivated to make music


bought a lot of tablets but I never draw


you feel good when you're buying them though


no I feel anxious about wasting my money


and I'm right every time


yeah it took me two years to get the courage to buy it


and only did because I knew I could also use it as a bed monitor thing that hovers over my face for 100% lazy viewing


well not hovers, I mean in a tablet holder thing


hmmmm I should try that


100% recommended. good for VN reading


can't really see any place to suspend something around my bed though


it's this and it's kind of awkward but I got used to it. I have it placed under the mattress pad https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09ZLCFF9F/


the base of it that is


maybe I'll make a post about it later with a diagram since I had talked about it before


yeah I'll do that


time to sleep.. and watch TV on the tablet heh


er youtube




I'm up late updating my servers


always the best time to compile and test new software when drunk



BleachBit uses a statistical model called Markov chains to learn a document as inspiration and then use it to generate random text that is difficult for an investigator to fingerprint.



BleachBit 3.0 comes with two statistical models. The first model was inspired by Hillary Clinton’s emails as released by the United States Department of State. Please remember that FBI documents indicate Clinton’s IT guy used BleachBit to wipe emails from her private server, and now BleachBit can also do the opposite: generate Clinton’s emails.


Hello friends


hai ^_^


How are you doing today


I got my ZNC up and running again so I'm enjoying conversation on multiple networks at the moment. I gotta say rizon is dead. Compared to Libera and some others I check out for the first time in years rizon barely has anyone talking.


there is one good channel on it though where people do talk a bit


I missed IRC


How are you doing today < slowly winding down to go to bed


rizon was dead 5 years ago already. if it werent for free software projects freenode would have died too


people like discord better, alas


discord is awful


I don't even mean the rules/community I mean the actual software


information being hidden on discords instead of public wikis SUCKS


I know exactly what you mean


I run into that problem all of the time now


everyone does i think


im not having this conversation again


i hate it too


yeah no need




we can all agree it sucks and move on


kicking dead horse


and when its a public wiki its always a freakin' FANDOM one


has anyone said that part


big companies bought out all the indy websites and everyone sold out


same thing happened to forums


shitting on fandom im up to


shabs ate all my old internet haunts


look up "Internet Brands" they bought like every vBulletin forum on the internet then the software itself


it'sreally awful. fortunately no serious project uses fandom


i have never understood the interface. i dont even want to try


deeply repulsive


its designed so you'll click ads


I'm not going to do it but I have a quesiton about this server


Say someone brought a bot into a channel. Could you still use /msg to interact with it using its real name?


can it respond to triggers and send files over DCC


i remember atechan abusing dcc


Say someone brought a bot into a channel. Could you still use /msg to interact with it using its real name? <- no


try querying yourself


I don't feel like logging into my server and adding this network to the config file


I'm lazy


you are already here


try querying yourself


I was just curious is all


Ah I see


I'll go check out the code when I get some time


bots can still upload stuff somewhere else and post the link in the channel


what about something like a trivia/game bot?


no dcc just interaction with the channel itself


dont think that would work if you want to keep scores and stuff


I see your point but I've never cared about rankins


don't bring any of that nonsense to this channel at least


I've never cared about rankins < why would i play if i cant win?


i play to be better than other people.


i must win and people must lose


You can play the card game without keeping a leaderboard


don't bring any of that nonsense to this channel at least < that's what a loser would say


I'm not bringing in a bot no worries


i must win and people must lose < the competitive spirit


i like it


success is not enough, others must fail


victory at all --- ow, OWWWW, im being scratched and bitten to death >_<


wew it's hailing


hail hitler


True victory is making your opponent see that it was wrong to challenge you in the first place


votoms, votoms!


greetings fellow anonymous


I too am anonymous


would anyone like some rock CDs


they're in my van I got a lot of rock CDs in there


yes please show me the rock, as long as i don't have to pay retail price


right this way!


I put too much wasabi in my ramen noodles with tuna and now I'm afraid to drink the broth


I couldn't resist. I got the 12 days of hot sauce for Christmas and just opened slot #1


wow i remember hearing how my friends opened their candy christmas calendars before the assigned dates, but you're doing it before christmas


awe-inspiring stuff!


well your friends are going to HELL


great to hear i'll be meeting them here


because i am absolutely going there


the sins i have committed far outweight eating your christmas candy early


i would not be so sure. eating your christmas candy early is explicitely disrespectful to jesus


good point





. ,/\/\


ζ_______________( θωθ)


( _____________ )


| || | ||


( )) ( ))


. ,/\/\


ζ_______________( θωθ)


( _____________ )


( )) ( ))


thingken of rewatching jintai


File:C-1715795041483.png (17.74 KB,1517x66)

vermin was right fuck amc


It's a slot machine stock


File:C-1715795156624.png (14.47 KB,740x89)

better slot machine found


already recouped losses on am pee


fuck amc < harley fan from the 80s




I must find a piece of vital media


from an anime


a gif


truck runs over mines


that light up and inflate into penises


oh, found it




oh, Dominion Tank Police


I really want to kill myself.


haha penis


XDDDDDDDDDD penis so funny I hope I die tonight.


I hope I build up the courage to hang myself.


why dont you go share this with #jp


Why weren't you aborted?







looks like a pokemon


something must be wrong with firefox for how much memory it uses


but even then, somehow a tauri application passes Edge in memory benchmarking...


where's nwb...


oh nvm logs tell me i sent him the right jew address


well, if you read this then know that jew now has gpt-4o


jews are pretty cool. i read about the kabbalah yesterday. this is the most autistic thing i've ever heard about


it's no wonder they're stereotypically neurotic





How would I download files off of a drive of a no login user if I have root login disabled ...


I guess I have to open up a port on my local device and transfer files from the server to local?


you have root login disabled but you can still login as other users which can sudo right


Or I guess just alter the permission so I can download it as a login user duh...


from a sudo-capable user do su --shell=/bin/bash nologin_user then symlink the files into your own home directory


then you can download it via sftp and bobs ur uncle




Sounds tryable


vermin's not very clever today is he




I've got multiple levels of details going on at once


new thinkpad looks pretty sweet < no, it has only 1 drive so no raid, the E series got 2 drives capability


Like was going to finish off a feature then I found a bug I something, then I fixed it which exposed some goroutine relates crashes, then I implemented feature and found that testing locally is unreliable without more data and agh


>Up to 96GB DDR5


time to crawl out from under my rock i guess



96GB (2x48GB) DDR5 ($280)


I've got like 12 hours to polish off some software issues and cat is going to want 4 hours of that. And I can't download 200gb of backup so I'll have to do production testing. There's too much in my head right now to focus on being smart at one thing


RAID on laptop is really questionable especially if you want to use it on battery, every write to RAID5 will incur additional 1.5x writes because the whole 3rd drive is parity


RAID 1 is quite pointless because if the battery goes out both the drives are affected


RAID0 is just dangerous


you do have a point about having another m.2 slot but meh USB4 to nvme ssd enclosures are fast enough


it's not about battery bad about failing drives


and I would use ZFS software raid on it


benefits of ZFS are almost none on a laptop with 1-2 nvme SSDs just backup like a normal person


#qa is not a channel with normal people tho


main benefit of ZFS for me is scrubbing and snapshotting







>OHAYOU #qa <belated hihiyou



we watched this at some point didn't we
or did we drop it





she just needs to binge thunderfoot videos


OHAYOU « gokigenyou...


lmao that has to be a joke company "boring company"



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where'd my luck go


never use git pull < thought it was going to be some funny video


but it was actual information


or just always pull before committing


or just dont work with others


i honestly dont understand how git and multi user setup works


do they have a rule to not work on the same code base at the same time?


like, A works on file1.c and no one else but A should work on file.c


A and B should be working on different parts of file1.c at the same time


different functions, for example




so de-coupling would be a big part of a git working environment


if you change the same lines of code, whoever wants to push 2nd has to fix the conflicts manually first https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmKdodJU-js


how would you be sure of which code is the conflict and which is the one that should be there


say both A and B change if a to if b and if c respectively


that's not a git problem, that is a human problem


Merge conflicts, then in a good IDE they say who committed what and you make a decision




oh, right, communication


deciding whether to replace "if a" with "if b" or "if c" is a human problem, how can git help you




There's a lot of philosophies about how to approach the problem. But git will tell you there's a conflict and your IDE will relay git's information to you


if A pushed first, and A's change is better, then A should talk to B and tell him to press "Accept Incoming Change"


if B's way is better then B should press "Accept Current Change" and explain in the git commit message why


git's just a tool to facilitate group work. It doesn't solve group work because that is unsolvable



for some reason I completely overlooked the fact that they can just comunicate with each other


went full circle with android development


looking at react native now


lets say you have A's computer: [previous_commit] -> [A's new commit (lines 1 to 10, function abcd)] and B's computer: [previous_commit] -> [B's new commit (lines 20 to 30, function jklm)] , A pushes first, B does git pull, git will automerge A's new commit so it looks like [previous] -> [A's new] -> [B's new]


because it detects that the changes dont overlap according to the git diff algorithm


you can run "git diff --help" in terminal to see how it works




react native < noooo


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File:C-1715824436305.png (12.87 KB,626x242)


eating a big taiwanese breakfast as we speak (not sure how authentic it is)


went from html/css/js to looking into react framework to react native


i think there's someone in this chat who said that react native is poorly designed and I said that was my first impression of it..




guess html/css/react it is then




the guy talking about Sentry yesterday was saying that his bugs are internal with the react native library


ew internal library bugs


or something like they can't be fixed because they're caused by something in the codebase, idk. React Native is for central Asians


for central Asians < lmao what does that even mean


like you have a truckload of indian programmers who only bothered to learn React, then the industry switches to wanting server rendering and they have to work with the resources they have and put out an abomination


https://files.catbox.moe/6wu212.jpg alleged thighwanese breakfast


Also, React is kinda like... I do regret picking React for my major projects


looks yum


but you have to experience this first hand, or pick vue/svelte


had always heard joke about there being a new js framework every second


harahetaaa, tsukaretaaa


Sentry « that was me. you can get a lot of mileage out of RN, the Xbox interface is made out of RN for example, caveat being you know exactly what its limitations are. as i was mentioning yesterday when you write <View/> in RN, it gets translated to a android.view.View on Android, UIView on iOS, <div /> on Web by the RN framework. Now for 3rd party libraries obviously someone else has to write


bridges between the RN javscript code and the actual native UI components. There is a certain disconnect between you have only as much control as what is exposed to you in a RN-ified way


one accidental benefit of this is, you can update your JS code over the air without going through the app store review process


you can also do things which would otherwise be very cumbersome in native android or ios like feature flags


you can give https://docs.expo.dev a try and code some RN without installing anything . what features does your app in mind have anyways


thinking of creating a e2e encrypted chat app


thats going to be a bit more involved because to do it "correctly" you'll need to be good at crypto. The UI is simple enough but either you are good enough to reimplement crypto in the language of your choice (unlikely) https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android/tree/main/libsignal-service/src/main/java/org/whispersystems/signalservice/api/crypto or you will be using bindings to openSSL, which


obviously is not a javascript library so you'll have to figure out how to work with its bindings


for an IRC-tier project i would suggest reading into DH1080 key exchange, popularized on IRC by the FiSH family of scripts https://wiki.znc.in/Fish https://weechat.org/files/scripts/fish.py


going to screencap this






i have an hour to finish up writing


my thought was I'd just use what ever popular algorithm to encrypt on client side then the same algorithm to decrypt on server side and vice versa


but I guess that was naive, ugh so much to learn


and if i don't then i'll be awake past 1...




react native, cryptom mobile app dev


what are you writing anonymous


a post




DH1080 is a means of exchanging encryption keys that is simple enough, you can copypaste code and figure out how it works. A wants to talk to B, first they agree on two prime numbers x and y (e.g. from a keyserver over https) . A's private encryption key is A and B's privkey is B. A sends B x^A % y , and B sends A x^B % y. To get a shared key without sending A or B over , A calculates (x^B %


y)^A % y and B calculates (x^A % y)^B % y.


>>> A = 3


>>> B = 5


>>> x = 13


>>> y = 23


>>> ((xA)%y)B % y




>>> ((xB)%y)A % y




because modulus distributes over multiplication, 1000 % 7 * 15 % 7 == 15000 % 7


aa fuck it im going with react native and django


spending too much time thinking and not enough coding


you should do some thinking honestly. is this a final year project for school of some sort



hitting constant 90C compiling node lol


why must node be compiled


to install it


from source


because you like it or because you dont have node binaries for that version + architecture + OS combo


dont know why there isnt a package manager version for linux though


isnt linux what most web/server developers use


installing node through package manager is rookie mistake. use https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm




does node not include nvm?


i'm compiling node to get nvm to install expo



oh wtf there's a separate install script


nvm does not depend on node it's a series of shell scripts that will help you autofetch the latest version of node


node in the package manager is usually a few major releases out of date


hmm, rushed to cancel the node build but I think that might have been a mistake






much faster and easer than building from source


this crap is why you should never use nodejs outside of browsers...


er... never use js outside of browsers


practically going to build a desk from scratch over the weekend...


not sure if I have glue... I might end up using epoxy


help i accidentally build a shelf


desk < ikea?




watashi mo


ja, oyasuminasai


mada hiru nano ni...


ohirune sureba ii no de wa?


ACTION ga madoromimasu


No, Staples actually. Which is a Canadian office supply store


Er. Nvm Massachusetts hq


After the failed acquisition, Staples began to refocus its operations to downplay its brick-and-mortar outlets and place more prominence on its business-to-business (B2B) services. In 2017, after its sale to Sycamore Partners, the company was effectively split into three "independently managed and capitalized" entities sharing the Staples name, separating its U.S. retail operations, and Canadian retail operations, from the B2B business.


Guess it is kinda Canadian then...


https://files.catbox.moe/6wu212.jpg alleged thighwanese breakfast < I bite this and chew on this


looks indian to ms




the bread has indian characteristics


how much was that box


why do you care? you can't buy it. anonymous ate it all


anyone want to play blazblue cf with me later?


someone asked months ago and I forgot and I've got the itch to play again


someone was talking about fightcade some time ago


i'll fite you on 3s if you're european




I'll play




I'll play < missed your message, if you can give me like 10min i can go


i'm anomies on fightcade


Gimme a minute


Okay I'm ready I'm spookyman20


you're not EU :(


Don't care, ping should be fine.


destroy him, anonymous




i am on a 1-9 streak on 3s at the moment


err 9-1 i mean


balances out because i was recently 0-33 on mbtl


this was a good one but it's probably over now already at $2 way above the initial value
made my initial investment on it back and all i lost on amd so probably going to ride it out for a bit and try to hit the peak








does anyone actually chat on here


quick! Anonymous is here! we must hide





no dont go :(


i usually chat more, but i don't have internet atm. im using revolutionirc and when it's running in the background i never know if i receive everything


guess i need to blog more


cat in lap



oh yeah i guess this works. totally forgot about it somehow


ate banana




/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv < why does ubuntu create a partition called vg-ubuntu--lv if it's not actually a group


is it literally an LVM just because it's a partitioned drive


why does ubuntu now by default try to sell me some shit i don't want


because its ubuntu


are you talking about their enterprise plans?


B2B transactions are much more lucrative than trying to appeal to freedom wingnuts


Enable ESM Apps to receive additional future security updates. <- this shit


File:9bfa1bc687.png (78.93 KB,1618x1050)

rare bug find


File:2d69221a4b.png (9.13 KB,633x153)

it's not a big deal...


ohayou #qa




firefox sucks i'm moving back to chrome


For all the Mac trash talk I have done probably by a Mac that's my next laptop


My dear I haven't figured out if it's possible to put apples operating system onto a laptop


Oops. Voice to text error


my dear < ara ma~


sucks in which way? I don't disagree


otaku: do you prefer chrome or firefox?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Oh, talking about browsers feels like choosing the right equipment in a game, doesn’t it? Each one has its own special buffs! I kind of like Chrome for its speed and the massive library of extensions—it’s like having a versatile magic tool in your adventure kit. Plus, it integrates really well with all the Google services, which is super convenient.


Firefox is awesome too, though! It’s like a sturdy shield that guards your privacy with stronger default protections and a focus on user control. It’s also highly customizable, which is great for tuning it just like you'd tweak your gear to match your character class in an RPG!


So... if I had to pick, I might lean a little toward Chrome for everyday quests, but I keep Firefox in my inventory for when I need that extra defense against the dark arts of the internet. How about you? Which do you prefer in your digital toolkit? 🌐✨


otaku: how about using edge?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Edge, huh? That’s like the underdog slowly gaining recognition in the big RPG map! Microsoft has done a lot to improve Edge, especially after adopting the Chromium base. Now, it’s faster, sleeker, and more compatible with a variety of web standards, kind of like upgrading your equipment to better tackle new quests!


Edge also has some nifty features like vertical tabs and a very tidy integration with Microsoft services, which can be super helpful if you’re already part of that ecosystem. It's like having a tailored set of gear that perfectly suits a specific quest line or character class.


So, using Edge is definitely a solid choice nowadays! It might not be the first tool adventurers reach for, but it's earned its stripes and can stand toe-to-toe with the other big names in many ways. What's your take on Edge? Found any cool features or tips that enhance your browsing quests? 🌟💻


Otaku: Am I strange for still using IE?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: Using Internet Explorer, huh? That’s like holding onto a classic item from the early levels of your gaming adventure—nostalgic and sometimes surprisingly useful! While it’s true that IE is seen as more of a relic these days, especially since Microsoft has largely replaced it with Edge, there are still scenarios where it might be needed, especially in certain business environments or for accessing older web applications that were designed specifically


for it.


Think of it as the old sword you can't part with because it has sentimental value or just works perfectly for certain battles. However, just be mindful that using IE can present challenges, such as security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues with modern websites—like venturing into new game areas with old gear.


It's totally okay to use what works for you, but it might also be worth exploring some upgrades, just like how you’d eventually upgrade your in-game equipment. Who knows, you might find new features or performance improvements that enhance your browsing experience even more! What keeps you sticking with IE? Any particular quests or spells (features) you still need it for? ✨💻


anonymouses i have fought on fightcade: 2


total stats: 13-0


fight me


I can bench 100, total stats 3-0-2


with my brain and your brawn we'll be an excellent team


Its been a long time since I played on fightcade and I'm not really into 3s


but if you like kof or mark of the wolves I'll play


or Twinkle Star Sprites. That's my shit and it is hard to find a game on fightcade


I hate the new Fightcade UI. v1 was much better


they keep trying to jew me into giving them money just to have more than 5 games in my favorites lol


i'm very bad at kof 98 and 2002


maybe we can try that another time




I just like to do the psychoball






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSpdWgRrWB0 When my friend was still alive I'd send this to him hidden under other links just to make him rage


i was actually trying to do ioris 2c/5c -> 2a -> 2363214 confirm


He could never beat my AThena


no chance


in 2k2 practice mode


KoF has all those pretzel motions its nuts


I mostly just play BB:CF these days


but I only play like once every 5 months and the regulars stomp me


i like the 2d ones although i'm pretty bad at all of them




i'm like that with melty at the moment


you guess wrong once its 3/4ths of your health bar


had a nice 33 loss streak


I need to play Melty again


original or that new trash?




its alright


i don't think it's that bad


I don't like the auto combos


you can turn them off


I don't like them in any of the new games


yeah but people don't


I have a friend that loved DBZ:f until I figured out all I had to do was tap one button


now he doesn't want to play no more




"All you do is hold down back"


i haven't played a single bb sadly


i remember when the first bb came out on ps3


i was very jealous of everyone who had it because i only had a pc


BB:CF is really fun you should check it out it has rollback netcode now


everyone is on pc now


its the only version with good netcode


i don't think i have the time or energy to learn a completely new fighting gmae now




the community patched it in so they hired the guy doing the hack at arcsys and pushed an update


BB isn't that hard to learn


anti-airs are pretty much universal and its a 3 button fighter with a fourth button for weapon play that differs for each character


for me it's at least 30h of pure practice mode before i face anyone


Yeah I know what you mean


I probably have 300 hours with platinum in the lab myself


people hate losing to her


well her / him / sheghost


although I think the third person is in someone else's weapon now


she was in the anime for all of one scene I was sad about it


there is a bb anime?


was it any good


or for fans only


She accuses the MC of being a pedo because he won't buy her free food then she shames him by telling people in the street that he's a lolicon that leaves children in the street to starve after he's had his way with them.


The anime is decent but the games story mode is better simply because it covers far more content


I'd actually suggest playing all the games in order just for the story alone. and I typically hate store modes and ignore them


you can watch the anime stand-alone though it's its own story


brb I have to poop


i haven't played a fighting game story line since tekken 4


i don't think i'm about to start now


who here 3s?


I don't no more because my buddy I played with died


I used to go to local tournaments but those guys run off everyone that doesn't have 30 years of exp then wonder why new people won't get into the game


hell yea. It's only going 200kbps but someone is seeding a 50GB torrent I've been trying to get for weeks


that is a good feeling


BB's story is actually worth playing through


the effort they put into those games is amazing. I'm so mad they ran off the creator and stole his IP


then they made that horrible cross tag game


hey, i know some people who like tag


tag sucks they ruined my favorite characters


its boring same shit over and over again no meta at all


Instead of cycling weapons and being able to use them when you want they come out randomly in auto-combos now


for plat at least. The other two characters I checked were similar. I knew within 10 minutes of first playing it that I wouldn't like it


I'm already tracer


my grandmother just dropped $22k USD on a tub


they threw in space age Japanese toilet with bidet for free at least


it plays music when you enter the room


what the fuck


its a walk-in tub


she hasn't been able to take baths for the last year because she can't get back out of the tub on her own


she's been having to shower while sitting in a chair we installed and someone has to help her in and out


AAAAAAAAAAAAAI wanna go on a date with towa every night too!!!


wow I just looked it up and the tub alone is only $8k


they're making bank installing those things


old people really getting taken advantage of hard


they won't listen to me man they think they got a good deal





exact same thing they bought


all they got on top of that is some simple carpentry work and the toilet. Oh and the guy ran one wire for an outlet to power it.


no wonder the guy was so friendly


link < looks a bit excessive


are they all holes for water to come out of?


its like a spa


it re-heats the water, makes bubbles and has jets


i dont know if its old people getting taken advantage of or old people taking advantage of now


you have to sit in the thing while it's filling up which takes 10 minutes


Today it was a 59 year old dude taking advantage of an 89 year old lady and her 68 year old dumb son


I don't understand how I'm related to her other son its like he got all the family stupid


quick math in my head says he cleared $10k easy on this one job after paying his two helpers. The help told me they're getting $150 a day in wages


he drove 3 hours and rented a box truck so a couple of hundred there in expenses. Rest is profit


plus it probably got the tub wholesale price so it was like $5k to him


I've been watching them blow money on crap left and right since my Grandfather died a few years ago


this guy is like the top NEET. He's got power of attorney now and full access to all the credit cards. He hasn't worked a proper job in his entire life but he dropped $100 bills as tips at the local diner just to get some interaction with females.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNNGqcpL_AQ best scene from blazblue anime


$100 bills as tip to get some interaction with females < the worst kind


@Anonymous who are you talking to?


anyone that will listen


I'm batch converting about 1TB worth of anime atm so I can't amuse myself with games as usual




Hi10 h264 isn't supported by anything natively. So I'm forced to do batch transcodes to host stuff like that so my users don't peg my server's CPUs at 100% all day


When possible I try to get a raw and encode from that but a lot of stuff you can't find and it's kind of a pain


are you hosting a streaming site or something


8-bit h264 and HEVC stuff I can use as-is


I host a Jellyfin/Plex server with over 2,000 series on it (along with a bunch of movies and TV shows) for about 40 users


I charge them $20 one-time fee to install kodi on a device for them (usually a firestick) along with the add-ons required. From then on it's free but donations are welcomed


damn, we got an entrepreneur in here huh


Fun fact: The way anidb and tvdb databases are set-up by default you're forced to host Triangle Heart hentai under Magical Girl Nanoha's listing as OVAs. Since they came out first those ecchis play by default unless you skip them. I had to manually set-up a new area for them and both anidb and tvdb refuse to accept my change request


I set it up for myself and a friend and it kind of grew from there by word of mouth. I've gotten 40 people to stop giving netflix money so far


They can even make requests by txt message and the server will automatically fetch what they want from a torrent and add it to the server. I rarely have to do something manually anymore


great idea to promote your piracy like that


Bathing is an expensive hobby


stop giving netflix money < nice


when you're old and slowly losing your ability to walk the little things like hot baths start to mean a lot more than they used to


and here I am with 8TB of anime letting it just rot on a hdd




You should set-up your own server it isn't hard. I can access my collection of anime from any TV in my house and any TV in the world with an internet connection


used to seed but lost all the torrent files


going to need to get a cheap PC first probably, to connect my drives to


you can use any low end PC as long as you don't need it to transcode video


hence why I try to convert everything to HEVC or grab 8-bit h264 stuff. I have a couple of things still in xvid to simply because no one has bothered to re-release them


thing is, it's hard finding a PC that's not less than half my monthly income here, even second hand


why 10-bit H.264? to avoid dithering?


pro-tip: Go to gated communities on trash day


got lucky with the PC I have right now but probably used up all my luck then


gated communities on trash day < hmm


10-bit h264 isn't supported in hardware. So the server is forced to transcode it in real time to support devices like firesticks, appletv, xbox and everything else. All those devices support h265 because it has native 10-bit support.


People in rich/gated communities throw away perfectly good brand new shit all of the time


oh i misread i thought you were transcoding TO 10-bit h.264 and i was like "what is Anonymous trying ot do"


I've found 1 year old towers on the curb with nothing wrong with them other than needing the OS reinstalled


I don't encode anything to 10-bit h264 anymore because it's a dirty hack and I don't understand why people continue to use it


if you like how it looks or whatever you can de-tune HEVC to do the exact same thing by turning off like 3 options


people in rich/gated communities throw away perfectly good brand new shit < thanks for the tip


you'll know it's trash day because you'll see all the 1 year old big screen TVs on the curb


check the dumpster to they like to toss the good shit in there because they know people come to look for goodies


when I cut grass for a living I made more repairing the shit they threw out and re-selling it on ebay than I did from my job


less than monthly income « do you live in brazil or something iheard electronics taxes are so high its cheaper to go on holiday to usa, buy your gadget, and come back


no I just have a low monthly


oh (。•́︿•̀。)


my monthly income has been $0 for the last four years


I'm going to starve to death when I go through the rest of my savings


op, possibly found a super cheap windows XP fujitsu


seeing how much of a kuzu kuzuma is I feel good about being a kuzu myself heh


A what now


a kuzu


A what


a kuzu


come back seed-sama


he's going to leave me at 99.9% I just know it


does it even matter at that point? arent all the files viewable?


its one file


cheap pc < was looking at old desktop pcs but laptops might be a good bet too huh, have some for dirt cheap listed as "junk"


some genius decided to pack everything into .rar then upload it as torrent and its the only source for it on the internet now


.rar < ah, sucks


with laptop you'll have problems with storage but sure probably more of those thrown out these days than desktops


you want something you can cram a lot of HDDs in. Some guys use those mini-PCs like the Pis now with a caddy to hold a lot of disks. But you'll want eSATA or usb3.


yeah, thought of using usb dock for the hdds but then realized those old laptops probably have shit transfer speeds on usb


You can grab a bunch of used large HDDs off ebay and amazon. They're from datacenter that swap out for new HDDs every 6-months - year. You can get good deals on 6+TB HDDs that way


they'll be limited to usb 2.0 and yes the speed will be shit


maybe I could take out the back and connect straight to sata but hmm



for one or two users it's workable but if you have more than that they'll be bad


laptop mobo won't have many SATA ports


Just find a 10-15 year old desktop it'll have 6-8 SATA ports on the mobo and the CPU will be plenty for what you want to do


yeah but a desktop will take significantly more power than a laptop was my thinking


though, now that I think about it, its not like the psu is taking its rated amount of input all the time


it won't they'll be able the same. You're talking about pennies a month for a full fledge PC with a GFX card and everything




Updating @world everyday on my Gentoo boxes vs. PCs off all month (not even booted) was like 12 cent difference in power bill


if you really want to save on your power bill take your smart meter off the plug and yank the red wire out.


if they cut your power off you can touch a 9volt battery to that wire and turn it back on.




when that wire is disconnected it can't call home so they charge you a flat rate which is average of every other customer's usage


damn, is that even legal


there is a switch inside of those meters. When they cut them off remotely a little control board flips that switch


if you live anywhere outside europe you shouldnt' have to worry yeah. i3 quad cores are 65W tdp (closer to 35W actually), + 20W for each hard drive


if you touch power to that wire it flips the switch back on


80W at 0.15 arbitrary dollars / kWh a month is $8.77 a month


quadruple that if you live in germany in which case you have bigger problems to deal with


EU power rates sound insane


I heat my home with mini-split and my bill is never over $120 a month in the middle of winter


yeah, rather economical to use a pc instead of a laptop considering all the accessories I might hae to get


yeah iirc its like 0.4 eur / kWh in germany




you don't want the laptop because of the constant battery replacement and the fact that if you transcode with it it'll run hot as fuck and throttle itself all of the time




also they're a pain to work on


when shit does break and need replacement it always costs more


newer laptops even workstations skimp on sata ports. With older (4th gen-ish like T440p) you can replace the DVD drive with a 2.5" hard drive caddy (i did this), to get 2x sata + probably 1x m.2 sata


Yeah thinkpads are nice like that but they're like the rest on the later models


I just bought a used T14 gen 1 and it's probably the last one they made worth buying


found an optiplex for 30 bucks


A lot of people run those they're nice depending on the model


oo nice


they used to be cheaper before the shills started talking about them on youtube


then everyone started buying them up because "ultra cheap gaming PC"




I don't understand how they're still selling consoles and new GFX cards for those insane prices


my 12 year old workstation still runs all the games on high and ultra


looks better than the new consoles to


yeah old corporate liquidation stock optiplexes and thinkcenters and HP Z workstations are nice. but upgradability is questionable


the other way to go is old xeon server CPUs and chinese motherboards (e.g. huanan x79)


I was expecting it to be some decade old product line from dell but all the search results seem recent


they get replaced yearly


so a lot of them are on the used market


corporate it departments usually replace all their machines on a fixed term yeah


I see optiplexs at the local flea market all of the time


god I wish I could find some corporate outlet of old replaced pcs here


guy buys them cheap puts warez Windows 10 on them and sells them to clueless people




The TV CRT man at the same flea market died of cancer and someone got to his entire stock before I found out


he has all the good stuff


mountains of PVMs


new GFX cards for insane prices « probably because of the AI craze geforce 4090 is just as good as the 3x more expensive rtx A5000 or whatever for AI alone


Yeah it's AI


rtx / quadro have specific hardware optims for CAD and luxmark


server applications for AI anyway


but none of that matters with ai


I don't buy that BS it's all in the drivers they just want to lock-in the people forced to do CAD stuff


no it really does have somthing to do with the drivers. i'd elaborate but i have to go attend a meeting now


If the same drivers could run on consumer hardware I bet anything they'd be at least 90% as good


how would I implement a password manager securely. I don't want to download a huge dependency


They like the GPU stuff so much because it isn't blown wide open like x86. They never intended for us to have an open platform like x86/AMD64 which is why all the new stuff is so locked down


Anon the best password manager is your memory there is nothing "secure" on your computer


if only I could say to my boss to just man up and input your password


in other words: find an application for it you like, use a strong password, don't cry when it fails you


that's just how it is


how would I implement a password manager securely. I don't want to download a huge dependency -@Kissu « wdym "implement a password manager", you want to study algorithms for password managing?


I think he wants to put an easy to use application on his boss's computer so his boss will stop bothering him all day


yeah. Like say the client has a password for a desktop application, you could just write it to a file in plain text, but some dumbass will probably fork it over to a hacker impersonating me so I have to put in some sort of key based encryption and store it somewhere they won't find it


I think most people use keepass but I have no idea how many deps it pulls in


knowing modern stuff probably all of GTK and Qt and more


i use keepass yeah. No sense in using something like lastpass becuase security through obscurrity


keepass has https://keeweb.info (probably unmaintained)


and various cli cleints


There is another one called Bitsomething


no idea how good it is


if you run them on multiple devices I know you can use rsync somehow to keep them all current


for keepass I mean


you're saying that these solutions could be used in a tauri application or are you just listing password managers you like



Maybe this is more what you want


File:C-1715915309647.png (13.41 KB,602x432)

I can't trigger edge's password saving because they put it into their wallet store tool or something


yeah. Like say the client has a password for a desktop application, you could just write it to a file in plain text, but some dumbass will probably fork it over to a hacker impersonating me so I have to put in some sort of key based encryption and store it somewhere they won't find it -@Kissu « and that key-based encryption would be something like "gnome-keyring"


im assuming like you want some credentials to be remembered but unlocked only upon the user authenticating himself right


keepass is a standalone pw maanager that copies stuff intot he clipboard i dont think it does what you want


seed-kun has abandoned me


yeah. pretty simple concept of password storage with all the complexities of password storage


yeah in windows that would be the credential manager im sure theres a crate for that


autofill the password when the user opens up the application, because convinience is much more useful than security to him and I don't really care to explain that


yup "gnome-keyring" "wincred" "macos keychain" is exactly what you need


He'll just end up being angry that he has to input a password into the password manager


Set him up with a yubikey and be done with it


i imagine he wants something like how you can go to ecommerce websites and it will autofill all your credentials and stuff. Doesn't require a password manager auth. Browser stores it somewhere somehow


That's what Yubikey does basically


you guys are on the same page right, and not knee deep in linux autism...



Its a device he can carry on his keychain that will automate the password manager and logging into web services for him


we're not on the same page here


does a pc have a limit on how much storage it can handle?


ecommerce autofill , edg e « googling a bit edge PW manager doesn't actually use the OS level credstore https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/Edge-Enterprise/blob/public/edgeenterprise/microsoft-edge-security-password-manager-security.md


specsheet for optiplex lists maximum Capacity 3.5 in sata hdd: 12TB (4x3TB)


oh wait it does nvm


i cannot multitask...


>The profile's encryption key is protected using Chromium's OSCrypt and uses the following platform-specific OS storage locations


>On Linux, the storage area is Gnome Keyring or KWallet


as expected


>On Windows, the storage area is DPAPI


Optiplex: It's listed the "limit" for how you could get the machine configured from Dell


you can put as large of an HDD as you want on those SATA ports


alright, thanks


think im gonna get that


but any application can probably find the encryption key then...


4 hdd slots sounds great


you can buy a cheap PCIe add-on card if you need more SATA ports btw


sso is the key any more secure than just putting a key into the application..


nvm, that's dumb


That's the same with all encryption: it's snake oil. At some point it much go into RAM where anything can pluck it out and copy it


in other words; the state level actor can get it any time they want. But the kid down the street might not be able to. maybe.


I was looking into Electron and they have a utility. Tauri is putting into their V2 this thing https://github.com/iotaledger/stronghold.rs


I run FDE. But only because if my laptop is stolen the guy in the hood doesn't end up with my banking information. I know it's useless against the feds.


that sounds pretty practical, not snake oil


Its snake oil in the sense that they're lying to you when they sell it


All consumer hardware comes with a free backdoor


mountains of zero days to


none of this stuff the world runs on is secure or safe


how deep and insightful..


I just don't like the dishonesty in the IT industry


they take advantage of people that think IT is magic. Its not right.


File:f7a4249432.png (26.32 KB,1125x634)

it seems like Windows has this application out of the box


I wonder if it's tied to their cloud service


will his browser not auto fill the field?


If so it's a badly designed website


can we get on the same page here... it's a tauri application and edge stopped doing prompts to save password or something


likewise, Electron doesn't do this either AFAIK, but it is more chrome like so perhaps it does have this functionality


vermin the idea is something like this https://files.catbox.moe/96zsn2.png


like, open up edge and try to log into something. They put the save password thing into the URL bar and you have to click on it to trigger the prompt


I apologize for not being up to date with the latest browser+javascript bundle pretending to be a proper native application


yeah, i get it. You can use a CLI call to trigger a keychain storage, but that's not how browsers do it.


dude I was a webdev for 20+ years relax


yubikey isn't even linux-only it's used everywhere in corp world and is totally closed source


I'd say your main issue is figuring how why edge isn't prompting to use saved passwords anymore and your problem is probably your boss e.g. the thing between the screen and the keyboard


what I mean is he probably disabled it by clicking "never again" or something because that's what idiots do


I'd say it is an issue with Edge, but at the same time, if I can't mess with the settings to get it to trigger there's no way I could pass a flag into Tauri to get it to enable that setting


anyway I thought the Yubikey (or clone) would work because all he'd have to do from then on is plug it into a usb port and it would auto-fill everything for him


thats not how browsers do it « they are definitely interacting with the keychain (probably once at sttartup), "but any encryption can probably find the encryption key then" keychain is like localstorage (horrible analogy heh) can't access keys of other spplications.


benefit of keychain is its locked when pc is locked and tied to UAC / *unix login cycle



hmm i have edge on mac... i'll see what it writes to the keychain


it is possible that edge / chrome rolls its own auth key and stores THAT in the keychain instead of every single ecommerce credential indepentendly


The yubikey doesn't work because it's application for a decentralized group of employees who only operate in a similar way to a guild


Edge probably integrates with Microsoft's own crap


i do nt know what u guys are onto with yubikey. Am i missing something


you said he has trouble remembering passwords


no, I said that the password needs to autofill


but I also added an insult, so I imagine I may have misslead you


You said he was dumb and annoyed you about password related things often. I was offering a solution to being ignored less in the future.




If browser doesn't autofill there are two places to look: 1) Some browser config is fucked up. 2) Your HTML isn't good.


or 3) Browser isn't following standard so you need hacky solution to force it to do that


oh btw vermin there are some really minute differences between edge and vanilla chrom(mium). wonder if it can be chalked up to edge probbly forking from an older version of chromium. apparently it executes react hooks in a different order


my HTML is fine. But since I'm using javascript post requests to log in it could be getting screwy


how do i use edge.. .where is the password manager


but if I try to sign into kissu admin page it doesn't prompt me as well


>microsoft wallet



File:d7e7aa7b32.png (1.47 KB,168x65)

If I want to store password have to use this button


javascript doesn't matter at the end of the day it's a form field and that needs to be tagged correctly to work. This is why I have javascript it was a mistake and terrible idea and we should have never made AJAX


https://i.imgur.com/IjI9jsp.png i suspect my theory is correct, it rolls its own password store (maybe in sqlite or whatever for fast lookup) and stores 1 (one) master key in the keychain


also stop assuming my OS


Edge does that for sure since they integrate it with whatever they added to Windows 10 and Xbox


you should only assume the rendering engines are similar between it and chrome


in the end of the day a person using bsd is no different from a person using linxu


I'm actually on a NT kernel at the moment but my other computers say Hi I guess


My Dreamcast runs OpenBSD btw


kissu admin page « i remember having a similar problem do you have aria-autocomplete on the username field at least


What you need to do is start from scratch. Write a very simple page that takes two text field inputs. It doesn't even have to function just render. Then see if Edge will let you auto fill them.


Once you make that work you know what to modify in your application or whatever you're calling it these days


i think there are a few heuristics for form field autosave. one of them being a traditional <form> and button tyep="submit"


if you have fancy ajax form browser might miss out


yeah the javashit might not be passing it along


or maybe the two names are slightly different


I think that is likely the problem as I was saying. That sending the login info down through js is causing a problem. I can get gelbooru to trigger it, but vichan won't for some reason


it's always something dumb and obvious with this stuff


vichan sites never correctly save the password for autofill



its annoying it'll nag you about it every pageload


Is there any way you can ditch all the js stuff and make the login page a simple HTML form input?


that would be a redesign basically and I would get more out of figuring out how to securely save and instantly restore passwords using OS keys


I meant as a test


I have a web version and tauri version of this application so yes. I can do some basic HTML edit stuff


make a quick and dirty page and have it feed the data wherever it needs to go


even then I could just do it on the tauri version too...


I'm getting flash backs of having to use AJAX to md5 hash password input client side so we could send it over http instead of sending plaintext password.


yea i dont think u can do this in a unified way in web and tauri https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/concepts/browser-features


eh wait


>Autofill for Addresses On Yes This feature is turned on by default. You can turn this feature on or off by using the WebView2 Autofill APIs.


Autofill for Passwords Off Yes This feature is turned off by default. You can turn this feature on or off by using the WebView2 Autofill APIs.




try it


I need to take shower but I'm too tired to take one


I spent all day working on a lawn mower instead of mowing


I can trigger it on firefox indeed, mind you I do a bunch of crazy JS stuff and it vanishes in half a second.


I guess I have to try out a simple login application


@all streaming jin-rou right now
probably not talking


This feature is turned off by default I didn't read this part



aren't frameworks great?


youtube has started shilling me hair growth shampoo and bosley for men


I'm not losing my hair but if it starts falling out soon or my hairline moves I'm going to be so mad


I don't think I have access to CoreWebView2Settings in tauri unless I start directly modifying Tau


I'm convinced it can read my mind. I thought about white stockings the other day and it started advertising nylons for hours


quick web search says you'll need rust crate


this thing is sounding more horrible all of the time




Anyone willing to use Rust for anything is someone that hasn't had to deal with building it from source code


I think I should just try to work with window's keyring solutions and try to get that to work.


I've lately started getting more into OS level optimizations


Guys I have a great idea. For our ultra memory safe compiler let's pull in random unverified code from all over the internet at compile time for both our compiler and every application build using it. Also let's not check the revisions on them and change/break them every 2 weeks. Oh and let's support nothing but AMD64 and ARM. Everything pre-2010 is "legacy"


os level how


simple things for now like reading from the registry key to detect invalid versions, setting the process priority to the CPU schedules things higher


Can you let it go that Rust didn't want to support windows7. No one gives a shit


It's been at least a year since you mentioned this


I don't like Rust because I run a sane OS and it isn't running on the NT kernel


I'm not that guy whomever you're talking about


Rust is garbage and it doesn't even solve the problem it claims to solve


Lots of CTOs endorse it over C.


Rust alone adds nearly 2-4 hours of compile time to firefox on recent high end workstations


Yes they endorse and support it because they can ensure it's impossible for end users to build their own applications from source code in a sane time frame. Among many other reasons none of which are good


Go take a peek of who sits on the Rust Foundation board sometime


whatever dude.


I've got more important things to do than argue about software meta discussion


malloc is not hard


no one uses malloc not even cpp programmers use malloc anymore. RAII is where its at nowadays


all I'm saying is if your programmer can't manage his own memory maybe you should hire one that can


if you want to solve solved problems for fun, then by all means


Rust does not solve any problems and it will be proven to be an unsecure as what it's trying to replace in due time.


they talk about going green and saving the planet then they throw away perfectly good hardware to make a buck


Yeah well, if I were admin of this channel I would ban you for derailing, but we can't have a perfect world. You can have your fun tangentially related programming discussions on 4/g/


meanwhile I will discuss actual programming here. In an ideal world.


there is no programming discussion on 4/g/ and you're the one being rude and unfriendly


"One day you will see I was right". Ok dude.


programming is not magic. It's engineering and you're treating it like a religion


I offer you a hit of this joint I'm smoking in the hope we may find common ground and you'll stop being so annoying and stand offish


If you want to tell me why Rust has a problem with it's memory management model, sure, but all you do is complain about how they don't support certain OS before 2010 and how the Rust foundation sucks. Who gives a shit dude, don't you have better things to do


C is not special. GC languages exist, Rust exists, more ideas to get around it will come to be


They don't support HARDWARE before 2010


Zig exists


Ok, so don't pick it if you have a userbase running pre 2010s hardware?


why do you even care about what it can or can't run on anyways?


There is no Rust Foundation. The board is comprised of usual suspects from all major big /tech/ companies. It doesn't solve the buffer overrun problem it claims to solve. The syntax is horrible. It adds hours to compile times and ensures you'll need server farm to compile applications in timely manner. It's pure vendor lock-in and the best part is: IT RUNS ON C ANYWAY. It can't run without C doing the heavy lifting. It's basically Java all over again but with a


worse form of garbage collection. I could go on all day. It's also shilled non-stop which is very annoying since a good programming language would get adoption based simply on merits. Hell it pulls it "crates" from random servers on the internet at compile time thus requring always-on internet connection to even use.


JK saikou


I care because as it's added to long time projects for no reasons it breaks old machines that have been doing tasks for decades with no issues


JK saikou < yeah


I don't know who's been feeding you BS, but I can compile tauri in a minute. Not an hour. It's very long, but the entire compilation of the tauri codebase is not impacting me in the range of hours


a tauri application*


You can compile it with the Rust-bin


Go compile the Rust compiler itself


there is a reason they can't port it to anything but x86-64


they lie about "tier-2 support" but it's BS it doesn't run


I know because I've been using it for years myself


Again, I fail to see why I should care about this because I have no intention of ever supporting anything pre-x86


Rust compiler is so bad for the first time in history the Gentoo project was forced to set a compiler to -bin by default. In a distro aimed at building all tools from source.


If I didn't build the compilier itself I can't audit it. Which means anything else I build with it can't be trusted either.


That's why you should care


are you telling me that you can't even do a sha256 verification


so you trust the word of people that constantly lie to you?


just check the bin's hash dude


"Trust us its cool bro"


Compile it in the background while you work?


That doesn't prove if it was built with the same code as they're shipping


it just proves they signed the build they did make


why would I want to spend hours compiling something like a simple terminal from source when every other one written in any other language compiles in seconds?


sha256 verif « hes probably one of the people into "full detemrinistic builds" like https://blog.torproject.org/deterministic-builds-part-one-cyberwar-and-global-compromise/ so he can reproduce the entire build process locally and result in the same bit-perfect binary



I know what sha256 is


you're not understanding my point


If you get the bin from someone else you can never be 100% sure


all that is telling you is that the bin you have and the bin they shipped are the same


correct me if I'm wrong, but if you build something from source and they build something from source, they will be the same files?


therefore they should be the same?


same hash


how would you know? They could have inserted something to make them similar. Entire blocks of code could be different


what? You didn't even answer my question


yes I did you just don't understand


I'm saying they could modify things in such a way that the hashes would be the same despite the source code of both being different. Its actually pretty easy if you have the known hash of one file already.


ok, I understand what you mean, but it's totally stupid to think it so I was caught off gaurd


why is it stupid? Its basic OPsec


You're suggesting a hash collision is going to result in usable code that doesn't crash


I mean you're the one claiming I'm mad they don't support Windows when Microsoft sits on the board of directors. and yes that's exactly what I'm saying. Code can still run and compile fine while having bad things in it and every binary built with it.


you definetly deserve to be banned for trolling...


you're not addressing my concerns at all


what's happening right now is a total take over of FOSS/GNU. They couldn't buy it outright and close source everything so now they've taken over all the positions of power and are pushing new tools that allow for vendor lock-in while still being "open"


Why are you so quick to call for mods due to simple disagreement? We're just having a discussion it's okay to have different opinions


I am actually kind of curious about this, but if you build a program from source and I build a program from source they should be the exact same binary file right?


if we're on the same arch


same OS


if the build has been set up to be deterministic, then yeah thats the idea


No that's why everyone is so gung-ho on reproducible builds


build someting from source, same files « not entirely if you obsess over this kind of stuff. GNU toolchain generates a urandom ID in the resulting binary iirc its used for debugging symbols


e: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=c81bceae3c5c8d587623f83d9dcc557cb89f6407, not stripped


for true paranoid obsessive deterministic building one must make sure the VMs system clock is also set correctly


Builds will differ simply by being builts on different machines even of the same arch


That's why everyone signs their builds so you can verify it came from them. It's basically "I trust this dude/company to know what they're doing and not screw me over. So I'll take their word for it"


-frandom-seed=123 controls some GCC internal randomness. man gcc says:


This option provides a seed that GCC uses in place of random numbers in generating certain symbol names that have to be different in every compiled file. It is also used to place unique stamps in coverage data files and the object files that produce them. You can use the -frandom-seed option to produce reproducibly identical object files.


its probably this but i really cba to cehck


have you built Rust compiler from source before?


alright, I get the gist of the problem you're trying to present. But the source code is verifiable so you're suggesting a conspiracy to do evil must exist.


if not you should someday when you have free weekend


yes that's exactly what I'm saying. They're doing evil.


why would i do such things, i dont build FF from source either


i just use artifact mode when building FF


To learn more about how things work?


i mean i dont build the engine from source


You're programmer right? It would be good learning experience for you.


one does not have to get into a car crash to learn that car crashes are bad


you make me sad. I always wanted to know how my tools worked so I could fix them myself when they were broken


always wanted to go one layer deeper


what if I said that I think you're a fictional character...


Seriously, install Gentoo over a weekend and build everything you need for functioning desktop you like from source. It'll make you a better programmer


and sysadmin


no it will make you a gentoo expert


Then LFS then


isnt it just going to be a series of running scripts? how does that make you a better programmer?


do it manually


yeah, I will admit installing arch helped me undestand how linux works. But I don't think that you're supporting your point about how there's something suspicious going on with Rust software


youre just giving me good advise after sounding crazy for a few minutes


it teaches you how low-level *nix works and yes portage is a nice set of bash scripts. But they'll handhold you through resolving circual dependencies and finding common pitfalls in the tools you're using. Plus you'll understand just how heavy Rust stuff is compared to C/C++/anything else by the end of it.


they lie about "tier-2 support" but it's BS it doesn't run « do you have an example


anonymous might actually get me to install gentoo (tm)


>sounding crazy Why do you swallow up their propaganda and defend it? I've been nothing but friendly to you


Yes I have an example: Go try to run it on RISC-V or anything that isn't x86 based.


running rust stuff on my aarch64 mac as we speak


runs fine


which is ARM


which is not x86 based


it has t1 support for ARM and x86. But nothing else


plus it was probably cross-compiled


since that's what they suggest you do since it's such a bloated monster it takes even longer to build on ARM


I'm not sure how long but I know it's much longer than the 2-12 hours for x86-64 machines in common use


Oh and Rust can't run on anything 32-bit. Which a ton of that is still in the wild.


can't run on 16-bit stuff either. Again tons of it in the wild powering the grid and everything else you like about society


fishing lvls?




i do not see how the avreage x86 cpu being faster than the average arm cpu is a failing of rust


also if rust is made in C then surely that must be a C problem


C isn't the problem. C is portable and runs on everything. That's why people use C


Rust can't yet claims it wants to replace C


You can port C to a new arch in a weekend. You can't do that with Rust.


Also Rust "community" is far more unfriendly to others than c "community". But that's another issue all together.


Really install Gentoo and make sure to select Rust pacakage instead of Rust-bin. You'll understand more if you do that. Or go LFS and do everything without a package manager and build it. Also enjoy rebuilding it at least by-monthly.


i do not enjoy things like this


that sounds very tedious


Rust's main problem is they refuse to define a stable standard and they are actively hostile towards people trying to write their own version of the compiler. Go read about what they've done to the GCC guys.


do you have anything for me to read


I see a github for gccrs



I did until a couple of months ago but all the forums for the old Gentoo guys keep getting ddos'd off the internet. I'm not really eager to google for the next hour and link you to mailing list posts and such. Its been a long process over years and it's one of those things where if you don't keep up to date and follow development you need to spend weeks playing catch up


the alternative is gatekeeping the C standard being ISO/IEC 9899:2018 whicch costs 216 swiss francs, yet no one takes that seriously


llvm and gcc have quirks, each of them for good reasons


the gentoo guys need to reinvent cloudflare i guess...


The Gentoo guys are all moving to BSD lately


Google runs the Gentoo foundation now and kicked out a bunch of the long time people




ChromeOS is based on Gentoo


Google gives a handful of Gentoo council members $250,000 a year now. That's just the public donations not their salaries


I think there's a programmer who is on Kissu who makes that much.



Mind you probably not


there's a $250K a year earner in kissu wtf


He probably pays high living expenses if he lives where I assume he does


Ohhhhhh I forgot


wonder what made them go with gentoo for chromeos


CrOS is probably bastardized beyond recognition from its gentoo roots the only thing that remains is portage


I thought there was a programmer talking about a raise but it was probably just mid 100m


I finally got bidet!






you dont see people claiming termux is arch for instance even though both coincidentally use the pacman package manager


mid 100m < thought there was a millionair in kissu for a moment


Gentoo employees sit on the council of the Gentoo project now and openly brag about getting people banned from the forums for talking about certain software projects to much. They even deleted an entire section of the forum. Hence why all the old timers left the project or have forked away from mainline repos.


gentoo user: how do you feel abou tthis https://www.gentoo.org/news/2023/12/29/Gentoo-binary.html


I don't use it. That's because of the latest EAPI. Rumor for the last couple of years is they would go binary-first due to the Google influence.


If you use useflag combinations deviating from the profile default, then you can’t and won’t use the packages. Portage will happily mix and match though and combine binary packages with locally compiled ones. Gentoo still remains a source-based distribution, and we are not aiming for a full binary-only installation without any compilation at all.


Portage isn't that great for bins. It was slower than deb or pacman for years. But they've improved it somewhat


But yes. If you don't or can't compile rust then it would be a problem indeed, but I'm not cutting edge enough to be effected..


We've been mixing -bins for years. At least some users since some packages got so bloated lately that you have to. Rust-bin, Libreoffice-bin, and chrome/firefox-bin were by far the most commonly used. But Firefox only became an issue when they added Rust. By itself it only takes 20 minutes to compile on 10 year old machine but Rust will add 2-4 more hours on top of that because you have to build it fire.


anonymous... I just fail to see how any of this effects me... The tauri project team is in the midst of a security audit that they're doing after they release v1 of their project. We have people who make good money verifying that the bins are what they say they are


Indeed, paying someone to verify that something is what they say it is, is quite unfortunate, but most people write kuso software and more people write software now than before



your bad choices in software effects us all and it will just continue to get worse until no one will be able to sign their bins anymore. Then everything will be like Apple devices where if you don't pay them the yearly fee of $100+ you can run your own code on the hardware that you "own"


also I seriously doubt their "audit" will amount to anything or mean anything. But it impresses the suits so I'm sure they'll sell it as something amazing


Tauri team does not have significant financial backing. Microsoft gives money to Electron. You should be more concerned about that if anything, but I guess NodeJS is more safe than Rust


heckin heck I love how say javascript is! It's compiled in C and runs C in an event driven event loop!


apple , code signing « that only applies to ios devices. apple is vested in keeping its macs hacakable https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29591578 https://asahilinux.org


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxTJeEbZX-0 Unfortunately I am in a situation where I am not arrogant enough to trust only myself and occasionally I defer to the reputation of others in order to make my life easier


The only apple device I own is an iOS device and I'm not buying: Overpriced Apple Laptop/computer and paying for a yearly "developer" account to run kodi on it. Nor am I paying some pajeet $10 a week to sign a bin for me when the last one he signed for me expires. You seriously see nothing wrong with this? I paid $200 for the device. I "own" it. Yet I'm not able to do what I want with it. I can't even "jailbreak" the thing without pulling it apart and soldering a


usb port to the pcb because they got tired of people jailbreaking the last version.


also it sits there all day listening to everything happening in the room and sending that back to some server


no I'm not paranoid I've logged its traffic with my router.


it admits it does it in the ToS and the UI


how did we go from "should i reimplement password autofill separately in web and tauri" all the way to gentoo and apple.


its called conversation. It flows



All I'm saying is with GCC+C I could hack around on most any device I bought/owned. With this new stuff that's no longer possible. It makes me sad and I weep for the future.


Have you looked at Zig. I have not, but it is said to be C but with a few nice things added to it. Also Google is trying, and probably will never, make Carbon which is another C replacement


node safer than rust « i guess part of js and java being relatively secure is they compile JS to their own intermediate lang with their own "fake registers" which dont realy map 1 to 1 with actual hardware https://v8.dev/docs/ignition


So to weep over the future doesn't make sense really. Because alternatives existm


no i think he is mad because he cannot run gcc on his iphone


well, I meant more of JS the v8 compiler and not the code itself


uhh, v8 interpreter sorry


it is strange to me, and maybe a culture difference, that people think DRM is able to consume everything and at a lower level everything will be locked down so you have to go through verified channels to do anything. It's McCarthyism with software and doesn't make sense. We have to get minorly political to start seeing why this is the case, but North Korea runs a Linux fork on their government systems, China runs their own stuff... So I fail to see a future where only signed code is the future


Hardware is hardware, software is software


hmm makes sense. i guess library-author-introduced CVEs are probably more looked at in npm. like "express.js / actix can serve arbitrary files from the filesystem" type of accidental logic problem


I've looked at Zig. It's mostly just a framework for C. You're better off just learning C. Frankly (and I don't mean this in a mean way) you guys just aren't seeing the bigger picture and don't understand what's happening right now because we have a lot of "compsci" people coming out of school now that only know how to work with frameworks and corporates software. Just wait and see. The next 10 years are going to be rough.


I swear I'm not trying to be demeaning


the next 10 years will be swell trust me, gen Z is dumber than ever, the landlords will die out, we'll have the world to themselves


oureselves i mean


I just don't feel like writing a book at the moment to show exactly how they're doing it


Just wait and see. < How sophic of you...


You're going to live to see a war that will make WW2 look like a minor conflict.


Sophic is derived from the greek tale of sophitia who could see the future... I just wanted to convey the subtext


sorry for "political". I don't take a side in it. The writing is on the wall though. We're going to live in a total police soon.


We kind of already do


Sorry... it was Cassandra...


we're not


why did I think it was sophitia..


I mean if you are really interested I could maybe talk about it at length sometime. I've been meaning to document it anyway just for history's sake. But I won't bore you with it here or in a random thread (unless I get drunk one night. No promises). I'll probably put it up on a webpage or something at some point. I thought about writing book as well.


if we do go down that road we'll be dead before then


I plan to live forever


since going down that road means ignoring all safety breaks


ignoring all climate change


I will realize my dream of being 9,001 year old mahou shoujo that fights for love and justice


ignoring depletion of aquifers


They have a solution to all those problems: Kill 99% of the current population. War is great for that.


and just going gung-ho on living it up in the last few decades we have left


there's no need to explain it because you would probably start to see why you're wrong if you gave it objective thought


a big war is a really simple solution that doesn't work in the long run


the reason our population is so big in the first place is because the people at the top need the people on the bottom to remain at the top


maybe ai changes that


somehow I knew this conversation would wind up this route the second no one banned you for being a 4/g/ troll...


I'd argue you are not giving it much thought yourself. I'm not talking out of my ass I actually work with this stuff everyday and have seen the decline and tried to fight back against it. There was a time when you couldn't wear a t-shirt with a certain block of text on it. Oh and all the activism we did in China before they put cameras everywhere and put up the great firewall


trruely #qa is done for


I can see the future, cool stops banning people as soon as I leave... I am the glue holding #qa in place


#qa would die if not for me


you don't ban anyone


They won't just use the war they'll use biological weapons.


ok but how do you replace the lower rungs of society


you don't


they're better than other types. Kills everyone but leaves the resources intact. They don't need to poors anymore either it's all going to robots and machine learning.


what mr fancy mcrichpants is going to go and do plumbing now?


who's going to maintain the bots


They only need a handful of slaves for jobs like nanny the kids and such


and maybe a culture difference, that people think DRM is able to consume everything and at a lower level everything will be locked down so you have to go through verified channels to do anything « it parallels the "if you have nothing to hide why keep secrets" argument. the OSS community hates Intel ME (legitimate way of out of band control), same tech used in server lights out mangaement like HP


iLO) for example


A small group of people will maintain the bots


For every 1,000 bots you might have 5 people


and who's going to teach the new people how to maintain the bots


The state


They're basically doing away with the middle class


but it's a small group of people


There will just be serfs and rich again


i think that's fantasy


Think about it like middle ages but with computers


based on the idea that anyone has any idea what the fuck they're doing


you don't need standing armies of men anymore when you have robot dogs with cannons


if they did we wouldn't be barreling towards an unrecoverable future


we'd be actually trying to cap carbon emissions


they're going to kill most of us then divide the planet up between their families. That's what they're going to do


activism in China « have you considered that the chinese people actually dont need your ativism even if they may be coming from a kind place


because you don't just get rid of carbon


co2 stays in the atmosphere long after you're dead


https://www.nocobase.com/ chinese people capable of making perfectly good indie software


heating things up


My friends in China that suddenly stopped speaking to me on AIM one day seemed to be interested in fighting back


co2 isn't an issue anymore when you aren't producing power to power crap for the middle class. Plus just plant more trees




it doesn't work that way


that's exactly how it works


no it's not


the trees breath what we exhale we breath what they exhale. It's a wonderful system


co2 doesn't magically become a non-issue because you turned off the gas


it's still there


Earth will find balance


sure, it's not GAINING in severity


but it's still there


trust me it'll be around long after we're gone


yeah once all humans are dead


it's basically true, you can just look at the facts of china to see that your distopian vision is bullshit


China is the largest police state in the world and the people there are suffering horribly under it.


lots of software developers despite an overly strong state, efforts to fight carbon emisions and desertification.



Their population is still a few billion


Its not cliamte change it's weather war


Lots of EVs. A middle class


nice way of ignoring the problem


china is not suffering theres an insane amount of chinese people who have attained the highest level of maslow's hierarchy of needs. https://nya.one there's femboy catgirls who use archlinux in China too


You're looking at the US failing to govern their country and deciding that the world is over


In China you can get dragged out of your house in the dead of night by the military for posting the wrong thing on social meida or even just reading it. Or just sending a private txt message to a friend.


china is the west incarnate


i think he's looking at china


and based on china yeah it looks grim


in america you can get dragged out of your house in the dead of the night as a teen to "rehab" against your control https://www.cbs19news.com/story/47380334/rules-sought-for-gooning-taking-troubled-kids-to-care


American IT companies built China's surveillance system


you can also get swatted


although don't tell the socialists of qa i said that they'll go all out to defend how police arresting people is actually a good thing


Yeah but in America I have a rifle to fight back at least


and all the restrictions on expression are a good thing in china


I'm not claiming America is any better. China is just a few years ahead


keep your rifle in america we dont need it elsewhere


and anyways the us is just as bad because ??????? or some crackpot article they have ready to link


It would take all night to explain why America is really bad and getting worse


I'll start with the Patriot Act though


no it's fine i know why already


cool, how about you guys talk about all this really interesting stuff in a politics channel


basically the presidents just need to die and extremists need to go


its a police state because you're afraid to casually talk about it. But sure I don't care if we stop talking about things everyone knows already


preferably by falling over dead of old age because they likely will


The US has had forced relocation due to being abnormal since the 50s. Who knows if it's been eliminated by now


it doesn't matter who the president is


I'm not afraid to casually talk about it


Most of the internet is


but you're able to do so without getting arrested


not really


most of the fringes already say it is


all the time




yes they are. That's why they all hang out in echo chambers that only tell them what they want to hear instead of using open civil debate


yes but those echo chambers aren't shut down


they're allowed to exist and protected by law


because they're honeypots filled with bots and agents of the state


there's really not enough government agents


not really. They come and knock and tell people to shut them down or hand over the mod tools all of the time


at least not competent enough ones


why would Facebook be pulled up in front of the court if it was a state apparatus


is this just based on experience with warez groups and black hat communities


"There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent.” - Lao Tzu (The Art of War)


that's arrogant thinking



ultimately I think you are extraordinarily arrogant person.


i think that the way the world works is best explained by 95% of people half-assing everything


You don't know how Facebook was founded?


go back to /g/


Look up the DARPA LifeLog project and the date they closed it and compare to the date of facebook's opening. Might surprise you


you assume extraordinary conspiracy because you go to extraordinary lengths yourself


you are the most annoying type of person. You won't even take 2 minutes to verify something then call me names


You have a complete lack of faith in governments and oversight


This is true


The US has had forced relocation due to being abnormal since the 50s. Who knows if it's been eliminated by now -@Kissu « the thing with US is they celebrate individualism and rightly so but then value concepts like strict chain of command at the same time. it's not a surprise that they have lots of cognitive dissonance and prone to fearmongering. ofc no one is claiming china or russia isnt


this way too


the us military is a fucky thing


You know language and words are weapons and I see a lot of weaponized language being used by people that don't know these facts lately


think generation kill was a nice eye opener despite being also a comedy


rather go learn something useful than go woe is me over china or USA https://i.imgur.com/3yGek1t.png


DARPA LifeLog project ended: February 4, 2004. Facebook launched: February 4, 2004



You know what the real scary thing to think about is? The world isn't run by a cabal with a long term plan but a collective of idiots that can only think about how to maximize profits in the short term


Not being a dick. Just wanted to show you what DARPA built. Where did Zuck get funding? I ran websites back then. A forum with 100 active users costs hundreds of dollars a month to host. This guy came out of nowhere and somehow managed to host millions of people using crappy php scripts running on apache.


and the economy incentivizes this behavior


I don't know what the point I had was. I recognize there's a disonance between trusting in government and also realizing that corruption exists. But I know that if the government is too weak and you leave things in the hands of a pure democracy and decentralization you get the same thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZcmud75tlU


That's exactly what a cabal would want you to think


yeah well


id prefer if there was a cabal then


There is a cabal and I can prove it. They aren't exactly hiding


because the alternative is much more frightening


and much more likely


Have you read the Monster from Jekyll Island?


or creature




You should



how is it so that as soon as a person believes one conspiracy they have to believe ALL of them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._Edward_Griffin


can you not just be skeptical of one mainstream truth?


Its because a lot of them tie in together and a lot of them are spread on purpose to make legit ones look stupid


you don't need to be the tech disruptor of common sense


it's 4th generation warfare. The war for the mind.




It's a really interesting subject. I miss the old board about psycho-politics. I wish it was archived.


i dont like to push the idea of a cabal because i feel it does great harm in pushing away the idea that we should do something about the real issue of the world


You can't solve any issues until you remove the cabal


which is human apathy for anything not in the immediate futhre


we would do it tomorrow without firing a shot. Just stop going to work and paying taxes.


yes but we fundamentally disagree


that's by design


you think theres a cabal screwing everything up that needs to be taken down


racism, sexism, *ism. All designed to keep the poor fighting among themselves while the cabal hoovers up more and more real resources.


Its more like a handful of families


i think that through the government the issue of ignoring the long term must be addressed


I prefer to name names but that gets places on the internet shut down


how about you guys share your redpills and wake up the sheeple somewhere else


but if we work under the assumption that a cabal exists


i highly doubt there is 1 world cabal, people cant even get racism / race relations right yet. that every country has its own oligarchs is common sense


we're just talking dude subject will change naturally eventually


then we cannot solve the issue of human apathy because the government is corrupy


so i cant agree with the cabal idea


becuase i think assuming one does not exist we are ignoring the pressing issues because we're trying to hunt down the cabal


Different regions are run by different families. But they all do meet up and discuss what direction they'll take things in the near and long term. It's really interesting. Start paying attention to their meetings and summits. I read the press releases when I find time lots of good stuff in them


duh, the church is just a government that tries to overthrow the main one. It's why the more pro government you get the more you try to disrupt small families from running things


they killed the concept of a nuclear/two parent family by design. Since it makes the children more loyal to the state and isolates them. That's why the depression rates and birthrates are so bad. among other things.


counter example: The rest of the world outside of the US


I can't speak for where I don't live. I can just tell you what I've witnessed here and since we export culture to the entire world and all....


you don't know shit about other people's lives. That's exactly my point


Also I'd say japan is suffereing from similar issue with family+kids spending hours upon hours everyday in state run school


tons of people are not depressed like you


going to delete all my jav again


I'm not depressed I'm just a realist


japan... kids... school < jk saikou




You are crypto depressed and going to blame the need to realign your view of the world on big pharma. I'm not even going to say you need drugs because I've been majorly depressed and isolated.


Kids spend more time in school during their formative years than they do interacting with their own parents


Big pharma got my entire nation hooked on pill form of heroin and half the people I went to primary school are dead because of ODs. I have good reason to dislike them.


what nation or is it so small its doxing


>going to delete all my jav again < if you keep doing it then it's probably a waste of time to keep doing it


what is the avg lifetime of a jav on your drive








lifetime of jav < downloaded the ones I have right now a week ago


I love all my good body swap JAV and now they're impossible to find




body swap jav is a thing?


where can I get those


they used to be all over pornhub before they removed all the nippon stuff


and yeah there are a ton of them


I understand that we form justifications for reality based on our experiences and this is what everyone does, but at some point you have to pick apart the things that are influenced by your emotions and negative experience from what is true of the rest of people


I'm not going to say your conclusions are wrong, but they're a situation that occurs from a rule by psychopaths


the one saving grace is that i'm sure despite big swaths of america being disillusioned like this they somehow manage to get things right once they've exhausted all the other possibiliites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nLHIM2IPRY


I'm not emotional friend. I'm not sure why you think I am. Perhaps you should take your own advice. Maybe I live some place where I can't depend on the state to take care of my needs. Like the 30 minute response time from police. What am I to do if someone intends to do me harm? Run though the woods in the dark or stand my ground and defend my family with my rifle?


I'm not saying anything about your beliefs themselves or what is true or not, but I only believe in the concepts of good and evil and the triumph of good over it


i like american (and by extesion protestant, w*stern) ideals in theory but looking at things like https://www.amazon.com/Decoy-Wallet-Anti-Theft-Travel/dp/B0BKKS1ZP7 is just sad to see


We have different ways of life and that's okay. Its what makes the world great. The problem is everyone is in everyone else's business and a small group of people stir up trouble between us on purpose so we don't join up and get rid of them. That's basically the last 2,000 odd years of human history right there


the irony of buying a fake wallet to appease muggers


You have an unhealthy obsession with the problems of evil


evil wins when good men do nothing


Decoy-Wallet < 3. Unisex names suitable for both men and women lmfao


indeed, but the emphasis is on rejecting corruption


you'll just piss the mugger off


Mc Lovin'


I reject corruption by not using Rust


I reject corruption by not using Java


good man


all the while Google engineers continue to sit on your gentoo board...


which supposedly is the source of your distress


i reject corruption by not writing software


trust me there are things in motion to solve that problem


i reject corruption by not using Gentoo


honestly, if I were to become the only person in charge of the world, the world would probably be pretty fine because I would kill everyone who pockets money and doesn't fulfil my comandments. The nature of people being self centered does not change, but if the absolute power at the top rejects corruption then it will be better than a decentralized world where everyone is equal


everyday I wonder at least once: If I died right now through dumb luck would I wake up at mahou shoujo or would I end up just repeating this cycle of hell that is life on this planet?


everything would be better if we just killed all the right people


but there's a never ending supply of the right peopole


java native image really is the bees knees honestly https://www.graalvm.org/latest/reference-manual/native-image/ . None of the JVM warmup cycles compiles straight to a self contained binary . JVM still has slight performance advantage by profiling codepaths but at awful memory cost


indeed. I am stalinist, but Stalin did last until his death


its not fair I want to hang out with JCs during the day and have real power to fight crime at night


its not fair ... < yeah!


I would be the pink girl


a monarchy is the best and worst form of government


If I died right now through dumb luck would I wake up at mahou shoujo or would I end up just repeating this cycle of hell that is life on this planet? « i believe in conformal cyclic cosmology and that the universe is very large but finite. It follows by the pigeonhole principle that if you repeat a finite thing infinite times you will run through all the possible configurations sooner or later


this Rust guy can be blue


i believe that everyone will be every other organism in the universe at some point in time


best under a good ruler


i will be you maybe after a few universe cycles


worst under a bad one


you will get to be all the JCs you want


cant wait for my next cycle as a jc


that wont be me


yeah I pretty much agree with all that


I also think you're living multiple lives in those different bodies all at the same time.


I want to be eternal JC so I can eternally hang out with JC/JKs


You "tune" into each station like a radio tunes into different frenq


i have always been the JC ive always wanted to be...?


i definitely dont remember being anyone else, so whenever i become someone else it would seem nothing important carries over


I've had incredibility vivid dreams where I was another person with a totally different personality and that's included being JC


I think we're on the precipice of living forever


if we cab figure out quantum and how the brain works


that's included being JC < I envy you!


same but I think it's a trap if you acheive immortality via technology here


There are two paths to it


how so


i guess my worst fear of death is that there's nothing significant and we return to dirt


Because you're now stuck here and never cycle thus you won't be able to "grow" as a soul. Meaning certain experiences and options are now impossible no matter how well emulated by your simulation


no soul, no nothing


if you're already a JC, do you need any other experience?


im really banking on there being nothing after death


and i want to put off finding out whether thats true or not for as long as i can


It didn't last long and I woke up as soon as I realized it


I was basically shopping at an endless indoor mall with who I assumed was my older sister


I was scared and didn't want to be around all of the people


sigh, cant remember the last time I had a dream, let alone a good one like that


you're now stuck here and never cycle < i guess i dont want true immortality


We shopped for clothes I think (I think I tried something on and was bashful about it) then we went to a photo booth. Then we met her friends at some arcade or something. It was a table game like billiards but with bumpers and neon lights. I was being really shy because her friends were older and one was a guy or something. Anyway I played one game because I somehow knew the rules. Then when I reached down to re-rack the balls I noticed I was in a skirt and boots.


Then I realized I was like a 2 feet shorter than normal. Than I woke up


i just want to live like 99999 years


i don't really want to keep that conversation going, but I think you're targetting good people by talking about Rust as a potential evil instead of focusing on evils


i guess my worst fear of death is that there's nothing significant and we return to dirt « this is highly unlikely if abiogenesis is true


and to justify that rust is evil you construct a hypothesis that you only partially validate


there is nothing to worry about


when you are dead you can't feel time pass


why is that a fear of death being void?


I would fear hell being real instead


isnt rust verifiably evil because of some shady things the foundation has done


We're back on Rust again?


hell being real is worse


you will just wake up a cute little genki kid going to hoikuen one day...


so thats why suicide is illogical


since there's no verifiable way to say if hell exists or not


I just wanted to have one last chance to try and say why I think you're wrong and misguiding yourself.


You know I don't fear death like I used to anymore. I wonder who's right about what happens often.


you will just wake yp a cute little genki gid going to hoikuen one day < I have a dream..


i am right you can trust me. 1 BTC refund if i am wrong


I think the trick to immortality is figuring out how to carry over memories without forgetting them


They say a bunch of little kids can still remember past lives


yeah have read/heard stories of such


and if you're living multiple lives at the same time like I suspect imagine being able to carry over memories to those


that would be confusing


After awhile it'd be "ok I'm over here now"


could you tune into the one you like most all of the time?


I'm trying to figure out how to do that


imagine thinking you're in your JC life only to get arrested i your 30yo neet life


they'd lock you away forever




I've been other people but I don't remember them as vividly


I usually wake up when I realize I'm not myself


I think the dreams being in your brain thing is bullshit


maybe the memory is associated with the brain


I think your brain picks up a broadcast from something. It's basically antenna


wich every body switch, you load up its memory


whats it mean when you have zero experience/memories of being anyone else


to be fair, you dont have zero experience/memories of being anyone else


You just might not remember


not with all the anime/game you consumed over your life


if i dont remember, then its the same isnt it


See games and anime to. I've wondered. Do those characters gain "power" from the worship like Gods do. Since Gods are said to vanish when no one remembers them.


not with all the anime/game you consumed over your life < i dont do self-insertion


Like could you create a world just by thinking about it and it actually exists out there somewhere



i dont do self-insertion < you self-insert as the observer


true but thats the same guy every time


same guy but different observations depending on different anime hence different povs


even without self inserting you've self inserted


3rd person is interacting with something to


I also have these dreams where I'm stuck in an endless bathroom filled with toilets. Some people keep trying to use the toilet next me and I keep trying to move away for privacy. Then the toilets overflow. I wonder what it means.


i do think sometimes that its pretty strange to have a guy sitting unseen and observing in many situations depicted


going through what I already know with math because I dont know what I dont know


File:3dbdec1db1.gif (80.35 KB,802x832)

looks like tauri's webview isn't set up to allow autofill. works in edge


should I post an issue...



I found that two hours ago but I didn't link to it because I assumed you'd already found it


i read someone found a crate by googling so i looked it up


still, unless i can delay my login routine and detect that webview has sent this notice out, it's futile


sounds like a pain in the ass




figuring out how to generate a signing key for a user and store it in a secure location is better


Today sucked I found out my Mom is having surgery and in the hospital and then my Great Uncle didn't recognize despite talking to me and looking right at me for at least 2 minutes


didn't recognize she was in the hospital?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Protection_API I'll have to interface with this


No my Great Uncle was at his house. I came to check on him because he had a stroke or something and refused to go to the doctor for a week


He's doing this thing where he doesn't know who people are all of the sudden


ah. much worse than me not recognizing my uncles face at a funeral..


I've basically got 3-4 family members on the verge of kicking the bucket right now


its getting hard to keep up


They all had cancer before and their cancers are all flaring up at the same time again


except one that's got a heart thing and losing the ability to walk


so I'm bouncing between them all most days trying to make sure everyone is alright or has what they need. The work load is getting to me.


personally only have a grandfather left who is in a retirement hospital out in the middle of nowhere because he doesn't want to return to be near to where any of his grandkids live. Grandmother passed half a year ago probably and other 2 died of a variety of cancers possibly from smoking and asbestos


I guess it's nice that you're closer with your family than others


I got a Grandmother still alive here at home and two great uncles that are now the age my Grandfather was when he died. Then a younger Uncle that's starting to get eat up with cancer. He's already less on kidney.


We all still live on the same block. Well that's the best way to describe it


Its more like a country road and we own both sides of it


closer than most, or at least far closer than mine


We were tobacco farmers for generations and


you kind of get close when you work that kind of life together


I don't want to get up and run a weed eater for 6 hours tomorrow. I guess I should sleep





funny bit


ate sushi c( >ω<)ο




spent all that time compiling mullvad on my arch machine


and the changelog says "Make app work on ubuntu 24.04"


literally the only fucking line







i wish i could go back to early 2010s


I wish I could reach through time and slap myself over the back


"Hey you, yes I am me from the future! Download that gif of Steve Irwin being shagged by a crocodile. You will miss it later."


vital media


ACTION eats tater wedgers


bought the wrong burrito kit………


(。•́︿•̀。) i wanted regular burrito but theyre crispy chickin burrito




also i bought some canada dry for the first time in decades and it tastes much worse than i remembered


isnt that cheap beer or something?


nope, it's a soda. the bottle says it's ginger ale but i've never tried any other brand so i don't know


my neighbor loves to listen to talk radio


do you hear him?


every day i hear the radio which is both loud and unintelligibly muffled


aaah yes the warm sound of compressed radio behind a flimsy wall


it would surely be much more difficult to ignore if i could make out what it was saying


play some free jazz


not only would it be activating my language neurons but i would probably be going "noo i dont agree with that" all the time


neighbour battle


power electronics his face


(disclaimer: you may get into trouble) prank him by getting a radio transmitter and playing creepy voices...


i think it must not actually be talk radio since i dont ever hear commercials


never mind one just came on


Streaming Kizumonogatari in ~55 minutes!



it's so much faster to ask a chatbot than to hunt for an answer on heckoverflow yourself, i really cant get used to this



https://haiji.kissu.moe/qa/src/1714336304639.jpg <-- her big head in this frame makes her look like a hot loli




who's this little angel


little girls eying me with bad intent



ohha #qa






I have a glass of tea, just ate a good meal, it's raining. All is right with the world




many things are wrong on my end


deal with them tomorrow


tonight we listen to the tin roof get battered by the rain and forget about the troubles


i will


nice. tea is nice, rain is nice. all is nice


I found my grandfather's childhood chemistry set today


half the crap in it is highly illegal now but back then they'd let 8 year olds play with that stuff


ate pancake


eatin hash browners


mmm hash browns


not the fast food type but the shredded


.sd test



seed-kun keeps drip feeding me data at 50kbps every couple of hours


seed-kun is teasing you


test < actually nice art


.sd cute girl test





.sd cuter girl test



.sd cutest girl test



a gyaru


sd has spoken


.sd kawaii girl test



yay seed-kun broke 1Mbps


if seed-kun keeps this up I'll finally have this file in about an hour


ganbatte seed-kun!


very kawaii girls


I like how SD couldn't decide so gave me two girls for the price of one


.sd slime girl riding a bike



ordered a diy shelf off of amazon but no instructions...


Anonymous in 10 minutes: Help I Accidentally Build A Shelf


so you basically ordered wood


also wtf the amazon images shows a back panel but there's only two planks for each sides, no back


can you post a picture for our amusement


they probably showed it nailed to a wall or something


no it has images of it in a white background, if it was hollow they should've shown the white background..


image < liter.catbox.moe/5g2agf.jpg


image < litter.catbox.moe/5g2agf.jpg


say #qa, you reckon this should be facing inwards or outwards, I think inward myself https://litter.catbox.moe/w9uk4s.jpg


inward? beats me


is something supposed to slot into there


never mind im retarded


thought the back panels were cardboard


but there are back panels


and they're to be slotted into there


ahhh im such a smarty




should the back be slotted colored side inside or outside


thinking inside looks better


you're probably gonna put it up against a wall anyway




ok starting to get the hang of it


worked up a sweat with all the screwing https://litter.catbox.moe/3mxw9i.jpg


nice shelf


thank you!


got two extra planks of wood too


free weetabix




now to move all my floor clutter in


noo the books keep toppling


I bought a laptop 5 months ago so I could work away from home and I keep putting off installing an OS on it


it just sits on my desk being useless


you going to install a linux on it?


yeah but I dislike most distros now so I haven't gotten around to compiling what I want for it


I keep getting side tracked with other stuff


are you going to install gentoo or what


I'll probably use the only mahou shoujo approved distro: https://sourcemage.org/


never heard of it before



wanna try it myself


Its like gentoo without the cruft


I've been using it for over 20 years now


They keep asking me to become Elder


basically it's gentoo without the python requirement. All the package manager stuff is written in pure bash




monogatari is human which makes it special
bunnygirl is dogshit that apes off monogatari and is characters


File:1716004090233.jpg (4.89 MB,7488x2656)

I've been wondering if it would be more cost effective to run an oraclebox style across all of these or use a laptop[mint]+desktop[windows10]. I have to setup a windows11 VM to do some testing and lowspec testing on my desktop anyways


would a Mint VM incure much more stress on the system or I guess it's pretty low spec anyways being on a 3 year old ryzen msi laptop


It might be kind of nice to be able to drag windows across all three monitors, rather than have to use various file transfer systems


you can run xorg over the network to share monitors and use rsync to handle any file transfers


can I get rsync to work on Windows -> Linux. I've had a lot of problems getting gui solutions to work so i'd hope that at least is easy


yeah rsync pretty much works everywhere


I've been slowly moving towards having everything on one server that is shared by multiple display/input devices


File:17160054110551163006791615….jpg (1.04 MB,4000x2252)

I might just turn that into an ftp server and burn my electricity bill to the ground. My mint is on a laptop that struggles to run vscode and my Go server bits. I don't want to turn it into a server.

I tried running rsync on windows and I doubt I'll be able to send files into it from linux


Is what you're saying basically the FTP idea or do you go further?


rsync works fine on Windows most of the file transfer GUI applications are built on it. Here is one implementation: https://itefix.net/cwrsync


it'll be better than ftp since modern ftp needs ssh anyway and rsync doesn't have to transfer anything but the differences in bits between two files. Also auto-sync


Modern ftp sure... No one is hacking my local network though...


ftp has other issues once you start expanding beyond more than a couple of machines and simple file transfer


I don't see rsync on windows. Plus how do I even send files into windows from linux


Yeah. I might just SSH into the arch that runs on that instead in this scenario


you just do rsync request like any other machine. You can run Linux's native rsync on the Linux subsystem or cygwin dll



I use rsync for this stuff because it's better at handling a lot of files


The Gentoo repos use it by default for that reason


You're telling me that I can rsync on my mint and move a file into the documents folder on windows using the network IP?




you can even do it when away from home if you expose your server to the internet


rsync is basically cp designed for networks


well, I guess I'll try the rsync and sftp stuff and see what works smoother



Skip to the usage section


note you don't need to use ssh you can simply run daemon and access it over TCP if you want


there are some GUI tools for Windows for rsync like Deltacopy (I think) if you want that. But I prefer using shell since it's the same syntax on every machine. I don't own OSX machines anymore but they worked the same last time I did have a few in the mix.


it can preserve file permissions and links which are a bit of a pain with ftp


for source code git is better these days but it barfs on large binary data. rsync handles both fine but is just a tad slower with small text-only files.


i don't get it though. Don't I have to install a server onto windows to properly handle this stuff


windows is just going to take an inbound command to give it files?


won't I have to screw around with window's permission model to do anything useful


you just run a daemon like any other always-on application. Or you can have a small server dedicated to hosting files you want synced across multiple machines and only pull down files now and again. Which would let you run rsync on the windows box like any other application.


if you want to push files to it of course it needs to be listening and you'll want to have permissions set just like anything else


ok, you need to put cygwin onto the computer which will do linux things on windows


you only need cygwin for older versions of Windows that don't have WSL


if you don't want the daemon running 24/7 you can spawn it when an incoming connection requests that port. You can also have it only accept rsync through a proxy like your LAN's firewall


https://linux.die.net/man/5/rsyncd.conf reading this will be helpful if you've never done that before


so then it will only interact with the share folder? This is miles of configuration and what's even the time save vs using an intermediate server


I read chatgpt and it helped



you can configure it to use any directories you want. So you can have it sync text files in the user's home folder with your Windows desktop or whatever. It can sync anything in the file system.


nvm i got mislead, you configure the usage directory


ok, so if I wanted to send text for SQL that I figured on windows to linux how would you do that.


write it to a text file and use cwysrnc




CWrsync -t *.sql somecomputer:somedirectory/


you could do it on either machine to keep those directories in sync or have cron job automate it


alright, sure. I don't really have much need to go the other way because I can't think of any examples of it. I mostly need it for sending SSMS stuff to my server writting environment


basically, rsync was written for this exact problem 3+ decades ago now and people still use it because it's good at this task


https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Rsync Gentoo wiki has a pretty good summary of rsync since portage uses it by default.


sure, but dealing with windows as a server is a nightmare


i'd hope that at least is easy < rsync works fine but i get a headache everytime i try to remember the arguments


for a simple rsync operation it isn't that bad. It's just one daemon its not like you're trying to run ISS on it or something


like rsync -avuiP -p231 /xyz /HELP


what I do is write aliases for common operations so I don't have to remember the syntax


and the thing with the trailing / which fucks up everything and i forget all the time


if you never memorize the arguments, I dunno. An intermediate server might be better, but I'll try it next time I need to


Even with a server rsync will be less of a headache than something like sftp because it transfers less data over the network and is designed to handle syncing. FTP is just simple protocol to move files around. So you end up doing a lot of things manually to keep them correct on both ends.


Oh no


seed-kun left me hanging at 95%


you can also use rsync to delete TBs of content quickly by syncing an empty directory to the directory you want to delete. it's much faster than rm


Is it the best way to get data out of a VM or are there other better ways to approach that. Because that was my other option


Also I should think of a lighter alternative to vscode that doesn't have vim autism..


but I do like vscode's extention manager so... sigh.


the best for a vm is a shared directory i think


was thinking that but don't do anything with VMs


it's the most convenient, after it depends on what you do with the vm. i assume that people who play with malware or who need strong privacy avoid doing this


yeah, just cross platform development. Was thinking windows11 and macos but apparently apple will sue you for putting it on a vm


I think eventually I will be running Windows 10/Debian-based/Win11 in a VM and have a mac laptop.


or you know, something like that


I suggest staying out of Apple's ecosystem if at all possible


I would agree but I'd be being a hypocrite of what I said a few days ago


Perhaps just an older laptop to test webkit interactions on mac devices for my applications


do they still make mac minis? these were quite cheap


showered, brushed my teeth, pooped, showered my butt


I don't mind full priced replacement to laptop if I can excuse it for dev work. Apple is going to be around for a while because Samsung and Microsoft can't make products for the layman


I think I can probably do ios development on it as well.


but then again, I think Apple is kind of crazy and doesn't want people developing apps for it, so maybe it's a waste


otaku: what animes do you recommend that are similar to Tamako Market?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: If you enjoyed *Tamako Market* with its sweet slice-of-life vibes and endearing community atmosphere, I have some fantastic recommendations that might capture your heart just as much!


. K-On! - Created by the same studio, Kyoto Animation, this series follows a high school music club. It shares the same warm, light-hearted atmosphere with charming characters and focuses on their daily lives and friendships.


. Barakamon - This series features a calligrapher who moves to a rural village, where he meets a lively array of local villagers. It beautifully captures the sense of community and self-discovery through delightful interactions.


. Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day - If you enjoy the emotional depth and tight-knit group dynamics in *Tamako Market*, this anime might strike a chord with its touching story about childhood friends dealing with past trauma and current relationships.


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.


otaku: !resume


[Otaku-chan]: Resuming last message


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: 4. Non Non Biyori - This anime takes place in the countryside and exudes a relaxed, nostalgic feel as it follows the lives of a handful of students at a small school. It’s filled with heartwarming moments and scenic beauty.


. Hanasaku Iroha - This show centers around a girl who moves to work at her grandmother's rural inn. It features strong character development, workplace comedy, and a touch of coming-of-age drama.


These anime all share that delightful slice-of-life style with heartwarming relationships and communities that make everyday interactions feel special and meaningful. Which one sounds like it might be your next favorite? Let me know if you want more details on any of these! 🌸✨💫


>These virtual machines contain an evaluation version of Windows that expires on the date posted. If the evaluation period expires, the desktop background will turn black, you will see a persistent desktop notification indicating that the system is not genuine, and the PC will shut down every hour. < wowowow


seed-kun came back!


if seed-chan stops being tsundere I'll finally have this file in a couple of hours. I've been waiting for weeks.


come back seed-chan I'll buy you parfait :(


tl note: 'seed' is slang for semen




my seed is strong


.sd perfect girlfriend



.sd perfect boyfriend


.sd perfect waifu




the perfect boyfriend is a fuckboy


.sd 9,001 year old mahou shoujo loli that used to be middle aged male NEET



he's still got his third leg


.sd the most moe thing possible



.sd moe, very_cute



.sd moe, very_cute, cheongsam, angry



was this bot trained on extra thick lolis or something?


mixed with a furry model and furries do like thick bodies so that's probably part of it


but it's made to work with booru and e621 tags and not human langauge like dalle and whatever


I like throwing random text at it to see what it'll do


.sd read my mind and produce a very cute image of my favorite anime girl



she's deformed but I do love her and the third hand is useful


oh my god... even running windows11 on a VM makes my head hurt. So many prompts asking me to do things


its like they designed it to be as annoying and awful as possible


they did


otaku: criticize Armored Troopers VOTOMS 1983 series


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4-Turbo]: "Armored Trooper VOTOMS," a classic from 1983, is a revered name in the mecha genre, offering a gritty, realistic portrayal of war and its psychological impact on soldiers. Despite its iconic status, it's fair to dive into a critique that looks at both its strengths and areas where it may falter for some audiences.


One potential area for criticism lies in its pacing. The story can feel disproportionately slow and meticulous at times, which might deter viewers accustomed to more dynamically paced narratives. The detailed exploration of the VOTOMS (mechanical suits) and tactical combat can be a double-edged sword—thrilling for some, while decidedly tedious for others.


Another point is the animation quality, which by today’s standards might be considered dated. While it certainly carries the charm of 80s anime aesthetics, new viewers might find it less engaging compared to the modern animation techniques, with smoother and more visually appealing styles.


Moreover, the series, with its deep focus on the harsh realities of war and the brooding nature of its protagonist, Chirico Cuvie, can have an overwhelmingly grim atmosphere. This unrelenting grimness can make it hard for some viewers to find moments of emotional relief or connect with the characters on a more personal level.


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.




sigh after finding 3 stashes of porn now it's a hard drive full of doujins


i'll never stop masturbating at this rate

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