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New chatroom for Kissu's #qa
Connected in relay to Sageru #qa

3972 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


don't worry, even if you don't die from stress, the con flu will get you a few days later


thankfully I've taught my brain to deal with the stress by just shutting down instead of freaking out


sounds nice



i want to go to an ewaste center but i'm too anxious to call and go to one and they all seem devoted to businesses https://youtu.be/t1BHDy0aHo8


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpJN146dlrI Forgot how good this album was


i hope this guy doesn't think he's selling his game


and also i hope that nintendo doesn't take it down anyways if it's free


i mean, they take down pokemon fan games so taking down a mario game that uses the actual the actual source code is like lawyer bait


I jabroni the nintendo, I fuck the Nintendo in the ass. fuck Nintendo.


Make Nintendo humble.


that reminds me. a youtuber made a mario battle royale, nintendo DMCA'd and threatened legal action, and then the following year released a mario battle royale (mario 35) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJGcDU4esUY



safari is such a load of shit


Install Firefox or whatever derivative of firefox that isn't bogged or whatever.


thought I'd migrate to librewolf but vimiumC doesnt work as expected there....


use surf


can't, Tauri uses the OS installed browser so if I want to do any UI dev I'll have to either use Electron or


whats surf





^ abandonware


abandonware < no https://git.suckless.org/


apple pages


apple numbers


can you even do formulas on apple numbers


1 apple + 3 apples = 4 apples


File:Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 1….png (578.31 KB,2492x1572)

oh, I see.. they did away with the top bar only but kept the basic functionality





IT'S PRECURE DAY < what a weird day to choose


think he just means episode is released


had a sudden realization that laying on the bed feels strange without being under a blanket but laying on the couch without a blanket feels normal


do you sleep with a blanket in the summer too


I do


I sleep with as less cover me as possible



i use a thinner blanket in the summer


i sleep with the same blanket all year round, maybe adding a blanket in the winter if its cold


I pull the blanket on my chest and thats it




all those cars :(


rout 66





The Herse is the only one that knew people died


all those poor cars sitting in the junk yard for years thinking their owners would come back them


that damn movie is why I grew up to be a hoarder and I have so many old cars in my yard


did someone scan the picture book?

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