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File:[Cleo]Higurashi_no_Naku_Ko….png (732.53 KB,1280x720)


She was just playing by the rules.


File:[RESubs] Higurashi no Naku….jpg (254.1 KB,1920x1080)

Satoko is a good, empathetic and lovable character!


I'm sure you'd say that, Satoshi.


File:FzUOVa_aUAEP206.jpg (447.83 KB,1888x1908)

Satoko's birthday!


Should have put that effort into studying.


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Satoko-chan thread best thread.


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Satoko thread worst thread.


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Bernkastel is such a tsundere for her girlfriend.


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a love that transcends the spacetime continuum


File:[Doki]_Higurashi_no_Naku_K….jpg (174.08 KB,1920x1080)



File:1632461756783.gif (2.58 MB,540x486)

Imagine having to deal with a hundred years of the same goddamn shit trapped in a backwards village in a loop you've no clue how to escape, then manage to break free and almost end up failing again, only for your best friend to tard the fuck out when the two of you have truly gotten out because she can't keep up so she decides to kickstart yet another loop once more due to some interdimensional bitchass getting bored, gutting you like a pig until you finally beat some sense into her, but it doesn't matter since in the end the two of you transcend the universe through whatever means Gousotsu didn't show and she eternally pursues you across the void for another eternity so you can keep beating the shit out of each other, and then people on the internet make art of the two of you having sesbian lex.
Could you imagine?


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Imagine Hojo Satoko. Cute!


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File:6031782_p0.jpg (156.92 KB,500x700)

Houjou Satoko is super duper mega cute.....!!!


I agree!!


File:Satocute.jpg (485.51 KB,707x800)

Satoko, tanjoubi omedetou!

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