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 File:fc0bed5da28b955fa64a06f389….jpg (511.08 KB,2272x3288)


Is the major ecchi or cute?


It depends on how she's portrayed, really


There's only the canonical portrayal and the non-canon way. Obviously if you had to pick one or the other you should pick the canonical portrayal


Never really saw her either way. I guess ecchi if it had to be one?


what would you put her as for an alternative? Cool?


Something like that, yeah. Never thought about it before, but I don't see her sexually at all


 File:3b39a8637278c11ee325dfee38….jpg (258.27 KB,2160x2800)

I suppose so. Someone like Makoto from Idolmaster or Ryou fit into an archetype closer to admiration... or the cool


 File:4fbe20f8147ca9fc8dd253e6a8….jpg (1.73 MB,1800x2250)

perhaps the more complex an observer is, the wider range of characterizations they can use.


Ecchi, and not cute.

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