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File:Cirno_training.swf (451.79 KB)



I got to answer 4 just by guessing. This would work better if I could understand it...


File:C-1661633040400.png (1.53 KB,231x39)

You are supposed to choose the wrong answers for adding two numbers, unless when the answer is 9, then you choose 9. The score is your Cirno-ness, that is you are more like Cirno the higher the score. The time to answer gets shorter the further you get.


Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. I couldn't figure out why I was failing or succeeding


I figured it out on my third try. It might be because I am smart very smart, just like Cirno.


File:R-1661633651157.png (2.15 KB,539x48)


I wanted to get to question 99 to see if there was something hidden, but it's too hard.

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