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File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (377.41 KB,1920x1080)


Title: Quest-spawned Zakan Hoimoidragons get stuck walking into cliff face

Category: NPC-AI, Art-Terrain

Reproduction rate: 1/10

Impact: 4 - Low

Have the "Hoimoi in Luisa!" quest unlocked, token [quest:homoattack3]. (Can also apply the attached account state.)

1. Approach the cliffs south of Luisa village ([tp -31.2 80.7])
2. Wait for the dragons to spawn
3. Observe dragons chasing villagers
4. Wait for the villagers to fully retreat
5. Observe new hoimoi behavior

Dragon gets stuck against cliff face.
Dragon is able to patrol the area.

In the third part of the hoimoidragon investigation questline, the player follows an errant pack of monsters up to the outskirts of Luisa village on the western edge of the island, where they descend in a stampede against a crowd of villagers. However, after the villagers are gone and the dragons revert to their basic movement patterns, it's possible for them to try to return to their original position above the cliffs, causing them to endless walk into rocks they can't climb.

Labels: Pathfinding, Terrain, NPC-AI, HoimoiInvestigation

Attachments: CliffTard.mp4, CliffTard.log, Luisa.acc


How the flip do you account for bugs like this in a world with destructible environments. Game seems like a programmers nightmare...


It's gonna make everything exponentially more complicated, like an expansive physics system, but it's doable. You'll just have to know when to limit your scope and decide what to let in, there's a point where it's not worth fixing.


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AI will fix everything, just make sure to add some "avoid error" prompts


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You aren't just lazily running about the wall once, are you?


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So loyal to the company that trapped him inside of this game that he practically killed someone...


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Of course not. You have to use different animations, abilities, different characters with different hitboxes, preferably mixing all of them at the same time, otherwise you'll have ten thousand players falling to their deaths because they walked into the wrong rock. It's really bad for PR, too.
Reluctant self defense after repeated aggravated assault.


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Do you think they'll do an episode where someone mods it and gives her giant boobers?


EVIL modder will be purged with extreme prejudice and his sins documented to the letter


The Japanese would approve of this crushing of illegal game tinkering.


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This show has quite an interesting atmosphere. It's a VR isekai thing and yet...
This reminds me of Star Trek's teleporter malfunctions

And then there's the reveal of what is basically a third faction with the "global" AI that has its own goals? This show is pretty neat for a VR isekai thing.


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It's doing a great job at focusing on the wonkiness of videogames over bog-standard numbers and classes and the like, and with the new quest it'll keep going in that direction. It's also nice to have a protagonist who's able to get by because he knows his stuff while everyone else has their turbocharged powers.
The death loop is neat, because it in good part depends on how the cheat has been programmed: some will make it so your health can't go beneath 1, or that nothing will occur if it reaches 0, others that you won't lose HP from attacks but still be affected by statuses, it may be that hits won't have any effect at all, maybe that you simply cannot die in any way, and these will give different results when it comes to instakill attacks, animations, falling into instadeath zones and out of bounds, it really is possible to get stuck like that but sadly these guys can't alt+f4.
No matter who they are, they're gonna get posed on.


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It does a good job of making "normal" video game stuff creepy and alienating. Even the T-posing in your pic was depicted as unnerving instead of silly. It's like an attempt to show video game bugs from the perspective of an NPC that can't make sense of them, so it's kind of horrifying. I have a feeling things will only get even weirder, which sounds good to me!


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AI wants you to kill your fellow debuggers because they are slacking on work. Do you accept this request? You do, of course, you're a good employee after all, right?


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It is my duty to professionally pester those around me in a most thorough way.


Oh yeah and about this, I saw someone comparing it to a part of Dante's Inferno where sinners are doomed to stay stuck in holes head-down. It certainly has a certain amount of horror in general, it's for the most part not being depicted as fun or, in the case of the libertines, morally correct. But I wasn't expecting a bug to be actually fixed in today's episode, that changes the game.


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Urgent report: Cat is less cute than intended


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It's early, but.... this show is easily competing for show of the season for me. Many, many shows have been made centered on VR stuff and I won't even bother trying the majority of them. They're very shallow and the VR game thing is simply mild flavor for what is in actuality a simple medieval fantasy story. That's not the case for this one.
While this lacks the visual flair of some other shows this season, it almost feels like it was made for me and not just because of the /qa/ namesake. It's refreshing to see game mechanics explained and used in a way that isn't just a throwaway joke or simply a reminder that the world is VR. That's not to say that it's not also used for humor (like the cat above), but it's also treated with respect.
The bugs that crop up are a constant reminder that it's an artificial world with artificial people. But, even without the bugs people are referred to as NPCs and their backstories are simply "quests". But, the story (and the viewer) still tend to view them as real people because that's how our brains work.
As was already talked about in the thread, the show has some horror elements that turn basic game errors into horrific states of suffering so the stakes are high but still not a basic "if you die you die in real life" that's so extremely cliche. These people would wish for death!


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Episode 4 was what turned it into a 'must watch' for me since I now know the emotional parts weren't a fluke at the beginning. Amano's story is very relatable and something that hits me like a powerful gut punch every time it crops up. He just wanted to be left alone and afforded his own happiness, even if it was at its root an artificial one. He found a girl, albeit an NPC, that made him stronger. It's a very simple "please acknowledge my existence and worth" thing that is the root of male romantic happiness. The theme about finding meaning in the "artificial" is something I admit I'm a sucker for and it leads me to say I might not be unbiased with my view of the show now.
But even without that it was just a great episode about "life" in a VR world as a QA worker. However, this particular story really brought me into it. I really want to see how the various people and factions continue to confront their situation.


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...and I must see the show to completion due to my affinity for Amano.
KILL THEM! But try to find happiness again...


Cat visuals do not match standards set in the design document, please refer to its wildlife section for more details.
What I'm wondering is this: so far we've seen that people deserting their posts and abusing their given powers causes harm to themselves and those around them, and that even if you're not doing anything bad yourself it may come to roost, but is Haga's stance going to be challenged? Because they were trapped and abandoned, and his faith in the system is indeed rather odd, but I don't think the assholes he's been facing will be very persuasive in their arguments. It remains to be seen if he'll change in some way or not.


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hehehe maybe modding isn't needed
This show really does this immersion-breaking stuff so well


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/jp/ dual wielding


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My favorite part was when the framerate tanked, although the Japanese version being censored versus the uncensored English really shattered my suspension of disbelief. Anyways, chugging along, new party member soon by the looks of it.


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The part with him punching a chest against a wall so that it builds up stored momentum was really great. A debugger that's aware of glitches and uses them like a speedrunner or something is really novel in a show like this. I can't claim to have watched many of this "genre" (kinda like SA:O I guess?) but seeing glitches addressed directly in this way is very fun.
Seeing how there's a bit of a plot about treating the NPCs as living people I wonder if and how it will relate to glitching and exploits.


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Str8 outta BotW.
In general it's not too rare for errors to be mentioned like "ah lmao kusoge" and be quickly dispatched and/or brushed off, or for someone to exploit a mechanic to a broken degree so they can justify their power level, I think the real difference here is that the protagonists aren't gaining any power boosts or magical skills, and the mention of classes in the last ep was super basic, just "I picked thief for the utility." The focus is squarely on dealing with glitches and solving problems through them. They don't beat their enemies with magic, they do it with cheese. The only fight where this hasn't been true was the one with the torturer, where the fighting itself was skipped over because that's not the point of the story.


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>the Japanese version being censored versus the uncensored English
Doesn't really seem that odd. Blatantly sexual stuff in western releases when they occur are actually oftentimes censored in Japan contrary to the reverse that we think of as normal. The rating stuff they talk about I think is more like getting an A/O rating vs an M. Can really hurt the game sales and put it into a bad place if they were going for a broader audience.


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You know I feel like if you need to use some glitched method to advanced the main quest because some people commandeered the castle it takes place in and broke the bridge then that should be a pretty important bug to report in an MMO.


Saints Row, interesting. I can see the ESRB gave it an M/17+, and you're right, it has tons of sexual stuff. I suppose it's a matter of what is being sexualized and how. I've only ever worked with Chinese censorship and part of what they required was closer to this line specifically:
>NPC bodies disappear right after they die.

Emergent sandbox gameplay is intended, closing ticket as by design.


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What are we gonna do on the bed?


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Anyways, it's neat how it continues to escape the typical videogame trappings. The fuckoff laser item isn't fuckoff-tier because she's got secretly lv20 magick, it's because the value is borked in a way no requirements accounted for, and the cooking skills are literally just plain cooking, no buffs or anything. That much it's still got going for it.


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Another episode, another horrible state of quasi-death. Man, an episode where everyone suffered unduly for mistakes that got out of control. These self-contained stories really are what I expected from the beginning, they travel to a new area to see how things are going wrong. The main story hasn't really moved forward, but it's alright because the story of this debugger and the NPC he pitied was a good one.


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also this short interaction was good.
part 1


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part 2


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I mean, I'm not super thrilled about another guy getting stuck forever. It's happened to all but one of the QAs, mr. boss, and then he died like a chump after doing a single relevant thing that wasn't even important to his own character. They spent eight episodes going after the villanous gang and they all ended up being dispatched in this very way, even with the foreshadowing it just wasn't very interesting. And now with this guy, it's true, I've had to reset when accidentally using janky camera debug too, it's paste on a true story, but it's not nearly as varied as it could be.
I REALLY wish I could post the things I've saved without doxxing myself or breaking an NDA, because there's tons of stuff that can break in unexpected ways. Shoutout to Deutsche for being the bane of all text boxes ever, nothing comes close.


It's kinda weird when you think about it. All of this has been justified via "the game will never be finished if we don't sort out the bugs" and Tesla derides their technical deaths with mocking in the same way. That since they weren't good company drones and couldn't come to terms with being trapped inside of the game, that they all deserved to die for the benefit of the company.


Back in episode 4 I was hoping this idea would be challenged (>>78850), but nope, so far nothing. There's apparently three episodes left, so they may either wrap this arc up next episode and then move on to a final shortie or further expand it and then maybe have a twist. Who kn- actually lemme check the manga...
Hm. They fight a bit, then elf uses the kill command, and they leave. That's it, that's how the arc ends. The next one is considerably better, but they'll barely be able to kick it off with what they have left so I don't know if they'll adapt extras or what. It'll be a cliffhanger for sure.


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Finally catching up on this, and Haga is seriously one of the most annoying moralfags imaginable. The extremist corporate drone.

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