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File:[ASW] Hitoribocchi no Isek….png (8.85 MB,1920x1080)


Could you beat the living crap out of a goblin to kill it?


goblins are the universal sign of dropping a show (except goblin slayer I guess)


File:[ASW] Hitoribocchi no Isek….png (2.6 MB,1920x1080)

I'd say it's the status menu
Grimgar's got some good goblin interactions too


I could do anything to kill a goblin.


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>Could you beat the living crap out of a goblin to kill it?
I guess? I could also throw a rock at it and kill it just the same. Goblins are like if you took a child and gave them pitbull strength. Dangerous sure, but club-em good and he's dead. Grug throw rock always wins if you're bigger because you can throw bigger rock.


>Goblins are like if you took a child and gave them pitbull strength.
My question was more of a moral one, not strength-wise. Imagine the cry of pain they'll be screeching with their child like bodies..


File:crimson slasher.png (121.55 KB,496x430)

Well then my answer is still the same. I feel no guilt kicking the crap out of a violent goose because they're foul spawns of satan and shit everywhere. Goblins are basically the same except there might be some guilt because it's humanoid. Would I go full goblin slayer? Not unless I had a good reason or vendetta to, and picking fights for no reason is bad for your health, but if it comes to blows then I wont have any problems beating the shit out of them. Ideally I'd hit them clean enough they go down quick, it's less suffering for them and less wasted time and energy for me.

Like war is already a case of mental gymnastics where you dehumanize the enemy to make yourself feel better about killing, but in this case it's even easier because they aren't Human in the first place.


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FUCK geese and FUCK goblins
geese are NOT important


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Every hole is a goal I guess.


what's gotten into madoka today....


No, I would knock it out and then leave it alone.


File:Japanese Goblin.jpg (105.97 KB,800x800)

I found this video and remembered this thread. It's about how goblins fit into our psyche and why they stuck around in popular culture. A neat video if you have 20 minutes to burn.

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