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File:[SubsPlease] Dragon Ball D….jpg (344.77 KB,1920x1080)


It's kind of weird that Dragon Ball's big anniversary show makes extensive use of 3D and post processing filters to cheap out on things when the same studio is pure when it comes to Precure. I was kind of wondering if Precure would start to look worse if they pooled talent into the anniversery thing, but it seems like that's not the case.
Well, it's a good Precure year (twice in a row) so I guess they made the right decision.


Precure is a massive outlier when it comes to use of 3DCG stuff (and lately they've been using it more and more for stuff like cars even though I'm pretty sure it really would be less effort to draw a car and scale it vs composite a 3D model into the scene).
Precure consistently has done better than DB in terms of how well it's drawn, too.


File:[SubsPlease] Dragon Ball D….jpg (271.59 KB,1920x1080)

I've pretty much given up on cars ever being 2D again outside of rare circumstances. It sucks, but you just don't see them any more as it's become industry standard. It's probably best they just avoid showing cars at all since it no longer has any artistic value.
Yeah, Precure has looked better than DB stuff forever, but I was kind of expecting the anniversary celebration thing to have more work put into it. The 2D parts still look good, although the pure 2D is mostly reserved for exaggerated faces. I think I'm a bit more anal about the 3D stuff than most people since I've complained about it in stuff like Onimai when no one else seemed to mind it.


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File:[SubsPlease] Dragon Ball D….jpg (291.44 KB,1920x1080)



File:[SubsPlease] Dragon Ball D….jpg (543.42 KB,1920x1080)

Those 3D fighting visuals were indeed misleading, this show seems quite nice and 2Dish in the adventuring and story sections.
This is going to be a good show! (well, I loved episode 2, the first real episode at least)


File:[SubsPlease] Dragon Ball D….jpg (223.32 KB,1920x1080)

Yo, listen up here's a story
About a little girl
That lives in a blue world
And all day and all night
And everything she sees is just blue
Like her inside and outside
Blue her house
With a blue little window
And a blue spaceship
And everything is blue for her
And herself and everybody around
Cause she ain't got nobody to listen to


File:d89fb554af3a46e119337f4bf8….jpg (170.12 KB,600x800)

Still very disappointed Chichi isn't the real young Chichi


Well, they just changed there with their current clothes. It's theoretically possible, but probably not in this day and age...


Chichi the chab

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