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File:20241009_011159.jpg (270.55 KB,933x723)


Lain in the wired of Lain in the wired of Lain in the wired of Lain in the wired of Lain in the wired


File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (277.32 KB,1920x1080)

lain is LAME


hate lainposters, spit on lainposters, do not give lainposters any respect


i know this is referencing a vn but i don't know what it's about


File:iwakura lain__kakeami.jpg (106.84 KB,1170x827)

>>82079 >>82080
Pity for those who are unable to appreciate Lain.


Just don't like em, simple as; never met a good lainposter.


lain? more like get out of my lane NERD


NOT hate lainposters
love lainposters


File:SeroquelXR150.jpg (418.94 KB,1600x1200)

Girl goes to a shop.
You are an antipsychotic in her.
Try to help her.


the anime is fine, but i am so sick and tired of seeing her face all over the internet. teenagers ruined lame sorry not sorry.


File:1703436572624522.jpg (31.28 KB,291x316)

Lain is very important.

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