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File:1731020784397679.webm (959.36 KB,1920x1080)


¥ mfw he calls me mommy by accident


Wow I can't believe one of the kissu's women wants to be called a mom


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (196.22 KB,1920x1080)

Don't you hate it when someone makes a boob mod but the game engine doesn't have any breast physics


Jiggle is a symptom of sag, which is a product of human fallibility. The divine maintain their perfect shape and firmness at all times.


File:Orb.On.the.Movements.of.th….jpg (296.26 KB,1920x1080)

Divinity is contained within sag and jiggle! It's the motion of uhh.. the cosmos and God's Plan and the other stuff mentioned in that Orb show this season


but jiggle shows the physics and how squishy it could be


Wrong! Jiggle and sag are like the erratic movements of the planets under the terracentric model. The predictably full orbs of heavenly breasts are like the perfect circles of the heliocentric model, they showcase the perfect order and beauty of divine creation.


File:1675946507269714.gif (348.38 KB,320x320)

Normal posters self insert as the little girl, kissu posters self insert as the mommy.


File:hi mom.jpg (3.46 MB,1700x2400)

one preys upon the other


File:smugrinko.jpg (14.08 KB,255x255)

i miss /ara/


File:kimo2.mp4 (2.75 MB,1280x720)

please do not remove the audio channel from videos

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