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File:Tsukuyomi -Moon Phase- - C….mp4 (5.78 MB,720x480)


It's that time again. You are cordially invited to attend the usually-but-not-always annual viewing of
Tsukuyomi Moon Phase in kissu's anonymity-supporting fork of cytube: kissu theater!
Invite your friends, too!
It will be at the standard stream time of 6PM EST (11PM UTC) on Friday 29th and then following Friday (December 6th)
It's something like 13 episodes each night, so prepare yourself!

kissu (kissu (kissu))


Ohhhh, very nice dissolving background picture.


sounds like fun, I should* be available then


It's that time again


Ahh, it's been a while.. A shame I can't get drunk for this one, but I will still try to attend...


Nice! Been waiting for this!
Probably wont be there for the start but should be able to join half way through...


File:Tsukuyomi Moon Phase - 01 ….jpg (46.27 KB,720x480)


interesting, this one doesn't minimize the sidebar


File:1662492851393606.jpg (73.44 KB,331x292)

text is hard to read now ;x;


Yeah, thought it might be less shocking to people if it was still there and the source isn't widescreen anyway.

I'm not smart enough to figure out how to revert it on completion, so just reload the page...

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