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File:1858368876888895590_MB41Vg….mp4 (645.21 KB,720x720)


You got any games on your phone tablet?


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (202.09 KB,1920x1080)

nope, don't have one


File:Gb6yZPfbwAIXMzH.jpg (84.91 KB,1262x1262)

eeehhhh.... everyone should have a phone


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Mobile gaming is not real gaming, nuff said.


but you said tablet...
Not a fan of phone "games" myself, too exploitative, but I can understand people playing emulators on them or something, but I'd rather use a handheld for that


File:most normal Komachi fan.webm (2.23 MB,1280x720)

I'd rather use handheld consoles since they have actual games on it. Mobile games are too predatory and just frustrate you so you pay up money for no value. Even if there's some substance there like a gacha VN, it's still exploitative with daily usage limits and dangling better stuff behind RNG which of course you get a few hits for free to hook you.
I'll just read a book on my phone, better use of my time if I have nothing better to do.


When I need to kill time outside I read a book on my e-reader, or just browse the internet. I do have one game: a GBA emulator and a WarioWare Twisted ROM. It's a game I always wanted to play but I missed it back in the day (I wish I had gotten it instead of that kuso Yoshi game with the gyro sensor...) and not exactly the easiest thing to emulate, but modern phones can run it fine.


Does a Wii U count as a tablet?


i got morrowind and half-life 1 running on my phone


I only use mine to read


Should I get an emulator for my tablet?



Sure, why not? My preference is for playing games on a large screen with a comfortable controller, but when you don't have that choice available a tablet is pretty good. Or, do what I do with my drawing tablet and get a tablet holder and have it in bed. It's quite comfortable!


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I have been playing the new Pokemon gacha on my tablet as main and my phone as an alt reroller; been trying to get a FA Erika or a crown rare but it just is not happening.

If I reroll again on this phone then I will also just uninstall the app and then change ip before redownloading to wash the pity stink off of me.


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Also have been playing Pokemon TCG Pocket, it's enjoyable for the novelty as I can see it being the Duel Links of Pokemon, but so far it is pretty bare bones. I know they're adding new stuff around the new year, but honestly aside from that nothing really. Was really into this one game called Dragon Village Collection, but I was mainly using it as a brief escape from reality that I don't need as much anymore.


can't believe anon would post a fucking WOJAK on kissu of all places, kimo


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Here we go!

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