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File:[koakuma patchouli knowled….jpg (2.98 MB,1223x2971)


Thanks to my 'random image collage' background thing I've discovered that the famous finger trick image is Koakuma and it's actually 2 panels out of 4.


File:patche.png (2.14 MB,2000x2800)

is that so?


Wait a minute, are you already familiar with that artist??? That Patchy there is the same one, isn't it?


it's Puinyui: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/175882
Unfortunately they dropped off the face of the earth after 2010.


File:cup.png (145.31 KB,291x312)



Hmm, that's a shame. I wonder what they would think of their art becoming a bit of a long-lasting repost on English (and potentially other) imageboards. At least they didn't purge all their art from the internet.

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