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File:3624bfd2279219406cf8b2ec2….jpeg (166.4 KB,800x667)


I;m thinking about thos Beans


Natto, or alien eggs?


alien natto


File:beans.png (2.62 MB,1393x2000)

loli liek beans


Pretty happy that I'll never know what natto smells or feels like in real life. If Japanese people find it gross and I already find most of their food gross, then... blegh


yu no rike fish?


File:41377155_p0.jpg (375.21 KB,650x1000)

I think it's mainly the slimy texture that puts people off, natto with a little spicy mustard is pretty all right taste wise.


File:kasen beaned.png (705.89 KB,1024x768)

oni no liek beans


someone get those spiderwebs out of their beans!


File:remilia natto beam.jpg (279.25 KB,2836x1559)

what if I told you they were supposed to be like that?



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